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"Dani, come on!" I laughed, trying to get away from my sister, who tried to throw me out of the water pistol.

My family and I were in Sacramento. my Dad was given leave for a week and we decided to go to our old house, relax, don't think about covers, videos. Just relax.

I ran along the beach and thought about what we have united all love each other, respect each other all the while not cutting into someone and fell.

"I'm sorry." muttered, getting up from the sand.

"'I'm Sorry'?!" In front of me stood a tall girl with bright red hair with some sort of drink in hand and sunglasses. Slender figure Cushioning light blue dress, sandals on her feet. On the chest adorned spot. Probably, she spilled a drink over, when I ran into her. "'I'm sorry'?! You ruined my best dress and say..."


I barely dodged water.

"Dani, stop it!" I yelled at my sister.

Then carefully looked at the girl. She suddenly smiled, took off her glasses.

"Lauren?! Dani ?!" How did she know us? Maybe she is CimFam?...

"Angela!" Suddenly Dani screamed and jumped on the girl's neck. She laughed and put her arms around Dani's waist. Stop. Angela?! This babe - my best friend?!

Girlfriend looked up and down my sister and said approvingly:

"Cool body!"

"Thank you" Dani smiled contemptuously, and then laughed.

Friend came up to me, grabbed me by the arm and said:

"Dani, we need to talk and we'll go sit in the..." she looked around. "In this cafe!"

"And what about me?" Troubled sister.

"And you still young" Angela whispered conspiratorially.

"You are younger! Lauren?" My sister looked at me.

In another situation, I would take my sister with me, or stay with her, but now I suddenly really wanted to get the approval of friend.

"Dani... Go... Can you tell our mother that I come across an hour somewhere?"

Dani's eyes widened, then surprised expression on her face changed to evil.

"Thank you, sister," she quipped. "No i'll don't say!" She turned and walked toward the parents.

Inside I cringed. I knew that she concealed anger resentment. But Angela is not a bit upset.

"Excellent," She pulled me to the side a little cafe, not far from us.

We sat at a small table next to each other and to us immediately the waiter - a young guy. He handed the folder menu first, I then turned to her friend, bowed slightly, charmingly smiled and gave her a folder. Angela just smiled at him and he went to Barca rack.

"Cutie," my friend smiled.

I nodded in agreement.
About a minute we sat in silence, choosing the order. I noticed that Angela just flipped through the menu.

"You're done?"

I nodded and friend glanced at the waiter. He immediately came to our table.

"What do you want?" He said to me.

"Chocolate cocktail."

He wrote an order to the small notebook and turned to Angela.

"Just water," she chirped.

"With ice?"

"Yes, thank you."

"That's it?" I was surprised when the guy walked away. I was shocked! Previously, Angela ordered more than I did!

"Yes" she shrugged. "And I'm so exceeded the daily norm of calories."


"Nothing Special" girlfriend smiled.
Once we were served an order, Angela said:

"Well, tell me! How are you? What's new? We almost 2 years have not seen!"

"I... do not even know what to tell you" I thought, "You know about the band, the family are all good, CimFam loves us..."

"And boys? What about your first kiss?"

I blushed and shook my head.


"Well yeah, you know, we Catholic family, first kiss on the wedding day and blah blah blah" I said.

"Well, you removed the purity ring" raised an eyebrow friend, nodding at my hand.

"Yes" I nodded and suddenly decided to tell Angela that I could not tell anyone. "Actually, I really want to boys like me just as a girl, and not as "famous girl-singer-one-of-six sisters Lauren Cimorelli." I'm almost sixteen, and I have never kissed! Guys just do not pay attention to me! Lisa, Christina and even Dani! Every morning, the courier delivers her a beautiful bouquet of what that secret admirer! What is wrong with me?" I whispered, sipping a cocktail.

"That's bad... And do you ever wonder why is it?"

"Maybe, because of my body? I know it is not perfect, but..."

"And Lisa? Her body isn't perfect too, do not be offended, but it is truth."

"Lisa is not of such a nature as I have... She was always cheerful, can talk with a stranger, and I even shy to say a word when Mike is next to me..."

I sipped a cocktail again. Angela looked at me thoughtfully.

"And you" she began to speak, but her cell phone rang. "Sorry, I depart."

She moved to the big aquarium, occupies the entire wall of the cafe.
I sat at the table and looked at my friend. Her light dress did not hide the perfect figure. Slender legs, thin arms, waist. Her ex-brown hair was now bright red and attracted attention. I'm not complaining about my hair, I love them and appreciate, but by looking at the shape of Angela, I understand I won't drink cocktail.

Girlfriend plopped down on a chair with a satisfied smile.

"Guess what?"

"What?" I asked.

"Remember, I wrote to you that we are moving?"

"Yes," I shrugged. "You rejoice because you stay?"

"No, my mother found a home. In Malibu."

I could not believe my ears.


"Yeah! Girlfriend laughed and stood up, throwing open arms for a hug.
I screamed, jumped up and hugged Angela.

She just hugged me back, and the people in the cafe looked at us as crazy and did not understand why we cry.

Broken. (Lauren Cimorelli story. BOOK 1.)Where stories live. Discover now