STO: 30

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Yibo's brows furrowed when Haikuan cut the call suddenly, before the call was cut he sounded excited from the other line.

He shook his head as he went out of the place where he hides to take the call. Then he continued cleaning.

While cleaning, he heard the sound of Xiao Zhan's door open, he turn his attention to the direction of the sound and saw Xiao Zhan walking out of his room, he is fixing his leather gloves on his hand, thigh holsters is wrapped on his legs with guns on them, and his coat is on his shoulders as if he just came out of an action movie. While his secretary and his guard are behind him.

For a moment, Yibo was astonished. His heart skipped a beat, 'hot,' he thought. Xiao Zhan's aura feels more like a mafia boss. He gulped as he watches them, his mouth is slightly gaped open and his eyes are sparkling.

Then Xiao Zhan stopped in front of Yibo.

"Hey!" he called out to Yibo with his emotionless tone, Yibo immediately snapped out of his thoughts, he shook his head and swiftly stood straight, giving him utmost attention.

"Yes, boss?" he asked politely.

"Look after the house, tell the maids and servants in the other floors to tend to their places properly," he uttered sternly. He looks like he's in a bit of a foul mood. He's colder than usual.

"Yes, boss!" he answered and bowed. Xiao Zhan then continued walking out of there, leaving Yibo still on his ninety degrees bow.

When Yibo heard their footsteps getting farther away, he sighed in relief and stood straight.

He looked at them walk away, "Why is he in a bad mood?" he mumbled. But then the tone of Xiao Zhan a while ago rang in his ear, it brought shivers in his spine, "Haven't heard that for a while, huh," he mumbled and remembered the time he was brought into the mansion and the first time he met him.

Then he jolted, the thought of Xiao Zhan's threatening tone while instructing him to look after the house made his feet move to work. "Must do my duties or he might take his anger out on me," he immediately did what he was told.


The night had engulfed the day, Yibo was finished with his works and about to go back to his room when he saw Xiao Zhan walking up the stairs. His face lit up and ran to him, upon arriving, the smile on his face vanished. Blood is splattered on his clothes, shoes, and hair. The holsters on his thigh are also covered in blood. He suddenly panicked, 'Did he got stabbed? Is he hurt? Is he fine?' is the things he is asking inside his head over and over.

His eyes went wide, "Boss! Are you okay?" he asked worriedly as he approached him.

Xiao Zhan removed the leather gloves he was wearing, it was covered in blood as well. Then he looked at Yibo, he raised an eyebrow at him. "What are you so worked up for?" he bitched out at him.

"A-are you okay, boss?" he asked worriedly, his voice almost cracked, and tears are building up his eyes.

"Yeah. Just my shoulder got stiff after banging a bastard's head with my elbow," he said and hold his shoulder and twist it slightly to relax.

'He seems okay. So means it was not his blood but somebody else?' he thought, 'I am so worried but in fact, he's kicking fine, stupid tears go back!' he scolded himself.

"Anyway, prepare my bath. I feel sticky with this blood all over me," he clicked his tongue and massage his temple.

"Yes, boss," he obliged. Upon arriving in his room, Yibo immediately went to the bathroom to prepare for his bath. While Xiao Zhan removes all his clothing and threw it on the trash can.

Then he went straight to the bathroom. Yibo's eyes went wide when he saw Xiao Zhan naked as he enters the bathroom. Yibo's cheeks flushed, 'his body really looks sexy, shit' he cursed inside his head, 'His nipples are pink and his skin is fair, and he got this sexy ass as well,' he drooled. When he realized his staring too much, he immediately looks away and continued filling the jacuzzi, when it was finally filled he stood up.

Xiao Zhan put his hands on his waist and raise an eyebrow at him, "Who said you can go?" he uttered. Yibo gulped as he tried avoiding eye contact with him.

"Wash up my hair, I hate the stickiness of their filthy blood," he uttered and pass by Yibo and dip his body on the jacuzzi.

Yibo sighed internally, 'Calm down self, you just need to wash his hair and it will be fine,' he reminded himself, calming his wild-beating heart.

"But before that, get me wine. We'll drink while I let out my frustration to you," he said and rest his head on the other side of the jacuzzi.

Yibo obliged and went to get a bottle of wine and two glass goblets.

Xiao Zhan grabbed the bottle from him and poured halfway of both the glass.

"Now drink and wash my hair while I blabber," he uttered and sip on his wine.

Yibo gulped as he took two sips then put down the glass. He grabbed the shampoo from the side and squirt a tiny portion in his hair, then wet it slightly for it to form bubbles.

"Ahhh, that's better," Xiao Zhan sighed in relief. Yibo's hands that are gently rubbing his hair are making his stress vanish.

"Well, today. A fcking bastard just ruined my day. He demanded me to show my face so he will pay up. But then when I arrived there, he was waiting for us with his ugly-faced friends. It was ten of them," he suddenly blurted out.

Yibo listened intently, his hands massaged Xiao Zhan's hair while Xiao Zhan closes his eyes in relaxation.

"They were planning to kill us because he can't pay for his debt and surrounded us with their suck knife skills. What a waste of time," he sighed.

"Glad you were okay, boss," Yibo uttered in relief.

"Small fries don't scare me," he proudly uttered.

Yibo smiled at his remark, 'There are times that he gets arrogant that he doesn't notice it himself,' he chuckled internally.

"That's that, then they ended up severely wounded. Enough for them to not be able to walk and hold a spoon forever," Xiao Zhan smirked.

'Woah, scary. If I fought back when they took me. Would I have ended up just like them?' he thought. The shivers traveled in his body when he imagined himself in their state. But he immediately shook his head, 'No! I'm glad I didn't fight back and I'm still alive,' he said to himself.

"Your hands are good," Xiao Zhan suddenly complimented that made Yibo flinched in surprise at his sudden remarked. Lewd thoughts came into his head from hearing what Xiao Zhan said. 'Wake up Yibo, what he pertaining is, you're good at doing things!' he scolded himself and internally slapping his face.

"T-thank you, b-boss..." he stuttered, getting all flustered.


A/N: Too short, I'm sorryyyy! ヽ(*。>Д<)o゜

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