STO: 4

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Yibo sighed as he stretches his arm above his head, "I'm finally finished!" he exclaimed happily. He was able to finish cleaning the whole second floor.

"What do I do when I have this free time?" he mumbled to himself. "Should I go back to my room?" he thought, but he shook his head, "No, they might suddenly call me or I'm doomed."

"Where's that bodyguard of his anyway?" his brows furrowed as he tried walking down the hallway, in case he comes across him.

"If he's not around, I guess I'll ask the boss instead," he said as he whistles while walking.

But a scent suddenly came across him, his brows met. "What's that?" he mumbled. "Smells kind of... sweet?" he added.

His curiosity made him follow the scent, it was a sweet and pleasant scent that made him curious of where it was coming from.

Then he stopped in front of a door, "This... is the boss' room..." he uttered as he stares at the door.

He looked at the knob and about to twist it open when he remembered the death glare the boss always gives him.

"No, Yibo. Or he might kill you when you suddenly barge in," he scolded himself. But then his curiosity is killing him, 'But what if something happened to him?' his conscience told him.

"There's no way something will happen to him," he mumbled and chuckled and about to turn away when he heard someone groaning in agony inside. His eyes went wide, 'What if he really is in danger!' he thought.

He gulps and grabbed the knob, he gathered all his courage and closed his eyes. 'I hope I get out alive from this room after,' he prayed and twists the knob slowly.

He slowly opened the door, waiting for the boss's anger. But then no one responded, he sneakily pops his head inside. Upon popping his head inside, a sudden wave of sweet scent came flooding his nose. His eyes went wide, a scent that's making him want to smell more. His body tingle from the scent and something is throbbing inside him, he looked down. He sighed when he saw what it was, he internally faced palm 'why does it have to be today?' he thought. But he never stopped there, his sense of responsibility when hearing someone in pain just never stops. He entered, though, he knows the risk of him getting aroused with such scent.

As he wanders his eyes around, he saw a body lying on the floor. "Is that boss?" he mumbled as he tried to look closely. But then the clothes he was wearing looks like the clothes the boss is wearing a while ago, he immediately runs to him.

"BOSS!" he exclaimed and went to his rescue.

Zhan turn his head at him when he heard him, "O-oh.. It's you..." he mumbled with his hooded eyes.

"What happened boss?" Yibo asked worriedly as he sat on the floor and put his head on his lap. But then he immediately cupped his nose and mouth, the scent is too strong now that he's just in front of him.

"N-nothing... l-lock the door..." he said. Yibo immediately does what he was told and went back to where Xiao Zhan is.

"G-get my medicine.. o-on that drawer..." he instructed him.

Yibo obliges despite feeling uneasy. His body is getting hot from the scent now that it's facing it.

He grabbed the medicine from the drawer, He was shocked at what he saw, 'Omega suppressant?' he thought, 'No, the boss looks like a player, must be for the omegas he brings home,' he added and shook off the thought. He rummages once again if he could find a medicine other than the omega suppressants, but he found none. He grabbed the suppressant with his confused look then went back beside Xiao Zhan.

"Boss," he uttered and showed him the medicine. Xiao Zhan immediately garbed the medicine and opened one tablet, then he immediately swallowed.

Yibo looked at him confusedly, "Boss?" he asked him.

But Xiao Zhan didn't answer, he catches his breath with his hooded eyes. "Shit!" he cursed under his breath. The suppressant doesn't work fast even though it's a strong dosage. He cupped his chest together with his crotch. The presence of Yibo is making it even worse.

"Fcking alphas!" he mumbled and bit his lip.

"Boss?" Yibo asked worriedly once again. His face is heating up, the pheromones are taking effect on him. If he doesn't move away from him any minute he'll attack Xiao Zhan.

But Xiao Zhan can't take it anymore either, his backside is twitching and wet at the same time.

"H-hurry.." he whined. Yibo didn't understand what he is saying.

"Boss?" he asked once again, trying to ask for clarification.

"H-Hurry..." Xiao Zhan uttered again, as he tried to reach Yibo's clothes.

Yibo looked at him confusedly and lowered his head to hear him clearly. Xiao Zhan became impatient, he grabbed his collar forcefully and clasp his lips on him. Yibo's eyes went wide, he was caught off guard. But Xiao Zhan didn't give him time to react and shove his tongue inside his mouth, exploring every corner.

Yibo's eyes rolled at the back of his head at the sudden sensation, the fire ignited inside him and now burning all over him.

Xiao Zhan moved his tongue and lips, the lapping sounds of their tongue is filling the room.

Yibo didn't bother anymore if he's afraid of him or not. He wrapped his arm around Xiao Zhan's waist, slowly picking him up.

"On the bed," he uttered between the kiss. He carried him on the bed then slowly laid him down without breaking the kiss.

"Ngn~" a small moan escaped Xiao Zhan's mouth upon feeling Yibo's rock-hard torso poking him. That sound just made Yibo more aroused. He sticks his body on his rubbing their clothed cocks together.

"Oh~" Xiao Zhan's mouth gaped open, the friction of the trousers that are rubbing on his is making cum a little.

But for a moment, Yibo suddenly woke up from his trance. He immediately pulled away, supporting his body with his hands at both sides of Xiao Zhan's face, his eyes went wide, "I-I'm sorry, boss!" he said and about to stand up when Xiao Zhan grabbed him again by the collar.

"Fck this heat cycle," he mumbled and looked at Yibo with his erotic death glare. Yibo gulped.

"The medicine doesn't work that fast, so just fuck me already!" he exclaimed and pull him back in a deep erotic kiss.


A/N: Smut next update, sorry for cutting your fun \(0^◇^0)/

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