STO: 50

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Until that day I stopped coming to his mansion. What's it to me? I finally heard the answer from Kevin six years ago.

'It's his way to protect you so please don't hate the young master.'

Is what he said.

But I drop by once a month in the past six years, trying to have my chance to take a peek if he got home. But not even once I felt his presence around there.

Gradually, I gave up. I particularly knew what Kevin meant by that. It's because it's mafia, a dangerous work for a commoner like me.

I get it, I'm not as strong as the people who work for him. So I made up my mind. Until he shows up, I will train and become strong that will be worth his hands.

I will consider this disaster as determination. There's no point in grumbling about the pain, thus, I'm turning it as my strength to move on. This is just one of the challenges that were given to me. When you trip and fall, stand up, It's still not the end, move forward and you'll be rewarded with better things. I collected all my senses. I will not let this pain stop me from achieving my goal, and it's to stay by his side no matter what.

I did finish my current course since he already paid for it for me. Then, I took up combative sports training while being a dance instructor at a university. This way, I can train my body, so that someday he will acknowledge my strength and let me stay by his side without him worrying about me.

And now six years had passed, what's my life is like?

I'm living in my own house, but it was just beside Haikuan ge's house. Their house is so lively that they always call me for lunch and dinner. Seeing my two nephews ready to take up elementary school is getting me pumped up just like their parents.

How I wished I have that family as well. If he stayed, would be our house is as lively as theirs?

But I shook my head, no point in grumbling about it. I know someday, just someday that we'll meet again. I'm positive and I can feel it.

But now, I need to face a challenge that was given to me.

And it's to buy groceries.

'Bodi, can you go buy groceries for mom's death anniversary? The two got their hands full with the kids and I'm going to cook, dad is lot busier these days. At least we can do this much to commemorate mom and not worry dad about cooking,' Haikuan ge instructed me.

Well, doing grocery is no hassle. And it's my day off so it will be alright.

As I was walking, I remembered something. So if Zhuocheng's mom and Sir Kevin's wife's death anniversary today. Then it must be Zhan's parent's death anniversary as well.

Huh, this day is the time I confirmed that he liked me as well. That night was the happiest even if I got shot on the shoulder. I chuckled to myself, even though I was shot I was still happy that I forgot the pain of the bullet that pierced through my skin.

I shook my head as I smile to myself, but as I was spacing out. I felt a small thing bump into me. I opened my eyes and looked down. It was a kid, I stared for a moment then my brows furrowed.

Just where did I saw this kid? He looks familiar.

"Young master! Don't go running away, you'll get lost!"

I looked up and saw a man hastily got out of an establishment. I was shocked for a moment, but then I felt the kid hugging my legs.

I looked down at him and tilted my head. What is he doing?

"Come on young master, let's go inside, please," The man kneeled in front of the kid to face him.

"Uhm... Is there a problem?" I asked the man. The kid seems like he doesn't want to let go of my legs anytime soon.

"Oh, uhm. I'm sorry, I forgot my manners," the man said and stood properly. "I'm Justine, and that is Xiang, my young master and I'm his butler," he bowed.

"Oh! Uh! I'm Yibo," I was startled that he bowed ninety degrees for me. I bowed back.

"I'm sorry to disturb you Mr. Yibo. The young master just got a bit of a temper inside the shop so he ran away, I will be getting him," he bowed once again and crouch to level with the kid.

"Come on young master, daddy might get worried about you if you don't come inside," he coaxed him.

The kid was pouty as I watch them conversing. I watched them, the kid just awfully look familiar but I don't know where I saw him. Well never mind, I hope they won't take up too much time. I can't even shake this kid off since he looks sulky and pouty, I might hurt his feelings more.

"If Xiang Xiang go inside daddy won't cry anymore right?" He asked with his pouting lips.

Aw, he's too damn cute. Just like my nephews when they get sulky with Haikuan ge.

"Y-yes, so let's go inside yeah?" He convinced.

"Will daddy stop crying every night if I go in?" He asked once again with his innocent tone.

Justine smiled at him, "Yes, do you want him to cry right now? If you don't go inside anytime soon, he'll cry you know?" he said.

The kid let go of my leg and immediately open his arms to Justine. Justine chuckled and carried him. "Up you go!" he cheered. Then he looked at me, "Sorry for causing you trouble," he said and bowed, "Say sorry to uncle as well," He said to the kid.

"Sowwy, uncle," He said as he bowed his head slightly.

I smiled at him and patted his head, "Be sure not to make your daddy cry, okay? And also mommy," I uttered.

But the kid tilted his head and looked at me innocently, "But Xiang Xiang doesn't have mommy," he uttered as if it was normal.

My eyes went wide, "Oh, I'm sorry about that," I apologized. Me and my lousy mouth!

"Oh, it's okay. Master loved the young master so much that the young master didn't mind having no mother," he said and smiled.

"Oh, is that so," I said. I got worried for nothing huh.

"By the way, sorry for taking up your time Mr. Yibo. We shall go in," He bowed once again then entered the establishment. The kid waved goodbye at me with his cute smiling face. I waved back at him with an eye smile.

Just when I was about to pass the establishment... "Oh! It's you. Mr. Xiao's Chaperone! Fancy seeing you here, you gonna buy a suit?" He asked. It was Yubin, the designer. He just got off a taxi.

I looked up at the establishment the two went in and saw the sign of the shop, it was the shop where we bought the suit six years ago.

"Oh... I was just passing by," I said and scratch my nape.

"I thought you're going to buy something. But even so, care to have tea inside?" he offered.

I smiled, I'm in the middle of an errand though. "I was instructed to buy things so maybe next time?" I politely declined.

"Too bad," he sighed, "Well, just drop by anytime. We can serve you tea here, it's free don't worry. And you don't need to buy when you go here," he said then handed me a business card. "And when you have some friends who need a suit, recommend us, okay?" he giggled.

I smiled at him, "I will," I answered and put the business card in my pocket.

"Then see you around!" He waved goodbye at me, I waved back and nodded.

I feel a bit exhausted, but I haven't done my purpose yet. Memories just keep appearing out of nowhere today huh. I sighed as walk past the shop then went to the supermarket.


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