STO: 42

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Haikuan and Kevin arrived at the hotel, they were standing across the hotel as they got off of the taxi since he can't use his car when suddenly Haikuan's phone rang. He looked at Kevin, "Dad, I'll just take this," he uttered and moved five steps away from him.

"yes, chief?" he answered the call.

"I just got an intel from a guy I slipped in as a waiter, there were armed guards surrounding the hotel, electronic devices are confiscated in every entrance so I can't contact you via phone when you enter," Robert said from the other line.

Haikuan's brows furrowed, "Then how will I contact you chief?" he asked.

"Go to the bathroom on the first floor, the farthest stall there. You know how to pick a lock right? " he asked.

"Yes," he paused as he waited for his next words.

"There's a bag there containing a fake tooth we can use as communication during this operation," He instructed.

"Yes chief," he answered politely.

"It will activate when you are already wearing it," Robert said, "Good luck," he added and ended the call.

Haikuan then put his phone in his pocket and went back to where Kevin is. "Dad, did you wait long?" he asked.

Kevin smiled, "Not really, must be important," he uttered.

"Ah, yes. From work," he answered with a smile.

"You're even busy at night huh, tough to be a police officer," Kevin chuckled.

"Dad, you can't say that here or I'll get shot in no time," he chuckled.

"Oh, right. Mafia's nemesis is police officers," he remarked.

"Anyway, I came because Mr. Xiao invited me and to be able to protect you, dad," Haikuan smiled.

"Oh, son. Thank you, but I'm a former butler so nothing can happen to me," Kevin said proudly.


Upon entering the hotel, they were welcomed by the guards, they instructed them to lay down their electronic devices just as Robert said to him. They instructed them to put it on a locker that was prepared for the event then they were welcomed by the staff right after.

The venue has many guests already, from presidents of companies, leaders of small mafia groups and gangs, foreign investors, and such, but there's still no sign of Yanhao.

"Dad, stay here. I'll just go to the restroom," he said, Kevin nodded then he left him on a table.

He went to where Robert had instructed him to go. He found the fake tooth at the last stall after picking on its lock. Then he immediately put it in his mouth.

After doing so, he came back to the hall. The guests are arriving one by one. But then one man caught his attention, "Chief, the culprit is here," he whispered.

"Good, just pay attention to what he's up to but don't let yourself be noticed," Robert said from the other line.

"yes, chief," he answered politely.


After Yanhao's entrance, guests immediately swarmed around him. He gladly talked to them, he has been popular not just because he's loved by his brother but because he'd been using his power as the chief police to allow the crimes like smuggling, murder and more, that were caused by mafias and other related people.

Just then Yanhao's eyes caught someone, he smirked, "Please excuse me," he excused himself.

He went near that person and leaned to his ears, "See me in the room that I booked for us to celebrate, here's the key number," he whispered on his ears then secretly slipped the card number of the hotel room in his pocket.

"See you, kitten," he added before passing him.

Then he went back to the crowd that's surrounding him a while ago, flashing a wide smile to everyone.

The one who he slipped the card, smirked, he grabbed the card from his pocket and kissed it. Then sneakily went past Yanhao, he slightly patted his butt, indicating to him that he'll be heading there.

As the crowd talks to him, he followed him with his eyes as he walks away.

"Oh, my nephew has arrived," he remarked when he saw Xiao Zhan with Yibo following him enter the hall. The crowd looked in their direction, then they slowly went to him.

Yanhao immediately slipped away from them, "Now it's time for my appetizer," he mumbled to himself and licked his lips.


Zixin and Tob enter the venue, "Tob, check the post for the guards. The venue is slowly getting full. And boss will arrive soon, just how slow is that brat at driving?" he uttered a little irritated.

"He's a student, he's just being careful, take it easy," Tob uttered and patted his shoulder.

"Yeah right. Anyway, I'll go check if everything is perfect," he said and patted Tob's shoulder.

Before Tob can retort, Zixin disappeared. Tob sighed, "He's such a perfectionist," he mumbled to himself and shook his head.


"Boss, we've arrived," Yibo uttered as he stopped in front of the hotel.

"Leave the car here, the receptionist will drive it on the parking lot," He said and went out of the car. Yibo immediately followed after him.

Upon stepping in front of the hotel, he's welcomed by the guards in the front with a bow, "Good evening, boss!" they greeted in unison.

Xiao Zhan lifts his hands, stopping them, "You don't need to greet me just do your work," he uttered and continued walking while Yibo follows behind him.

The guards obliged and get back to their work.

As he entered the hotel, he was welcomed by a swarm of people.

"Good evening, young master," they greeted him.

He nodded, "Good eve," he greeted back. But then he felt a little uncomfortable, he's a bit overwhelmed by them that he feels like he wants to escape from them.

Yibo immediately noticed his uneasiness, he grabbed his wrist that made him look at Yibo, "Are you okay?" he mouthed.

Xiao Zhan showed him a face of irritation, Yibo sighed and pulled him next to him, "Uhm, it will start soon, please get to your seats," he said to them with a sweet smile.

The people who swarmed around Xiao Zhan were struck with Yibo's handsomeness, their cheeks flushed.

"Oh right," they uttered and went back to their seats with their face flushed red.

"Guess they like handsome guys like you," Xiao Zhan remarked that made Yibo blushed at his remark.

"U-Uhm boss... I'll get you a d-drink," he stuttered, changing the topic. He let go of his wrist and went off to get them a glass of wine.

Xiao Zhan chuckled and shook his head, "He's easy to get flustered," he mumbled to himself.


A/N: My ideas are scattered againnnnn! just when will I improve??? HAHAHA spare meeeee~

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