STO: 8

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"Can't believe my heat just came up again," Xiao Zhan mumbled as he catches his breath, he cupped his chest. After his uncle left, he felt a strange heat building up in his body. He knew it was the same as last time.

"Is yesterday really my heat?" he asked himself. Omega's heat cycle occurs two to three days, but some also last for a week. "So this is not some heat inducer," he convinced himself, "But it's too early for my heat, it was supposed to be two weeks from now," he uttered and clicked his tongue.

He let everyone have their day off, while his guards patrolled outside the house. Since no one can assist him, he went to the room next door to get himself water so he can drink his suppressants. But the weakness on his knees suddenly made him unable to walk, he was halfway there that made him collapse while breathing heavily.

On the other hand, Yibo was not given a day off since he lives inside Xiao Zhan's mansion and he was forbidden to get out of the house.

Yibo has finished cleaning the entire floor, he wiped the sweat off his forehead as he gathers the cleaning tools he used. He sighed as he started walking in the corridor, "It's awfully quiet," he mumbled to himself. "I always hear footsteps," he added.

Upon walking down the corridor, he smelt something sweet from a distance and heavy panting can be heard. His brows met, 'It's the same scent like yesterday,' he thought. His curiosity strike again, 'Is it boss?' he asked himself. He followed the sound and scent as fast as he could. His eyes went wide when he saw Xiao Zhan on the floor, breathing heavily. He immediately let go of what he is holding and runs to his side.

"Boss!" he called him as he shook him.

"Ngn w-water--" Xiao Zhan mumbled.

'He looks like he's in pain,' he thought, 'or is he in heat?' he added. But he shook his questions off his head, 'first, I need to bring him on the bed,' he said to himself and carried Xiao Zhan in his arms.

He looked down at him as he carries him inside his room, "Boss are you okay?" he asked worriedly. The pheromones are slowly affecting him. He tried holding his breath for a moment until they reached the room.

Xiao Zhan clung to him and sniffed him, the faint smell of Yibo's pheromones is attracting him. He hugged him on his neck and buried his face on his chest.

Yibo's cheeks flushed red, "B-Boss?" he stuttered as he was about to put him down, Xiao Zhan didn't want to let go. He clung to him tight, his legs brushed together as his backside twitch.

"Y-you need to let go, boss. So I can get you your medicine," he uttered but Xiao Zhan hugged him tighter making Yibo winced.

He sighed and patted his back, "Now, now. I'll just get you something and I'll be back," he uttered. Xiao Zhan pulled away and looked at him with his tears building upon his eyes, his eyes are hooded and his mouth is gaped open almost drooling, "B-be back?" he asked like a puppy.

Yibo's heart suddenly thump, 'CUTE!' he thought. But he shook his head, 'no, I should get his medicine first,' he said to himself then looked at Xiao Zhan, giving him a reassuring smile, "Yes, I'll be back," he uttered.

"O-okay-" he answered and let go of him. Yibo then put him down on the bed gently. He sighed heavily once again as he looks up, his torso started to feel tight. Then he looked down, "Fck!" he cussed upon seeing his boner and wanting to be let out.

But there's no time to think about his boner, he immediately went to the room next door to get him his water. When he came back to Xiao Zhan's room, he grabbed his suppressants from the drawer next to the bed. Then he looked down at Xiao Zhan who's looking back at him with his lewd face, he gritted his teeth, 'Boss, not now,' he cried internally. His arousal meter is almost on its edge.

"Can you stand up and drink your medicine?" he asked Xiao Zhan who is in trance. Xiao Zhan did not answer, he rubs his legs together, getting fidgety.

Yibo looked away, 'too sexy!' he cried to himself, then he looked down again on his lower half, now it's fully hard.

He bit his lip, "Calm down, little Yibo. Calm down, you need to make him drink his medicine," he said to himself as he inhales and exhales. But it's no use, as long as he's exposed to an omegas pheromone, his instinct will not calm down.

He sighed for the hundredth time and put the medicine and water in his mouth. He leaned into his lips and transfer the medicine and water on Xiao Zhan's mouth, making Xiao Zhan forcefully drink.

When he was about to let go, Xiao Zhan's arm encircled on his neck. His eyes went wide, Xiao Zhan's tongue suddenly moved inside his mouth, licking and encircling with his tongue. He tried pushing him away but his grip on him is tight.

'Shit!' he cussed inside his head, he has hit his limit. His body surrendered. Carried away with instinct and desire, he grabbed Xiao Zhan's face, deepening the kiss. His body collapsed on top of Xiao Zhan. Xiao Zhan felt his hardness poking him.

Their clothed bodies rubbed at each other, the friction between their clothes and their crotch is making them release faint moans between their kiss. Yibo's other hand crawled down to Xiao Zhan's waist then down to his legs, guiding his legs to encircle on his waist.

Then he grabbed his bottom to support him as he stood up, carrying Xiao Zhan on his arm without breaking the kiss. The room is too humid, sweats are streaming down all over them. He decided to continue it in the bathroom.

They walked inside the bathroom, Yibo immediately slams him on the wall upon closing the door. Xiao Zhan slightly winced but then continued sucking and devouring Yibo's lips. Then Yibo's hands found it's way on the shower's faucet and turned to open. Though cold water came raining down on them, it didn't affect their pace. The water soaks them wet, the mood became heavy. Yibo started grinding his hips on Xiao Zhan making his mouth gape open, moans escaped his mouth. Yibo's lips made it's way on his cheeks down to his neck, giving him butterfly kisses. Then he stopped on his collarbone gently nibbling on it and pampering it with light kisses.

"Hnnng~" Xiao Zhan moaned as his hands went to Yibo's hair, brushing them erotically. "M-ugh-ore~" he added making Yibo's crotch grind harder on him.

"Sh-- fck me already-" he whispered in his ear that made Yibo's hardness twitch.

.To be continued...

A/N: Sorry for not updating. (′⌒')
My anxiety kicked in again this past few days and my thoughts are jumbled, but I'm feeling better now. Thank you for waiting~

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