STO: 58

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"Jhai! You did it wrong!" Yibo scolded one of his students.

Her brows furrowed, "But sir, I've been doing it the same way you thought me, what did I do wrong this time?" she asked. She did the step right but there's something wrong with Yibo.

"I'm observing her, sir, I think she did no mistake this time," Another one of his students remarked.

Yibo sighed and massaged his temple, since yesterday when he mistakenly heard Xiao Zhan's voice, he has been distracted. The worst is, he even dreamt of him and became dumbfounded when he woke up that it was all just a dream.

"I'm sorry, I'm a bit distracted," he apologized to his students and drag a chair. He sat as he crosses his arm on his chest then lower his head.

"I'll just rest for a bit, go on continue your routine and I'll check later," He said to his students.

"Yes, sir," They answered and did what they were told.

Since yesterday, he's been hearing things. The voice of Xiao Zhan keeps repeating in his head. The one he heard from the department store awakened all of it. Trying to remember it again, it's awfully the same, 'Did I heard it wrong? Or maybe I have already forgotten his voice since it's been six years,' he thought then shook his head, 'It can't be, I've memorized his voice, his face, and his beauty mark perfectly in my mind, I can't be mistaken!' he exclaimed inside his head.

Then he tugs on his hair in frustration, his students looked at him, weirded out at his behavior.

"Do you think something happened to teacher Bo?" Jhai asked Adee while wiping her sweat.

Adee shrugged, "Dunno, he's been acting weird since he enters class tho," She answered. Then some caught her attention, she looked outside.

"Oh, this room needs more equipment for the advances of the students. For now, they were using a handheld speaker to practice..."

"Oh, look. It's the principal," Adee pointed to the principal walking in the hallway with another two people.

"Right, it's rare for him to be roaming around. Must be an important guest," Jhai shrugged.

While Yibo is getting his thoughts cleared, he noticed Adee and Jhai standing across the room while the other students were busy on their own.

"Hey you two, what are you slouching for?" he remarked. But the two were obviously immersed in talking to each other. His brows furrowed and got curious as to what the two are looking at that they don't even hear him.

His eyes went to where they are looking at. Upon laying his eyes, his world suddenly came to a slow motion. It seems that the day is brighter than before. His heart pounded fast, he can't even hear a thing but the beating of his heart. His feet move on their own, his mind went blank leaving only the image of the person he laid his eyes on now. He gulped, the person he'd been missing and wanting to see for six years is just meters away from him. The way his hair was styled is the same as six years ago, his posture and walking are the same as well. Then he noticed Kevin following the principal and him. His eyes went wide. 'I need to make sure that's him. Quickly!' That is what his brain is telling him.

It doesn't matter that he's in the middle of his class, he doesn't want to waste any moment now that he saw him.

He ran out of the room. The students were surprised at him suddenly dashing off and followed him with their eyes.

Yibo gasp for air before reaching out his hand. He successfully grabbed Xiao Zhan's wrist.

Xiao Zhan was surprised when he felt a hand tugged his wrist, he looked at who it was. His eyes went wide, his heart tightened. At this moment, he's looking at the man he had loved for years. He immediately retracts his wrist and backed away. His head throbbed, tears were about to form in his eyes. His body trembled. He didn't expect that he'll meet him today after talking about him yesterday.

"Teacher Yibo, what are you doing?!" The principal shouted at him.

As if Yibo didn't hear anything, he grabbed Xiao Zhan on his shoulder. "It's you! It's really you!" he exclaimed.

The scene just created a commotion from his classroom and the neighboring classes.

Xiao Zhan was speechless, his mouth automatically pursed. His brain gave a sudden panic attack, unable to think of what to do in this situation. The man he least expected to meet is right in front of him.

"I've missed you!" Yibo declared with a wide smile on his face. He hugged Xiao Zhan tight on his arms.

Xiao Zhan, still in his panicking state was frozen when he felt the warmth from Yibo's arms. The warmth he'd been missing for six years, the warmth that he wanted to embrace for the rest of his life.

His hands unconsciously moved and about to hug him back when he realized his objective as to why he decided not to meet him. His brows furrowed, He immediately pushed him away and backed away a meter distance.

"Yibo! What are you doing this instance?!" The principal shouted once again, "Apologies! He's an important guest, act according to your profession!" he added, grabbing Yibo away from Xiao Zhan.

"It's okay, Mr. Principal," Kevin uttered and patted the principal's shoulder to calm his anger. "The young master is fine, don't worry," he added.

Yibo on the other side doesn't care about what's happening in his surrounding. It's as if, he and Xiao Zhan are the only people in his world. The principal's nagging doesn't budge him as well.

"Bo?" Kevin turned his attention to Yibo. But Yibo was not hearing anything, his eyes are fixated on the person in front of him.

Kevin smiled when he got no response from him, he knows how happy Yibo right now that he's seeing the person he's been anticipating for years. Then his eyes turn to Xiao Zhan, he sighed. Xiao Zhan was on the verge of crying, his body is trembling, his composure as a mafia boss turned upside down.

Xiao Zhan bit his lip, 'don't cry Zhan, don't cry,' he reminded himself.

Kevin knew that if this continues, Xiao Zhan might show his vulnerable state and might be used by his enemies' advances to him.

He immediately took action and grabbed Xiao Zhan's shoulder, "I'm sorry, Mr. Principal. We'll visit some other time. The young master has an urgent business today," Kevin smiled and bowed at the principal.

The principal bowed back, "Oh, no. It's okay. It's my pleasure to accompany our benefactor. Thank you for choosing our school to sponsor," he said politely.

"Then we'll be on our way," he bid goodbye then looked at Yibo, "Bo..." he said and nodded with a smile.

He leads Xiao Zhan to the parking lot and lets him enter the passenger seat. Then he went to the driver seat.

he was about to start the engine when Xiao Zhan spoke.

"Why did you suggest the school to sponsor?" Zhan mumbled. His head is lowered, tears started flowing out of his eyes without him noticing. His voice became cold and his heart is clenching tight.

Kevin looked at the rear-view mirror and smiled faintly, "If not now, then when are you going to do it?" Kevin asked, pertaining to the one they were talking about yesterday.

"I told you not now... I'm still not ready..." Xiao Zhan said with his cold tone.

"But when are you going to be ready? If you don't make an effort right at this moment, regret will just hunt you," Kevin sighed. He's a bit impatient at this setup.

Xiao Zhan gritted his teeth, tears are flowing from his eyes, his body is trembling. He doesn't know when, but right now his heart is throbbing so tight that he can hardly breathe. The pain came rushing all over his body. He hugged his knees as he buries his face between them. The image of Yibo's face a while ago is flashing in his head, the warmth of the embrace is radiating all over his body, and the voice that uttered the word 'I miss you' keeps ringing in his ear.

He closed his eyes shut, "I've missed you, too" he mumbled softly as he bawled his eyes out.


A/N: thoughts? I don't think I did a great job in this Hahaha

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