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On the day of the concert, we got up early. At seven in the morning we were sitting in the kitchen.

"Lauren, you're some sort of pale," Katherine said, sipping coffee.

"Just worry," I waved. But in fact it was very bad. Last night I strongly for dizzy when I got up, my eyes dark. I seriously thought to eat, but saw another minus three pounds in two days, and the thought of food at once disappeared.

Hunger for three days, at the same time, then on the carrot day for the diet.

This morning, I barely got out of bed. Dizzy, in my eyes dancing black dots. Something like going down to the kitchen, I drank a glass of water and I was a little relieved.

"So, pick a concert stuff," Christina said as the girls finished their tea, and I water.

"And there is something "special"?"  Amy asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, remember to "Good Morning America" ​​we all wore black and blue clothing..."

"And You about it," a person cleared Christina.  "No, dress as you like."

In my room, I changed into shorts and a T-shirt, it was convenient to rehearse, then reached into my closet.
Selecting a red skirt, black top, beige cardigan and black socks, I put all this in the bag, put to the same bracelets and out of the bedroom.

"Chris!" I shouted, coming out into the corridor.

"What?" sister leaned out of her room.

"And Hairstyle, make-up? There shall we do?"

Sister nodded and disappeared into the back room.

After the rehearsal, I felt worse. I'm in a daze, brushing her hair. I decided not to make any hairstyle, no matter what forces lacked.

I just touched up eyelashes and staggered came out of the dressing room.

Move to fresh air, I leaned to the clubhouse and breathed heavily.
I heard the door open, someone went out and struck a lighter. I did not pay attention.

"Lauren?" I heard a familiar voice.


A boy drag on his cigarette and walked over to me.

"Do you smoke?"

"Yeah," Arthur chuckled and then turned serious. "You're pale. Are you okay?"

"Head spin," about I muttered, desperately struggling with lightheadedness.

I felt the hand of man. He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear and gently began to massage the ear lobe. I felt that I feel better. In my head cleared and I saw a face-centered Arthur.

"Better?" He smiled.

Head stopped spinning.

"How did you do this?"

"Here," Arthur pointed to his earlobe.  "many nerve endings. If you feel that you feel bad, massaging lobe. And then go to the doctor."

"Thank you," I smiled weakly, "So what are you doing here?"

"I'm playing here today. I understand that you too," Arthur smiled, "we're after Cimorelli. Do you know them?"

"This Is my sisters and I," I laughed.

"Really?!" Arthur rolled his eyes.

I laughed again.

We're done. The room was very stuffy. Again I felt that I was bad. We came into the dressing room, I grabbed a bottle of water and took three gulps. Then became a force to massage the ear.

"Lauren," Strictly Christina asked.

"What?" I asked, but instead sister, and instead of all the sisters, I saw the spot.

"You really bad dance! What's wrong? And sang poorly."

"I... I do not know..."

I shook hands, in my eyes dark and I fell into darkness.

Broken. (Lauren Cimorelli story. BOOK 1.)Where stories live. Discover now