STO: 3

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"How's that kid?" Xiao Zhan asked Tob, his bodyguard who he assigned to look after Yibo.

"He's doing well boss, he's capable of doing anything," he answered.

Xiao Zhan nodded, "Good, keep supervising him," Xiao Zhan instructed.

As they walk back to Xiao Zhan's room at the same time as his office, they passed Yibo wiping the railings of the second floor.

Yibo immediately turns his head to them when he noticed them, he bowed, "Good day, sir," he uttered.

Xiao Zhan looked at him at the corner of his eyes and nodded then continued walking.

Yibo sighed in relief when he's finally out of his sight, "I thought I fucked up," he mumbled, his heart is beating so fast in nervousness, the way he looked at him made him nervous. 'As I thought I'm not yet ready to die. I take back what I said yesterday,' he cried internally.

Just when he was about to continue his work, a man approached him with a smile, "Oh, you're the newly hired servant?" The man asked him. Yibo looked at him confusedly.

The man chuckled, "Oh, sorry. I forgot to introduce myself, you must be surprised for someone suddenly approaching you like this," he giggled, "I'm Yang Zixin, the boss' secretary," he said and open his hand for a handshake.

Yibo looked at his hand, still confused. then he looked at his face, Zixin smiled sweetly as he waited for his hand. Yibo slowly shook his hand with him. "N-Nice to meet you," he said awkwardly.

"Then see you around..." he paused, Yibo forgot to introduce his name.

"Yibo. Wang Yibo," Yibo answered.

"Right, See you around Yibo!" He tittered before leaving him still confused.

Yibo scratched his head, "He smells like an omega," he mumbled, "But why would he work in a place full of alphas if he's an omega?" he tilted his head.

But then he heaved a sigh, "Whatever, doesn't concern me anyway," he shrugged and continued working.


"Good day boss," Zixin greeted Xiao Zhan upon entering his office, "Yeah, good day," he answered back.

"You know boss, you should smile often," He smiled sweetly at him. Xiao Zhan looked at him expressionlessly, "We're cousins but it doesn't mean you can tell me what I should do with my expressions," he uttered then look back at his paper works on his table.

Zixin chuckled, "So cold, boss. If you smile often entrepreneurs might come signing contracts for us, since you're already handsome," he complimented with a titter.

"Don't flatter me Zixin, it doesn't work for me," he answered coldly. "Give me coffee instead of dilly-dallying."

Zixing chuckled, "Yes, yes, boss. Just don't be so grumpy this early," he said and turned and went to get him coffee.

When Zixin went out, he saw Yibo cleaning the vases across Xiao Zhan's office.

"Hi! We meet again!" Zixin chuckled making Yibo turn his head at him, "A-ah, yes, hello," Yibo lowered his head.

"Oh, you're fast at cleaning, You were just three rooms away from here a while ago," Zixin said surprised.

"T-thank you," Yibo answered with his head still lowered.

Zixin tittered once again, "You don't need to be so guarded with me, I'm the boss' secretary but only in his company works. I don't kill or beat up as his guards and underlings do," he smiled wide. "So anyway, I'll just get the boss' coffee right there," he added and pointed at the room beside Xiao Zhan's room.

"See you again," he bid and went inside the room.

Yibo looked in the direction where he went in, "he's so lively," he mumbled. But then he shrugged it off and did his work again.


Zixin came back to Xiao Zhan's room with a cup of coffee in his hand, "Here's your coffee boss," he said and put the coffee on the table.

"Thank you," he said, "By the way, I need you to go back to the company. I forgot some files on my table. And also collect the proposals of every department," he instructed him.

"This motherfckers keeps slacking off," he mumbled to himself, pertaining to the head of every department in his company.

"Yes, boss," Zixin uttered with a sweet smile and went out of his room.

When he's finally out he looked at where he last saw Yibo, his brows met, "he really does clean fast," he said. "Well, he's a good kid by the looks of him," he shrugged and went to what he is instructed.


"This room is where he got boss' coffee?" Yibo said as he travels his eyes around a small room where there are coffee makers and different appliances and ingredients used for making tea and coffee.

Then a spot caught his attention, he sighed, "What a messy way of making coffee," he mumbled and grabbed the cloth to wipe the table, he threw everything disposable from the table, table napkin, a small bottle, and paper filters. Upon finishing he step away to see if he missed a spot. He smiled in triumph upon seeing it squeaky clean.

He heaved a deep exhale before going out of the room.


Xiao Zhan is busy with his paper works, he grabbed the coffee with his free hand and sipped on it. Then he continued his work silently.

Just then he felt something burning inside him. His brows met but he shrugged it off, he has no time for worrying about simple things.

As time pass, the heat inside him ignited. His breath started to get ragged and his vision is blurring.

He let go of the pen as he holds onto his stomach, he clicked his tongue, 'It's not my heat today but why?' thought.

He bit his lip, his pheromones are escaping out of him. He closed his eyes, trying to control the igniting sensation inside him, but it doesn't work. His heat is getting out of control.

"Did I forgot to drink my suppressant?" he mumbled while struggling with his unexpected heat. He shook his head, "I didn't even once skip my dosage every day," he added.

He clicked his tongue again as he slowly stood, supporting his body with his palms on the table. Every part of him feels hot, his backside is twitching as if wanting to be filled. He tried walking little by little but his knees are started to weaken. Then his strength collapse, he didn't give up and crawled his way to his bed to get his suppressants from the drawer beside the bed.

But his heat is slowing him down, his instincts as an omega started to corrupt his body, stopping him halfway. "H-help..." he uttered but not enough for someone to hear him. He gave up and lied on the floor, "Fck being an omega," he cursed to himself. "I'll just need to let it calm for the meantime," he said and gripped on his chest, bit his lip, and closed his eyes. He doesn't know what to do since he's taking a strong dosage of suppressants since he started getting his heat. Because his family consists of alphas, only his parents and he knows his second gender.


A/N: Sorry for not updating yesterday cause I'm a bit lost and can't focus to update. I hope you like the UD today, (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~

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