STO: 34

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It's the day of their flight to Hainan. Xiao Zhan and Yibo were able to invite Zhuocheng, Zanjin, and Haikuan on a vacation, while they called Kevin.

They have already boarded. Zhuocheng is seated beside Zanjin, while Haikuan is seated beside Kevin, the atmosphere Haikuan is feeling is still awkward since the time they went to introduce themselves to Zhuocheng's father. Even though his father welcomed them and didn't give prejudice, he's still guilty of impregnating his son and his son's lover.

Kevin chuckled, he can see Haikuan tensing beside him. "Son, calm down. You're so stiff," he remarked.

Haikuan smiled awkwardly, "S-sorry, sir," he uttered, avoiding his gaze.

"What did I told you to call me? You'll be my son-in-law so loosen up, call me dad as well," he gave him a wide smile.

Haikuan nodded politely, "D-dad..." he mumbled. It's been years since he called someone dad since his parents died, and he calls Robert either chief or uncle.

"There," Kevin remarked and chuckled, "Now stop calling me sir already."

"Y-yes.." he stuttered.


"Hm, looks like Mr. Kevin Wang looks happy talking to gege," Yibo remarked when he noticed them talking to each other since they are just a seat away from where they are seated.

"Hm," Xiao Zhan answered, his head is leaning on Yibo's shoulder while his eyes are closed.

"It's amazing how well he adapted to his son's situation," Yibo added.

"Yeah, he's a not right-hand man for nothing," Xiao Zhan simply uttered and yawned.

"Right, but well. I know I have no right to judge their relationship, it just amuses me, how does the two accept to have one man?" he mumbled.

"Zhuocheng and Mr. Zhou are a couple, in the beginning, they accept everything the other likes. Just look how happy the two, having Mr. Liu's baby on their bellies," Xiao Zhan remarked, pertaining to Zanjin and Zhuocheng.

Yibo turns his head to Zhuocheng and Zanjin who is already asleep, with the other's head is leaning to the other.

"Oh, I guess your right," Yibo remarked.

"When you finish paying your debt, you can have all omegas you want. So don't be envious of them," Xiao Zhan uttered.

Yibo looked at Xiao Zhan, a sting struck his heart. For the hundredth time, he's reminded that their relationship is just a boss-underling relationship. Nothing beyond that.

He smiled bitterly and closed his eyes, "Heh, if I were to fall in love, I'll only fall for a certain person," he uttered.

"Hm, what a romantic person you are," Xiao Zhan remarked and slowly drifted to sleep.

'If you just know that it's you who I had fallen in love with,' he said inside his head. He rests his head on Xiao Zhan's head as he closes his eyes. His heart is clenching in pain, he bit his lip, suppressing his tears. Then he internally slapped himself, 'This is a vacation, you should not dwell much on sad things!' he scolded himself. 'Enjoy the times you have with him until it lasts,' he added and opened his eyes, he looked at Xiao Zhan's sleeping face and caress his cheeks. He smiled as he thought of the good memories he accumulated with him for the past months.


After a long flight, they arrived at Sanya, Hainan. Taxis are waiting outside the airport.

Haikuan held his, Zanjin's, and Zhuocheng's baggage, while Yibo held his and Xiao Zhan's.

They rode two taxis, Xiao Zhan, Yibo, and Kevin on the first and the rest is on another taxi. After forty minutes of the ride, they arrived at Yalong Bay where the beach is empty.

Zanjin and Zhuocheng's mouth gaped open, the beauty of the place mesmerized them. Haikuan chuckled as he watches the two get so excited.

"Mr. Xiao, is it okay to let them go already?" he asked Xiao Zhan since he knows that the two can't wait to go explore the place.

"Yeah, the place is deserted since it's only us here, they're free to walk around," he said.

Haikuan then turns his attention to the two, "Go, I know you're excited," he chuckled. But the two looked at him with puppy eyes, "How about you?" they asked with their lips pouted.

"I'll go after you, I'll just put our bags in our room," he uttered, the two pouted but then Kevin caught their attention.

"Dad!" the two called Kevin in unison. "Let's go!" they cheered.

Kevin chuckled at them, "But I still have my luggage, my sons," he said and showed them his bag.

The two looked at Haikuan with their pleading eyes, "please put dad's bag with you," they pleaded. Haikuan smiled, "Of course," he said and grab Kevin's luggage.

"Are you sure?" Kevin asked worriedly. Haikuan smiled at him, "Yes, dad," he uttered. Kevin smiled wide upon hearing him call him dad. "Thanks, son," he said and tap him on his shoulder then let the two drag him away.

Haikuan's cheeks blushed, it's kind of awkward but a satisfying feeling is inside him, he has someone to call dad and it makes him happy.


On the other hand, Xiao Zhan and Yibo are watching them before they decided to go to their room as well. The room of the four is far from their room since their goal is to get over Xiao Zhan's heat without holding back.

"Shall we head on our room as well, boss?" Yibo asked as he pulls their luggage.

"I guess," Xiao Zhan uttered and turned to the other direction of Haikuan.

Yibo followed after him. While following him, his brows furrowed, a sweet scent is coming from Xiao Zhan.

'Is he already in heat?' he thought. He immediately walked to his pace and leaned closer at him, "Boss, you're already emitting your pheromones," he told him.

"Yeah, my center is starting to fire up," he said casually. Yibo's cheeks flushed. That just meant one thing, they'll do it straight away after arriving in their room.

"Are you still fine? Can you handle it until we arrive in our room?" he asked worriedly.

"I can for the time being, but we need to hurry before I became unable to control it and we might do it here," he uttered.

Yibo gulped, his thoughts suddenly wandered after hearing that from him. His body suddenly tingles at the thought of doing perverted things with Xiao Zhan in the hallway.

"Hey, stop daydreaming. We've arrived at our room," Xiao Zhan snap him out of his thoughts.

"O-oh, sorry boss," he said and looked away. He can't look at him straight in the eyes since he just had an erotic image of him.

Xiao Zhan opened the door, while Yibo was just standing outside.

Xiao Zhan clicked his tongue, he rolled his eyes and grabbed Yibo on the collar of his clothes, and pulled him inside with the luggage. Then he banged the door close behind them.


A/N: I was about to update this last night but I suddenly got sick and had to postpone it. So anyway, I feel better now. I hope you liked the update. (╯▽╰ )

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