STO: 23

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"Baby, I'll go help them get the drink," Zanjin kissed Zhuocheng's cheeks before leaving him and Xiao Zhan in the living room.

"Okay baby," Zhuocheng answered with a smile and follow him with his eyes.

"So about the case,.." Xiao Zhan started as he pulls out the printed copy of the mail about the case and handed it to him.

Zhuocheng grabbed the document and started reading the content.

Just then, Yibo, Haikuan, and Zanjin came back with their drink and some snacks with it. Zanjin sat beside Zhuocheng while Yibo sat beside Xiao Zhan and Haikuan sat on a couch.

While Zhuocheng is reading through the context, his brows furrowed. Anger slowly forming inside him. 'Guess I'm too naïve back then that I didn't notice about it,' he said to himself. His fist is clenching on the paper.

"Baby, calm down," Zanjin whispered in his ear when he can feel the anger from him. He holds his hand, "Baby?..." he called out once again to calm him down. Zhuocheng then snapped out of his thought and looked at Zanjin, he heaved a heavy sigh. "I'm sorry baby," he apologized and smiled bitterly at him.

"Don't worry okay? That's why Mr. Xiao is here to be with us to solve this," Zanjin reassured with a smile. Zhuocheng nodded then turn his head to Xiao Zhan.

"So what's the plan, young master?" he asked calmly.

"I need your confession of what happened the night before the accident," he uttered seriously.

"I don't know if this will be of help, but I'll do my best to remember what I know about that night," he said.

"That night, as you can remember we're both at the library of your house. But I did come out once or twice to get some break," he started. "After spending too much reading, I went to get some water, when I arrived I saw a back of a man on the counter, I cannot tell what he is doing but I ignored him and went to get water from the fridge. When I faced the counter he looks like he's shocked seeing me, the servant doesn't look familiar tho, since dad often takes me with him I almost memorize your house's servants. I asked if he's okay cause he looks like he's sick, pale like he saw some ghost or something. But he said he's okay. Then I noticed, he's going to serve wine. I offered help because he looks like he's not in shape, but he refused. I let him be, but to be sure that he won't mess up I followed behind him, he keeps telling me that he can handle it but I didn't stop. He arrived at the living room, I peeked at who was in there when I saw Master Yanhao. Well, since the wine is delivered in perfect shape despite the servant's pale complexion, I decided to dismissed myself and go back to the library to finish what I'm doing, but I bumped with mom. I asked if where is he heading, he told me he was summoned by Master Zhi Xiang in the living room since he'll be the one driving for them. I wished him good luck and left for the library," he continued.

"That's all I can remember that night, after that, we both spent the rest of the night at the library until we heard the news about the accident," he added.

"I heard about the accident not being investigated properly, it was under the 8th division that's why we are not enlightened in that case in the 7th division," Haikuan suddenly uttered getting their attention.

"In divisions, there are really assigned detectives of each case, I don't know the full details but they said the chief police is favoring the 8th division and giving them some cases then forcing them to close them. And one of the cases is that accident, and now the case that is under them that is on verge of being closed without any deeper investigation is the inducer drug that was used to rape omegas. I think they haven't closed the case since the crime is still increasing but the investigations are always on hold that's why it's not progressing any further," Haikuan stated.

"So you mean, the chief police has something to do with this?" Xiao Zhan asked.

"I don't know. Police corruption is rampant in the circle, but there's no proof that's why it's not publicized and kept hidden from everybody. I can't prove it as well because we're just under their wings, accepting orders and obliging. So I don't know if the chief police are accepting some bribe to keep quiet about the cases," he shrugged.

"I see," Xiao Zhan nodded. "Well, can we ask you, Mr. Liu, to help us in this case?"

"If you can stack the pieces of evidence together, gege. We cannot just do it ourselves since we are no expert in this, please?" Yibo pleaded.

Haikuan sighed, 'I'm helping uncle Robert, and now this? Gladly, the office doesn't give us extreme investigation in the meantime,' he then looked at them, "Fine. Tell me everything you gathered," he answered.

"Thank you, Mr. Liu. Happy to work with you," Xiao Zhan stood and handed his hand for a handshake.

Haikuan looked at his hand with his eyes wide open, 'huh? am I gonna shake hand with a mafia? Am I going to be in danger when I deal with them?' he thought.

He looked at Yibo, he can see the anticipating eyes from him. He sighed internally, 'Yibo is really expecting me to work with a mafia, huh?' he said to himself. He shook hands with Xiao Zhan in defeat, 'I don't have any choice, am I?' he thought.

Then he turned his eyes to Zanjin and Zhuocheng, he can see the happiness in their eyes when he accepted the alliance. 'Well, it's not that bad. I'm just helping them know the truth but not doing some dangerous work for the mafia. As long as I see their beautiful smiles,' he said to himself and smiled back at Zanjin and Zhuocheng.

"Now then, I will tell you about what Zhuocheng's father said to us the other day," Xiao Zhan started.

They all listened attentively as he presents all they gathered.


A/N: Sorry for not updating last night. Hehe hope you like it.

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