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The party was a success. To be honest, I do not remember anything, because once again drunk. It's bad, I know, but I realize that I was starting to get involved. I'm starting to like alcohol, yesterday I smoked a first cigarette in my life. And thank God we had a party on the type of bachelorette party, there were not boys, I would be ashamed. In the last day of vacation, we again decided to arrange a bachelorette party. Only now in Angela's house. We sat on the bed and chatted when Annie left the room for her bag. She returned with a bag and pulled out a small pocket a small bag with white powder inside.

"Are you serious?!" Joy and surprise at the same time asked Angela.

Annie grinned, opened the bag, moistened finger, put it in his bag and pulled out. The powder stuck on the finger of the girl and Annie lick it with pleasure.

Angela and Megan repeated her and the three of them stared at me.

"What Is it?"

"Very Soft drugs," Megan said and i stared hook her head emphatically.

"Come on, Lauren," began to persuade me to Angela. "It is not addictive.

"Angela, I really dont want." I looked at my friend.

"Just try. Nothing special, tasted like flour," Annie shrugged.

I sighed and put my finger in the bag. And indeed how flour. When bag was empty, I felt a pleasant relaxation throughout the body. My mood culminated bar. The girls began to run around the house, laughing at all that see, and then decided to go to Los Angeles, despite the fact that time was already eleven pm.

We ordered a taxi, dressed and went out into the street. The girls decided to have a smoke and I do not care that I'm a singer, joined them.

When we were driving in a taxi, Angela, who was sitting in the front seat turned around and tragic whispered that she had forgotten the money home. I also didn't take the money, the girls too.

When we were in LA, someone send me a message to the phone.

Angi: when we came immediately leave and go to the mall. I'm right behind you.

I sighed, and closed my eyes. I felt strange. Thoughts were confused in my head dancing penguins. I wanted to laugh, sing, dance, but not sit still.

Angela asked the driver to stop near a large center, Annie, Megan and I just got out of the car and headed to the big automatic doors. Once we went inside, Angela ran and yelled:


We laughingly ran to the escalator, hearing screams behind a taxi driver. Once on the second floor, we ran into the first shop of clothes, grabbed a hanger which things and disappeared into the dressing room stall. My window was facing the way out of the center. I saw a taxi on which we have come approached the taxi driver. He furiously spat on the ground and left.
I looked at him and clothing, which took in the hall.

It was a gentle green dress. I have measured it, it turned out to be just below the knee and a little bit is not enough. It is gorgeous to me sat, but it didn't look with my sneakers.

"Lauren." Annie. I came out of the dressing room. The girls were also in the clothing boutique.

"I Want this top." said Angela, spinning at the mirror.

I also wanted to buy this dress, but there was no money.

"So," Angela said softly, turning to us. "We're all want these things?" We nodded.

"Now we take our clothes and quickly run away."

"Stole? Are you serious?!"

Angela nodded.


"What If someone see us?" I asked reasonably.

We decided to have a hairstyle that then we cant be found.

I made a bundle good, I had a gum.
We stood before leaving the dressing room. I felt frantic heartbeat and adrenaline. Normally I would never is not done, but in me it was some apathy on everything.

"Ready?" Megan asked, "On the count of three. One, two... Three!"

We ran like crazy in the room, scared away buyers. One clerk saw us, shouted:

"Stop immediately!!!" and ran after us, but it was too late. Guard, oddly enough, was not in the workplace.
We went down to the first floor and ran, laughing, for the first toilet. They quickly changed into his clothes and disheveled hair, we threw clothes out the window and calmly came out of the closet to innocent persons.

We decided to go to a cosmetics store, where you can make a trial makeup.
Me and Annie came first, and we ran our friend saleswoman.

It was clear that she did not recognize us.

"Girls, did you have not seen a group of four girls?"

"There Are many people." with a chuckle noticed Annie.

"One of them was in the poisonous green dress."

"Aaah!" "Thought" I. "they ran out into the street."

"Shit!" Swore saleswoman "okay, thanks."

We came home we just arrived for free, stopping the driver in the quarter from the house of Angela and fled alleys.

Things were tumbled near the center, no one was worried because of them. We went to bed at five in the morning and do not get enough sleep eight went to college.

Guys, please write a comment and what do you think are some suggestions that something :)))) so at least I'll know whether you like it or not;))

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