STO: 19

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"Gege" Yibo uttered from the other line.

"Oh, Yibo. What's the matter? You need anything?" Haikuan answered, he's on his way home since his duty finished early.

"I have another favor to ask you," he started, getting fidgety on the other line.

"What is it?" he asked curiously.

"You know the case I asked you about, it's actually related to that," Yibo answered.

"Ah, what did you used that for?"

"I'm helping my boss," he replied.

"Boss? as in the mafia boss?" Haikuan asked with his eyes wide open. "I don't know how you survived in the capture of the mafia but I didn't think that you're actually helping the boss, you're really unbelievable," He shook his head as he chuckles.

"I don't know either, but I don't think they are like other mafias, I don't see any signs of violence on their work, though I see guns and some other things that can kill," he whispered so no one can hear him. Xiao Zhan, his secretary, and bodyguard went to their business and preparation of Xiao Zhan's parent's commemoration.

"Hm, but still be careful out there," Haikuan reminded.

"Yes. By the way, back to my favor. Since I have no one other than you to trust, you're a police and I know you can help us solve this case," he continued.

"I can help you, but isn't the case was already closed?" he asked as he parks his car at the garage of the house the chief gave him.

"I know, but it's unusual to be closed just like that. They didn't even conduct a proper investigation," he remarked.

"Oh, it's because it's the chief police directly instructed the 8th division to close the case and the case was never brought up after that," he replied.

"So that's why we're looking into it," Yibo.

"Fine. I can help you with that. Is that all your favor?" he asked.

Yibo scratches his nape and sighed, "Well, I got another one... But before I tell, you'll never say no to me, promise me that."

Haikuan chuckled, "As long as I can do it. Okay," he answered.

"No! promise me first that you'll not say no to me," Yibo sulked.

Haikuan chuckled once again, "What are you? A kid?" he laughed, "Fine, what is it."

"Well, the thing is, your house has an extra room right?" Yibo asked.

"yes, why?" Haikuan asked curiously.

"One of the witnesses is coming back from the US... and... uhm there are some certain reasons that he can't go home and it's too risky in hotels,.. so I'm wondering if you can spare the room for them?" He asked.

Haikuan chuckled, "Sure, If it's just a room, that will not be the problem," he uttered.

"Oh... right. One more thing, can you get them from the airport as well. I can't go since the boss is not here," Yibo pleaded.

"Sure, I'm off from work anyway, so I'm free," he said and grabbed his keys.

"Thank you, I'll send their number so you can stay in contact with them, tell them Xiao Zhan asked you to escort them," he said on the other line.

"Xiao Zhan?" he paused, 'the name sounds familiar,' he thought but then he shrugged, "Okay. Be careful out there," Haikuan reminded before hanging up the call. Not long after, he received Yibo's message.

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