STO: 60

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They arrived at a restaurant not far away from the school.

They sat on a table, but the atmosphere were a deafening silence. When suddenly Xiang spoke, "Daddy, I want baobao!" he pouted.

Xiao Zhan flinched, he suddenly remembered, Xiang sure have the same taste as his father. "Oh, okay baby," he forced a smile. Then he opened the menu, "What would you like?" he asked, pertaining to Yibo. He hide his face behind the menu list to avoid eye contact with Yibo. Every time he sees his face, he can't help but felt guilty.

"Oh, I would get what Xiang wants," Yibo answered.

"Yey! Baobao!" Xiang giggled happily.

Xiao Zhan smiled faintly, 'He didn't change at all,' he thought. But then he jolted, 'No, stop it Zhan!' he scolded himself. He clicked his tongue at himself then sighed, "Waiter!" he called.

As Xiao Zhan call for the waiter, Yibo casually takes a glimpse at Xiao Zhan every minute.

'Oh, he still looks beautiful every time look at him,' he said inside his head, the thought of Xiao Zhan having a child with someone just vanished as his admiration for his beauty took over. 'He haven't aged at all after this years,' he added. But then he realized he already had a kid, the smile of admiration vanished from his face, 'Oh, I forgot he already had a kid,' he thought.

'I bet the mother is beautiful, seeing how cute Xiang is,' he said inside his head, dejected and sorrowful. 'It must be,' he said to himself. 'They probably got married and love each other. The same status like him, unlike me, I'm just a commoner.' Then he sighed. While grumbling inside his head, a memory suddenly popped up.

"But Xiang Xiang don't have mommy" Xiang said. It was that time when he first met Xiang in front of Yubin's tailor shop. His eyes went wide, he immediately turn his attention to Xiao Zhan's hands and he saw no ring. 'That mean's he's not married?' he thought, surprised at the revelation he just dig up. His heart pounded fast once again, as if its rejoicing.

He immediately covered his mouth as he look away, a smile is sprouting from his mouth and if he doesn't cover it, they might say he's an idiot for smiling for no reason.

'I still have a chance right?' he said to himself. His heart is leaping in joy. He bit his lip, he can't contain his happiness.

'But first, I need to take it slow so he won't get surprised. If I attacked suddenly, he might suddenly disappear again,' he said to himself. 'Plan, I need to plan everything. I need to make him fall for me first, since I already got the kid's favor it won't be a problem,' he grinned behind his hands.

"Uncle?" The kid called out, but Yibo can't hear him because of his daydreaming. "UNCLE!" Xiang shouted, for the second time, he was able to get Yibo's attention.

Yibo immediately turn his attention to him and eye-smiled, "yes?" he answered. His mood turn completely 360 all of a sudden.

"Baobao is here~" Xiang giggled and pointed at the food in front of him. Yibo looked at the table and saw the food they've ordered.

"Wow~" Yibo smiled, "It looks delicious," he complimented,

"Yesh, yesh~" Xiang giggled while holding the bao on his small hands, then put it in his mouth.

"Be careful, it's hot," Xiao Zhan warned him as he put his hand below his chin to assist him.

"Dyaddwy you each choo! (Daddy you eat too)" he muffled while chewing on the food.

"Yes, yes. I will, now eat slowly," Xiao Zhan said as he look at him with his motherly smile.

At that moment, Yibo was astonished. The look on Xiao Zhan's face while attending Xiang, it's as if he can see the life he had imagined for the past six years right before his eyes. His mouth unconsciously formed a smile.

"Uncle?" Xiang tilted his head when he noticed Yibo watching them with a wide smile.

Yibo shook his head, "Y-yes?" he answered, 'shoot! I got carried way,' he thought.

"Uncle not eating," Xiang remarked.

Xiao Zhan took a glimpse then looked away immediately.

"Oh, I'm eating. See," he said and grabbed one bao and put it in his mouth, "Yum!" he remarked, convincing him.

"Right? It's delishush" he giggled, "Daddy, eat too!" he said and shove him a bao.

Yibo chuckled at the sight.

Just then, Xiao Zhan's phone suddenly rang. Zhan immediately grabbed his phone and answered the call.

"Please, excuse me," he said and left the two.

The two ate while Xiao Zhan is on a call, they were like two peas in a pod. The way they eat, facial expression while eating, their habits are the same.

When Xiao Zhan came back inside, he saw the two enjoying their food. His eyes were wide open as he watch them, every thing they do is the same. 'Like father, like son,' is what he thought. But he immediately realized, he's supposed to not let Yibo close to him any farther. He heaved a long sigh, he stride near them, "Uhm... I'm sorry..." he uttered. "My son were the one invited you to meal, but I- Uhm... I have an urgent business... so... uhm" he apologized.

Yibo tilted his head as he stare at Xiao Zhan, waiting for him to finish what he is saying.

Xiao Zhan felt a little intimidated from Yibo's stares, his cheeks flushed. He looked away trying to avoid any eye contact.

Yibo chuckled, "I understand, It's okay," he said and looked at Xiang, "Looks like Xiang will be going home now. Let's play another time okay?" he said to the kid and patted his head.

But Xiang pouted, "Daddy are we going home?" He asked Xiao Zhan.

"O-Oh, yes baby. Daddy has work," he said and sat beside Xiang. He wiped his mouth and smiled.

"B-but I want to play with uncle!" he sulked.

"But baby--" Xiao Zhan coaxed, but by the looks on his face, he's about to cry. Xiao Zhan sighed, "Next time baby, okay?" he said softly, trying not to worsen his mood.

"If it's okay with you, I can bring him to your home later," Yibo suddenly suggested that made him look at him.

But he immediately looks away, "B-but that would be troublesome for you..." he uttered.

"Oh no, I have my paid leave for today so it'll be okay," he said with a smile.

"Please daddy~ Uncle and Xiang play~" Xiang pleaded with his puppy eyes.

Xiao Zhan sighed in defeat, what can he do if Xiang shows him such a face?

"Then behave okay? Don't get away from uncle so you won't get lost," he reminded him.

Yibo and Xiang looked at each other with a bright smile. "Yey! thank you, daddy," he giggled.

Xiao Zhan sighed once again and stood then grabbed his coat, "I'll be going then. Be good, okay?" he said to Xiang and leaned to kiss his forehead. Xiang nodded happily.

As he was about to leave Yibo grabbed his wrist, Xiao Zhan immediately looked at him giving him a 'What-is-it?' look.

"Oh, uhm. Can I get your number, so... Uhm I can contact you about Xiang..." he said, though that's one of the reasons why he's getting his number, he also has an ulterior motive. He handed him the phone and smiled wide at him.

Xiao Zhan was star-struck, he looks away as he grabs his phone and dialed his number then gave back the phone.

Yibo grinned happily that he finally gets his phone number, he looked up at him. "Thank you, I'll take care of him," he assured.

The smile on Yibo's face just made Xiao Zhan's heart flutter, his cheeks are blushing. "A-ah yeah..." he said and marched out of the restaurant. If he stays longer, he might get flustered even more.


A/N: My mind is scattered again. Save meeeeeh! HAHAHHA Finals is coming up WAAAAH *panicking*

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