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Finally, the bus pulled up to a great hotel. I got off the bus with their belongings and breathed in the cool air. Nausea gradually receded, and I am very happy.

We stood around Miss Flex, Mr. Cole, Dean artists.

"So So. Will be for two. The girl with the girl, the boy with the boy, Shale," Miss Flex frowned as he watched Paul Shale, very concerned about the guy with our flow, lustful gaze looks at Messi, his girlfriend from the artists. After hearing the last words of a teacher, he offended pursed his lips, then he smiled and walked over to his friend Leo.

"So can I live with Leo, yeah dude?"
He grinned.

Mr. Cole shook his head.

"Ok, lets start." he got a list of some of his jacket pocket, "August Emma and Astrid Haley."

"By Alphabet?" Groaned Paul. "Leo's last name on K!"

"Well the two of you can not settle precisely together," smiled Miss Flex. "You blow up the hotel."

Everyone laughed.

The list goes on, I did not care as long as I have not heard a familiar name.

"Gardiner Lindsay with Godnes Pandora."

Lindsay?  She is hete! She, too, with her sisters doing covers, but it is from the Carolina, why is she here? Study? But for a whole year, I did never seen her! Or maybe she did not want to see. And now I saw it. She smiled to Pandora. She just nodded with a smile. Apparently, they are friends.

"I don't I like it." Effy quietly said to me, who was standing nearby, saw how Lindsay is coming to us. I looked at her in surprise.

"I'll tell you later," whispered the brunette.

"Hi!" Lindsay smiled sweetly. "It's great that we have lived together!"

"Yes!" Pandora smiled and Effy's bad breath. Is she jealous?

I smiled.

"Lindsay hell Gardiner!" I exclaimed. She looked at me.

"Lauren!" She screamed and jumped to me.

We gladly embraced.

"Kerri Leo with Luben Daniel." said Miss Flex.

"Are you here? Now in May, why I have not seen you all year?"

"Ou, I studied in absentia,"Lindsay smiled enigmatically. "You just don't know how I missed you!"

"I missed you too, we have not seen each other for almost five years! How are your sisters? I watching at all of your covers, you climb higher and higher!"

"Good. Mandy finished college, and recently Hailey said that your group is for us an example!"

"Aw it is so cute!" I pressed her hands to her cheeks. "And we are no longer so often done before, because of my studies." I sighed. "CimFam are already worried."

"Well, and we do the same."

Second. The decision and here we are with Lindsay look at each other.

"Are you thinking the same as me?" Lindsay asked cautiously.

"A cover?"

"A cover!" Lindsay snapped and we laughed.

"Cimorelli Lauren with Stomem Elizabher." (guys in russian language the girls last names started from the same word, in Englishiit sounds like 'si' i mean Simorelli and Stonem)

With Effy. Lucky.

"Lauren?" Effy touched my shoulder.
I turned around.

"Come on, when have finished the distribution, ask for change? No, you don't think, I would live with you, I just do not like this Lindsay."

Broken. (Lauren Cimorelli story. BOOK 1.)Where stories live. Discover now