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I woke up from a terrible headache and thirst. I looked at the unfamiliar ceiling and tried to remember last night, causing a headache with renewed vigor. I groaned, threw back the duvet and was horrified to realize that I was naked. I turned my head and saw a sleeping Max, on the second side of the huge bed.

"Shit," I whispered and began to dress hurriedly. All my clothes were on the floor.

I lifted my skirt and saw my phone. 12 pm. I hastily pulled on clothes and quietly left the room.

Caught in the same living room where I was yesterday. There was a terrible mess. On the floor lay empty bottles of wine, beer, champagne. Littered with cigarette butts from cigarettes. And slept in different poses some participants yesterday's party.

I suddenly realized with horror that I do not know where I am. Angela didnt tell me the address. I squatted beside sleeping on the floor of a beautiful girl and shook her shoulder.

"Mmmm?" She mumbled without opening his eyes.

"Sorry," I said softly, "where are we?"

"Tell me the name of the party?" She just did not open his eyes.

"Um... Lauren's birthday?"

"Ah," She winced and said address.

"Sorry,  can you give me 30 dollars for a taxi please?"

"Take In my pocket."

I carefully pulled out of her pocket shorts 50 dollars.

"I will return to you, tell me your name?"

"Mariam," She said, and fell asleep again.

"Thank you so much," I whispered.

The girl mumbled something in response.

I went out on the lawn, I saw even more sleeping teenagers. Angela was not in the home and here.

I called a taxi and sat on the porch. Whole body ached terribly. Especially the head and abdomen. And I do not even know why. And why am I woke up in the same bed with Max? And after that kiss, we meet? Or not? But he's a Angela's boyfriend. Nothing is clear.

Finally hitting home in the hall, I met my father.

"Hi," He smiled.  "well, how to walk?"

"Good," I said, throwing off the shoes. "and Alex at home?"


I nodded and went into the kitchen, where I took a glass, poured cold water and drank greedily. It became a bit easier, but the head is still ill. How I managed to get drunk? I think I will hurt from Alex.

"Are you here?"

I screamed, dropped the glass and grimaced from terrible pain in my temples.

Alex stood in the doorway.

"Well, and what it was yesterday?"

"What are you talking about?" I said, rummaging in the cupboard to find something on the head.

"Oh kiss with that guy. And where did you go then?" Alex came up to me, but to my surprise, did not look me in the eye.

"I do not remember," I confessed, drinking water pill.

"What? "I do not remember"," Alex snorted. "should drink less."

"Who said that?" I snapped and walked out of the kitchen.

I dont remember Alex drank or not. I urgently need the bathroom.

Christina met along the way and told about the rehearsal two hours later, I finally got to the bathroom.

I turned off the water and looked in the mirror. Oh my God.

Hair wisps fall off my shoulders. The face is pale, bags under the eyes, all the clothes wrinkled.

With a sigh, I undressed and was horrified to find dried blood on the inside of the thighs. Shiiiit...

Everything was. My first sex there was, and I do not remember what it was... I sat on the edge of the tub and bit my lip. I wanted my first time was on their wedding day, on their wedding night.

My eyes filled with tears. Dumn birthday, damn champagne, dumb Max, damn Angela.

I lay in a hot bath and abdomen all burned. I gasped convulsively, and plunged into the water.

I wrapped myself in a towel and took the phone from the shell. Four missing from Angela.

I called a friend.

"Where are you?!" instead of greeting she yelled.

"At Home," I said anxiously.

"Why you didn't  take the phone?!"

"I was in the shower."

"God, " breathed relief girlfriend, "I lost you. Well, how are you?"

"Head hurts and Angi," I hesitated, but still decided to say. "Well, I'm not a virgin anymore."


"I'm sorry, it was Max, I dont remember anything."

-"You're sorry?" Genuinely surprised Angela.

"Well, as it is..."

Angela laughed.

"Oh my God, he's not my boyfriend! I just flirted with him."

"Well thank goodness," I actually felt great relief and heard a knock at the door.

"Harry up!" Dani yelled.

"Okay, then we'll talk, I was kicked out of the bath."


I put dirty things in the washing machine, stronger consolidated towel around himself and walked out of the bathroom.

Dani rounded looked at me. Suddenly she turned pale.

"I... think... There's... Christina..."

I looked at her, puzzled, and went to my room.

I dressed and decided to go to Twitter. Retweeted some congratulations, said one girl and decided to write to Kate.

@pizza_cim: Happy Birthday, Lauren :) Experience the best day in your life!

@laurencimorelli: Thank you so much :))) and when is your birthday?

Then I remembered that in Russia is night right now and pulled out from under the bed diary.

I finished writing when they heard a shout Christina calling all the rehearsal.

We sat on the couch in the living room, Christina went before us.

"We'll be In Los Angeles, there will be a charity concert. Will sing Made in America, million bucks, boom, renegade, the way we live, I'm a mees, you're Worth It, that Girl should be me and Come over. "

"All Songs with dancing," explained Dani. She was still pale. Strange.

"Not All," Kath smiled, "More..."

"Ok, that's enough," Christina grimaced, "the show in two days, we must prepare. Today rehearse all the songs without dancing. Tomorrow rise in eight, going to the gym."

All groaned.


We moved to the music room, and the room I got only about four. Christina constantly corrected me, but I could not focus properly because of the fact that Dani is very strange looking at me.

I went to Twitter.

@laurencimorelli: She is weird.

And put the phone on charge.

I growled stomach, I looked up your table. Today hunger. And hungry all week.

It will be difficult.

Broken. (Lauren Cimorelli story. BOOK 1.)Where stories live. Discover now