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Namjoon just got off of work , BTS's long list of schedule for this month finally ended.  He's been in charge in all of the schedules making him more and more exhausted .

He opened his apartment door and was greeted by his girlfriend's womanly scent.

He walked up to his bedroom and there she is . South korea's it girl wearing only  his plain white v neck shirt and her undies sleeping soundly on his massive bed making her look extra tiny .

He smiled . He put down his training bag and climbed up to where she is

She felt something moving so she opened her eyes and was greeted by her handsome boyfriend's face .

She pulled him to her and showered his face with little kisses

"I missed you babe " he whispered . It's been months since they last held each other because of their tight schedules . They do communicate using their phones but of course holding each other are still a different vibe than just talking over the phone

"I missed you too " she pouted at him


"You told me that you'll be back tomorrow you should've just told me that you'll be here tonight . I should've prepared for the both of us "

"It's fine baby . That's the reason why I didn't told you. We both know that were exhausted so it's better to just chill and relax ." He chuckled before getting up on his feet

"I'm gonna ready the tub . Join me ?"

"No silly things tonight babe okay ? My body hurts from our choreography so I can't entertain you tonight " hyejin says as she got up and tie her long black mane

"Yes boss . Joonie will behave tonight " he shaked his head before heading to the bathroom .

He got some flower petals that he bought from a nearby flower shop. It adds up some vibes and aroma to the bath water so he prefers putting alot of it .

After the petals he lit up several lavender scented candles , it's hyejin's favorite candle scent as of the moment .  She told him that it relaxes her mind and soul , one thing about his girlfriend is that she loves chilling and meditating to control her mind . Contrary to their group's image where they are chaotic and have an unbelievable energy .

Though they are beagle on their own group but when it comes to other people around them they are as quiet and collected as you can ever imagine .

"Babe , come here bath tub's ready !!" He shouted from the bathroom .

He strip down his clothes before going in .

She entered the bathroom without any clothes , confident enough to show her boyfriend her own body .

They've been dating for two years now after jin and byul announced their relationship in the group namjoon have had the courage to pursue hyejin setting all of his leader responsibility aside for her .

He smiled . Hyejin was a very insecure person when it comes to her body . She gain confidence over the years because he kept saying that all of her is perfect . Seeing how she flaunt her beauty in front of him made him proud

She dip into the tub big enough for the both of them .

He reached out for her and made her sit on top of him cuddling her to his mascular arms .

"I missed you so much oppa . We've been both busy because of our schedules and it just can't meet in between " she sighed placing her hands on his chest wanting to feel his heartbeat. 

"Don't worry babe . We finished all of our schedules for this month and the next so we're free " he chuckled caressing her hair

"But we still have a lot on our plate " she tsked "I sometimes wished that I shouldn't have entered showbiz because of these times . I want to spend time with you . Our friends and family but I can't even get to spend time with my self "

He looked at her , seeing how exhausted she might be from all the performances ,guestings , and schedules she have . May it be solo or group schedules it can surely drain her out .

"How can I make my baby less exhausted then ?" He asked kissing the side of her lips

"Just stay with me oppa "

"I will baby . This rapmon will stay with you forever "

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