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Alex's brthday went well. We did not go anywhere, just sat at home with family and close friends. Angela came and Ellie arrived. Dani was very happy.

Angela's POV.

I came for Alex's birthday at the invitation Lauren.
The door opened a birthboy.

"Hi, Alex ," I smiled.

Alex turned around, then took my hand and we went out together.

"What's wrong?"

"Did you not tell Lauren?"

"I like a fool?" I was indignant, "and more, I promised her. I do not want to upset her."

"Thanks God," Alex gasped. "Mike left again in two days. You overnight?"

"I understood." I  smirked and walked closer to the boy and touched his lips. He put his arm around my waist and returned the kiss.

Then he stepped back.

"Lets come in the house until no one  saw us."

I nodded and we went into the house. I saw Elli displeasure.

"Hey, Angi!" I smiled widely.

"Hi," I said dryly, "where is Lauren?"

"She's in the kitchen." I went there, vaguely heard the confused Elli asked Dani:  "What's wrong with her?"

I just snorted. And remember the party in honor of the birth of Lauren. When Alex began to resent kiss Lauren and Max, I just took him to the second floor and we had sex...

In the 12 am I was pretty out of the bedroom Lauren's older brothers.
Alex is very passionate. I do not know how to tell Lauren, I think later.

I was heading to the bathroom to take a shower and the door, I was faced with Elli. I never liked it. Upstart it some. Yes, and we studied at the same school in Sacramento, from me and my company are often battered, but she always thought we were joking and laughing like an idiot.

When she saw me, she frowned.

"Do you have a minute?"

"Yes. " I agreed and came over the fifteen-year girl in a bath. She leaned against the wall and said imperiously:

"So tomorrow morning you go out of this house and never come back."

I raised an eyebrow and asked, giggling:

"And why is that?"

"Dani told me everything. You are hit by Lauren from the right path and are "friends" like you she doesn't need." Elli showed in air quotes.

I grinned.

"But the fact that?"

"I'll tell Alex. He then certainly you would say a couple of gentle."

I'm sick of. I came close to the blonde.

"And mow you listen to me, darling," I hissed, looking into her eyes. "I'll leave here only when Mike Cimorelli ask me about. Or Lauren. And it is not for you to decide with whom to be friends to her. We communicate well with Alex, believe, he did not do anything. You're in the penultimate class in this year will be?"

The girl nodded fearfully.

"So here. Another word in my direction or in the direction of Lauren, the school you will ready for hits, you understand?"

"Yes." Elli said softly.

"Get out. Fat."

Elli stood in the doorway, her hands clenched into fists, but she said nothing and went out into the corridor.

Broken. (Lauren Cimorelli story. BOOK 1.)Where stories live. Discover now