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After college, I came home tired and angry. They asked a whole bunch of lessons not only in normal subjects, but still need to draw completely. All. Family. Before. Tomorrow. It's horrible. I need to draw up tomorrow thirteen person! First time in my life I seriously regret that we have such a big family.
I decided to sleep for a few of hours and then get to work.
I drank a glass of water and suddenly remembered that yesterday was the last day of the diet! I smiled happily, and I thought that a bit today and tomorrow eat again sit on a diet. Now, I weighed 48 kilos, but I need 40. I just have to.

I went to the kitchen, met Joey.

"Hi, Lo," he cried, and I smiled.


"Michael Came home very angry today."


"I don't know," brother shrugged.

Michael was always very good-natured person, he was always laughing, joking, even in the most unpleasant situations. He was always able to defuse the situation and it is very difficult to anger or to spoil the mood.

"And where are mom and dad?"

"They went on what the corporate," said my brother and carried into the living room.

I watched him and began to climb to the second floor.

I immediately saw Michael sitting at the table with the book. He noticed me and frowned.

"Need to talk."

I was scared of his tone, but nodded.
Michael got up and went down the hall to the bedrooms, I followed him.
He opened the door of their bedroom with Alex. I went inside and saw Alex lying on a bed with a laptop.

"Oh, hi Lauren!"

"Alex, come out," strictly said Michael and Alex immediately bristled.

"Alex, please, we need to talk."

Brother give Mike disgruntled eyed look, but still got up and left the room, slamming the door.

"Thank you, Lauren, it spoiled my dinner with Chelsey yesterday." he said.

"What?" I'm honestly surprised.

"You don't understand?" Michael stood in front of me and looked me in the eye. "seriously?!"

I nodded, dumbfounded.

"Well, I'll explain. We dined quietly Chelsey yesterday in a cafe in a mag." he said, and my soul was to creep concern.

"When I suddenly saw you in a green dress, Angela, and two girls running to the toilet. I thought it werent you.
But then a girl came up to me and asked if I had seen then the four girls. I did not say that I had seen, and asked why they had it. She said that they had stolen things," Michael hissed, and I froze. "I have until recently didnt believe that you are there, but then out of the closet were four girls and I immediately recognized you. My question is: are you crazy?! Lauren, you sunk to such?!"

I bit my lip and stared at the floor. Heck. This is a puncture.

"Can you tell me something? Well done. Are not you ashamed? And I am ashamed that my sister is stealing things in store! And buy the way?!"

"I forgot the money..."

"Forgot the money?!" Michael shouted, "I think you forgot the brain, not the money! Lauren! I even have no words!"

"And what to say? It was bad, I know." I said softly.

"So. Dani have long said that Angela bad influence on you. I will not say anything to parents and I hope that this was the first and last time." I nodded.  "but. You will stop talking to her."

Broken. (Lauren Cimorelli story. BOOK 1.)Where stories live. Discover now