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A month later.
I was standing in the bathroom and looked at the scales. Another minus two pounds.
I smiled contentedly, went with weights on the floor and pushed them aside.
For three weeks, I took off for eight pounds. Angela says that this is only the beginning, then the weight will go slower.

We chose a diet for me. Last month and a half and it is pretty brutal, but I was determined to go to the end.

And there are results. But there are unpleasant results. Steel split hair to fall out, become flaky nails, but Angela advised different vitamins.

I completed the same room. Ooh, attic altered chic! Just as I drew. The first three days I could not sleep in peace, because they are used to sniff Lisa and storage Dani. With Dani, I have not reconciled. I do not even wish her a happy birthday.

Today is August 8th, my birthday in four days. I can not wait for this day. Firstly I will be 16, and secondly, Angela hinted to me about a surprise.

"Lauren, Angela calls!" Lisa shouted from the first floor.

"I'm going to!" I shouted back, smiled at her reflection and ran downstairs.

Taking home phone, lying on the piano, I held it to my ear.

"Why not mobile phone, Angi?"

"I ran out of money on it," she laughed. "Did you ask?"

"Not yet," I looked down. "To be honest, I'm scared."

"Bring It On. Now ask, then call me."

"Well," I sighed, "So far."

"While." Angela chirped and disconnected.

Two weeks ago, Angela was moved from Sacramento and she will go to our College of Arts in Malibu. She studied at the make-up and in our college has a faculty.

I studied all my life at home and a little worried, but still want to get a new chat, and maybe find new friends. I want to go to college, where  Christina, Lisa and Katherine are studied, but not at the music department. I want to be a designer.

Still, it is a pity that Angela is older than me, she transferred immediately to the third year, and I'll be on the ground. So, Lauren, gather, not afraid to ask.

"Mom!" I cried and covered my mouth with my hand.

"What?" Came a voice from the living room.

It Is Late. I have to go.

I went into the living room. Mom sat on the couch and watched the news.

"Everywhere is cork," she said when she saw me, "Mickael will come only in the morning."

"Mom, I want to talk."

"Come on," my mother turned off the TV. "In fact, we rarely talk."

"Yes," I sheepishly removed a strand of hair behind my ear, "In general, I want to go to college," I blurted out.

Mom even opened her mouth in amazement.

"Uh... Are you sure?"

I nodded.

"In fact, of thee I least expect it," my mother smiled.

"Why?" I was surprised.

"Well, just, you're not very confident."

"But I will not alone!" I jabbered. "Angela also go up."

"Well, if you want," my mother looked at me seriously. "It is your decision and your life, I will not discourage. Just think well."

I ran to hug my mom. She laughed.

"On Monday, I need to bring documents," I announced happily. "So I'll go!"

"Well, well," my mother laughed.

I am joyful squeal ran to my room.
Happily fell on the bed, I found the phone on the bedside table and dialed Angela.

"Angi, everything turned out!"

Broken. (Lauren Cimorelli story. BOOK 1.)Where stories live. Discover now