"I will not come back!"

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The first night I slept with Angela in her bedroom. I just could not sleep alone. I went to sleep late, Angela all the while comforting me, hug, doing everything to make me feel better.
She woke me about six am.

"Lauren! Lauren!" She whispered fearfully.

"What happened?" I immediately jumped out of bed.

"Quiet! There are near the door your father and Michael. They are looking for you."

"You let them in?!" I felt like the heart boomed in the heel.

"No, I'm gone to 'dress'" a friend has put air quotes. "Now you - rattled it - like a mouse down to the first floor and go to the basement."

"And suddenly find?"

"You Approaches to old bookcase, pull out the thickest volume. It is green and you will notice it immediately. Cabinet will drive off to the side and opened another room, and don't look at me like that. The house is old, this secret room found my brother, when he played hide and seek with him friends. In general, you come to the right will switch on the wall. You press it, it turns on the light and the passage is closed. Don't worry, as soon as your father and brother gone, I immediately will release you."

I grabbed my all their belongings and we Angela quietly descended to the first floor.
Even before the door to the basement, I quietly asked Angela:

"Angi, and if they guess that you're lying?"

"I'm not in vain studied the actress five years. Everything will be OK."

I opened the basement door and went down the stairs down low. I immediately saw a bookcase and a green thick volume. As Angela said, I pulled out of his closet, and I rode the quiet creak of the way.

"Wow," I gasped, put the book back on the shelf, and hearing my father's voice, quickly went into the small room and turned on the light. Dim light illuminated the room, like a closet, and closed behind me pass.
God, let it be fine. I sat in the little room, which was just a little old sofa, almost two hours. I was beginning to fall asleep when the "door" opened and Angela seemed pale.

"Ok," she breathed in relief. "You can come out. They left half an hour ago"

"Why did not you come?" I was surprised when we climbed the stairs and out of the basement.

"What if they come back?" We went to the kitchen, Angela poured me some coffee and sat down across from me, "In general, they try to find out from me, where are you? I said that I don't know, they didn't believe, and inspected the whole house! They looked into the basement." I looked at the frightened girlfriend. "Michael looked at all my closets to find your things, but he certainly didn't find anything. In general, your father gave me his number, your mother's and Michael's thay me to call if you suddenly announced." a friend pointed to a pile of torn paper on the bar. "There they are."
I'm relieved smiled.

When Angela began to meet in LA for a ticket to Spain, I asked her to buy me a new phone.

I ran into the guest bedroom, assigned to me, and pulled out of the bag of money. In total it got about fifty thousand dollars. I counted six thousand and went to her friend.
At first I gave a thousand, so she bought me an iPhone and five thousand dollars, after her graduation from college.

"No," a friend took me to a thousand iPhone, but the other refused to take the money outright. "I will not take."

"Take it!"





Angela thought for a moment and took the money.

"Okay," she shook her hair. "I'll buy two iPhone, card and give you all the change."

I thought for a moment and nodded.

"Good. Then buy yourself 5s."

"Ok. And you, too, so I buy it. All do not be sad." girlfriend kissed me on the cheek and ran out into the street, where friend was waiting taksi. She come back two hours later. I had time to wash and lay watching TV when a door slammed.

"I bought everything!" happily screamed girlfriend, going into the living room. I jumped on her necm.

One week. It was the best week of my life.
Angela bought me an iPhone. I uploaded all the soc. network. I recovered all my accounts. In Twitter, in instagram. Going on YouTube, I saw that the sisters have posted a new video the day before.

"Hey, I'm Christina!"

"I'm Katherine."

"I'm Lisa."

"I'm Amy."

"I'm Dani.."

"And we're Cimorelli!"

Then Christina continued.

"We're a great sadness to announce that ths summer we will play and do cover songs without our sister Lauren. This summer, do not expect original songs, five of us because we are not going to write them."

"I'm sure all of you have a question," Lisa continued, " "Why?" Just Lauren went on a tour of Europe, together with her friends from college. Nothing terrible happened." Lisa smiled a little nervously at the camera, and I have a breath away from the disturbance.

I went to Twitter and went on our general account.

@ .cimorelliband: in fact, to any journey, I didnt leave, my sister lied, I'm just tired and I'm leaving the group. Thank you, Lauren.

" WHAT?! "Christina wrote to me in dm five minutes. "WHERE ARE YOU?!"

"What do you care? I will not come back"


"home. and in the band."

Broken. (Lauren Cimorelli story. BOOK 1.)Where stories live. Discover now