STO: 78

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"I told you, I don't need a wheelchair," Xiao Zhan pouted as Yibo pushed him while he sits in the wheelchair.

Yibo sighed for the tenth time, "I told you, you're still recovering. I can't let you walk, plus she's on your arms, it will be more convenient for her," Yibo uttered and pointed at their baby.

Xiao Zhan sighed in defeat, "It's just, you're spoiling me too much. You've already done so much for me," he said sulkily.

Yibo snickered, "Well, I'm not stopping even if you tell me to," he said and continued pushing him.

Xiao Zhan chuckled at him, "Whatever," he rolled his eyes.


They are both alerted when they heard Xiao Zhan's name being uttered, they looked around to see who it was.

"Zhan? Is that you?" they heard again, they looked to their right and saw someone familiar to Xiao Zhan. It was a woman in her mid forty's, she was holding a kid by her hand.

"Aunt AiMi?" Xiao Zhan uttered that made Yibo look at him.

"You knew her?" Yibo whispered. Xiao Zhan nodded.

"Oh my, it's you, Zhan," she uttered with a wide smile. "Look how big you are now, you even have your own family now," she said with her motherly smile. "I'm so happy to see you happy now, my dear nephew," she added.

"Thank you, auntie," he remarked.

"The last time I saw you were on my sister's and your father's funeral," her tone suddenly saddened, then she lowered her head.

Xiao Zhan smiled at her, "I'm perfectly fine now auntie, that's already in the past," he answered, "How about you, how are you auntie?" he asked her.

She looked down and smiled faintly. "Well..." she paused. "I'm fine," she mumbled.

"What's the matter, auntie? Is there something I could help you with?" Xiao Zhan asked concerned, he can sense that there's something she wants to tell him.

She shook her head, "No, I am fine really. But, I know what will I say is not my position to tell you. But I want to apologize for what my son did to you," she started that made Yibo's eyes wide, 'Oh, She's Zixin's mother,' he thought.

"I know what he did was not forgivable with just a mere word, but I still want to apologize on his behalf. I didn't know that he was blinded with envy that he ended up harming you," she uttered, her voice almost cracking.

Xiao Zhan listened to her attentively, to be honest, he's so angry at Zixin for siding with his uncle and did all of that, but he's still his cousin. They're still connected with blood and he's willing to forgive him.

"He confessed to me when I visited him, he said he wanted to apologize to you in person if ever he sees you, even if you don't accept his apology. He admitted that what he did was wrong," She continued.

"He said that he's regretting what he did because his daughter is now suffering, "Maybe it's my curse for doing such things" is what he said," she added.

The two looked at the little girl on her side. She was pale, not too thin but her shape was not like a child's.

"She has a hole in her lungs, and the most thing he regrets is that he's not with her fighting with her sickness," She replied.

"Is that Zixin's daughter?" Xiao Zhan asked, surprised. The kid looks a lot more like his uncle.

Yang AiMi nodded with a bitter smile, "Yeah, he knew that he was pregnant while he's the jail. Since the kid can't be with her parents at the jail, I had to take her under me. Then she was diagnosed with having a hole in her lungs. Her father gave me money but it was insufficient for her surgery. Since Mr. Xiao Yanhao's company and assets were transferred to someone else, he was left with only his savings. But I will surely work hard for her surgery, for the meantime, I bring her for a frequent check-up so she's temporarily stabilized now."

"Uncle is his father?" Xiao Zhan asked.

She nodded, "Yeah, I didn't know their relation until I visited him at the jail, he confessed everything to me. It was shocking knowing the truth but I accepted it right away since I cannot turn back time anymore," she smiled bitterly.

"Well, anyway. Let's not talk about sad things," she shook away the topic. "How about you? Your baby so cute, is she a girl or a boy?" she asked as she leaned slightly to look at Xiao Zhan's kid.

"Auntie," Xiao Zhan uttered that made her stop and look at him, "yes?" she answered.

He smiled, "I have a family now auntie. I know the feeling of hardships being away with your love one. Zixin is suffering, being away from his own daughter, it must have hurt so much..." he paused.

"I already forgave Zixin, auntie. He served me well for two years and he's already repenting in the prison, that's enough to forgive him. As for the kid, she didn't do anything bad as she's innocent, it was his parents' fault. If you're okay with it, I can help with her surgery," he smiled.

AiMi was surprised, she lowered her head as she bit her lower lip. She's shocked that, even after what his son did, he was able to forgive him and even help with the surgery of her granddaughter. "It would be a lie if I said I didn't need your help for this, Zhan. I'm glad. Thank you so much and I'm sorry," she bowed ninety degrees to express her gratitude.

Xiao Zhan's eyes went wide and stopped her from bowing low, "No auntie. We're family, a family should help each other. If you just reached me earlier than this, I could have helped my niece sooner," he said. Yibo made her stand properly.

"I was too ashamed to show my face to you after what happened, but when I saw you earlier I gathered my courage. I'm sorry, I should have apologized sooner," a tear fell from her eyes.

Xiao Zhan was flustered seeing her cry, Yibo immediately grab his handkerchief and handed it to her. "Please don't cry, ma'am. It's all in the past, let's face what's in the present and for the future," he smiled at her. "We all need to move forward for the people who need us, just like her," he added, as he looks down at the kid beside her with a wide smile.

She looked up and get the handkerchief from him, she smiled faintly. "Thank you, young man," she said. 'He's right,' she thought.

"Now, auntie, why don't you join us in my room? It's not far away from here," Xiao Zhan smiled wide. "Her check-up is finished right?" he asked.

She nodded.

"Well then, let's go. We can talk about her surgery and eat," Xiao Zhan said happily.

Yibo crouch down and looked at the kid, "Let's go? want me to carry you?" he asked.

The kid looked at him for a second, but then let go of Aimi's hand and open her arms. Yibo smiled as she pulls her up, "Oh my, you're so light," he chuckled.

AiMi smiled, 'if Zixin didn't become reckless, would he have a family like this too?' is what she thought. She grabbed the handle of the wheelchair and slowly pushed Xiao Zhan to his room, while Yibo entertains the kid.



I know the characters are a bit confusing. Well, it's like this.

Zhan's mother - Xiao Cheng Li

Zhan's father - Xiao Zhi Xiang

Zhan's uncle (Zhi Xiang's brother)- Xiao Yanhao

Zhan's auntie (ChengLi's sister)- Yang AiMi

Zhan's cousin (Aimi's son) - Yang Zixin

So basically, Xiao Yanhao and Yang Zixin are in a relationship and now they have a daughter. He and Yanhao are not blood-related and they met at the funeral of Zhan's parents.

The reason why Zixin did all that is since he and Zhan were kids, he envied him. He hates that Zhan is living a luxurious life while he and his family are just normal. He was happy when Zhan lose his parents because he thought "he's finally suffering". His idea of Xiao Zhan is a happy-go-lucky guy because he's a silver spoon, that's why he hates his guts. At the funeral, he saw Yanhao there, like a potential sugar daddy. As an omega, he always thought that marrying a rich and dominant alpha will change his life. Zixin likes thrills too, that's why he took the risk to approach Yanhao, he didn't expect Yanhao to do cruel things and just thought he'll just smooch off from him and use his body to do that, but when Yanhao told him his plans he was thrilled even more.

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