STO: 63

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"Then I'll let you tell me in this position, is that okay?" Yibo asked teasingly as he blows on Xiao Zhan's ears making him yelp in surprise.

Yibo just laughed at his cute reaction. He grabbed the papers and pictures Xiao Zhan is holding then put them down on the coffee table, then bring his arms back to wrapping in his waist. When they first met, he was so afraid of him, but now Xiao Zhan can't even out-strength him. He's more confident that Xiao Zhan can't harm him.

"Aren't you going to tell me?" Yibo whispered into his ears, making Xiao Zhan shiver.

"Ngn" he bit his lip, 'no please, not my ears,' he thought suppressing himself from getting aroused by what Yibo is doing to him.

"What? Aren't you going to talk? Well, works for me. I can stay here as long as I want since you're in my arms already," Yibo smirked while tightening up his hug.

Xiao Zhan's cheeks flushed even more, "I-I'll talk! J-j-just let me s-sit properly..." he stuttered then bit his lip.

Yibo pouted, "But you might run away again if I let you go~" he whined and rest his chin on his shoulder.

"I-I won't run away... This is my house... How c-can I?" he answered while praying inside his head that Yibo won't hear his heart pounding so fast.

Yibo paused for a moment, he's right that he won't run away but there's another reason why is he hugging him. It's because he missed him so much that he doesn't want to let go.

He sighed heavily then hugged him tight for a second before loosening his hug, "Okay, don't run away from me again," he said sulkily.

Xiao Zhan was surprised that Yibo suddenly let go of him, 'huh? why am I disappointed that he loosen his hug?' he asked himself. He shook his head and immediately stood up, then he sat on the sofa across from him. He lowered his head, as he's unable to look directly at Yibo.

Yibo just stared at him while his head is tilted, waiting for him to talk.

"Uhm... Where should I start..." he uttered.

Yibo's brows furrowed, "Why are you hiding your face?" He asked him. He stood from his seat and leaned closer to him, he grabbed his chin with his index finger and thumb then pull his chin to face him.

"There, much better," Yibo smiled wide.

Xiao Zhan's eyes went wide, his heartbeats even faster, his face flushed even redder. He immediately averts his eyes.

Yibo chuckled, "It's okay if you avert your eyes from me but don't look down, please?" he pleaded like a kid.

Xiao Zhan gulped as he nodded, still unable to look directly at him.

"So...Uhm... Xiang. He is your...Uhm.. kid," he stuttered.

Yibo nodded with a wide smile, "I know, I've read your letter," he said feeling proud.

"I'm sorry for hiding him from you..." he paused. "I thought it was the best decision but after seeing you spend time with him, I've been contemplating with myself if I should tell you or not..." he stated, tears are forming from his eyes. He swallowed the lump from his throat then wipe the building tears from his eyes.

Yibo became alerted, he immediately stood from his seat and sat beside Xiao Zhan. He grabbed his face and wipe with his thumb the tears that are now falling from his eyes. "It's okay.. shh, tell me slowly. I'm here to listen as long as you want," he said and grabbed him for a hug, he caresses his head as he lulls him.

"I'm sorry, Yibo. I'm sorry," he burst into tears. He clutches his shirt as he buries his face on his chest. "I'm sorry! I regretted everything, by the time I realized my regret it's already too late..." he said between his sobs. "I'm afraid that you'll resent me when I show up to you. I'm afraid that you'll reject me and your son. I'm afraid that you already have someone by your side and finally forgot about me... sob... I was afraid! I've become a coward! Yibo, I'm sorry..." he cried.

Yibo's tears started falling down as well, he rubs his back. He can feel the pain coming out from Xiao Zhan's mouth. He hugged him tightly, he doesn't know what to say first. 'He must have been hurt so much as I am,' he thought. He kissed his shoulder, "You suffered a lot," he mumbled.

"At first I decided to let you go... sob... I was positive that everything will be alright when you forget about me.. sob.. but the more days and months I spend without you... sob... My life is becoming a mess... I love you so much that until now--" he uttered but unable to continue when Yibo pulled away and cupped his cheeks. He gave him a peck on the lips and rest his forehead into his.

"I love you too," he smiled. "Shh, It's okay now. I understand. From now on, let's forget the past," he whispered as their face is just an inch away.

Xiao Zhan closed his eyes then he shook his head. "No, I must pay for everything that I did to you... resent me please!" he cried, his mouth is quivering.

Yibo then grabbed his face once again, "How will I resent you if I've loved you for more than six years? Until now, I still love you," he confessed and smiled.

"B-but--" Xiao Zhan was cut off with Yibo's lips.

"No buts," he stated then gave him another kiss. "Lets," he gave him a peck on the lips, "Start," a peck at the tip of his nose, "Over," a peck on his forehead. "Hm?" he leaned away and stared at him.

Xiao Zhan avoided his eyes, he feels guilty about all the things he did that he can't accept Yibo's offer.

"Look at me in the eyes," Yibo commanded him, Xiao Zhan hesitated. "Look. at. me. in. the. eyes." he repeated. Xiao Zhan has no choice but to do what he said.

"Let's start over, okay?" he said, looking directly at his eyes. Xiao Zhan gulped before nodding slowly then closed his eyes.

Yibo chuckled, "That's better. Now stop crying," he said and wiped his remaining tears. Then pulled him into his arms, making him sit on his lap. Xiao Zhan yelp in surprise but then, buried his face on his chest. Yibo rests his chin on his shoulder, "Let's forget about our shortcomings, okay?" he whispered in his ears.

Xiao Zhan nodded slowly, tears fell from his eyes again, he's feeling mixed emotions. His heart and body are rejoicing that even after leaving him like that Yibo had accepted him with open arms. Yet he still feels guilty about what he did.

Yibo patted his back gently, "I told you no more crying," he chuckled.

Just then, the door flung open, revealing a little kid standing at the door while scratching his eyes.

"Daddy?" He called out.

"Ye-" Xiao Zhan was about to answer when Yibo held back his head, "You don't want our kid to see you crying, right? Pretend you're asleep," he said. Xiao Zhan smiled, "Thank you," he whispered.

"Come here, baby. Did we wake you?" Yibo asked Xiang.

Xiang pouted, "I had a dream..." he mumbled as he walks near them.

"Okay, tell me later. First, let's put daddy on the bed okay?" he said to the kid and stood while carrying Xiao Zhan, whose face is buried on his chest so Xiang won't see.

Xiang nodded and went to the bed first. Then Yibo set Zhan down and laid beside him. He hugged Xiao Zhan then support his head with his other hand.

"Why is uncle staying in daddy's room?" Xiang suddenly asked making Xiao Zhan flinched.

Yibo chuckled, "come here," he said to the kid and scoot over to give him space in between them. Xiang crawled to the space in between and laid there, facing Yibo. He looks up at Yibo.

"You want to meet your other parent?" he asked with a wide smile.

"If daddy won't cry anymore, I want to!" he giggled.

Yibo chuckled at his cheerfulness. "You'll meet him," he assured him then patted his back gently.

"Now sleep, I'll stay here until both you and daddy fall asleep," he said and kissed Xiang's forehead, while his other hand sneakily caress Xiao Zhan's cheeks. Xiao Zhan then rubbed his cheeks on his palm.

"Okay~" Xiang answered with a wide smile then closed his eyes.


A/N: I cried writing this. I feel like an idiot crying over my own imaginative scenario.

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