domination w are

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Namjoon  just came home from a dance practice , he's super tired and sleepy .

Since they're not just dancing and singing all day thus they need to do things besides those two it emptied he's battery .

While he sleeps ,hyejin came home to his apartment after a long day , she composed and write some songs with the members as well . She decided to visit namjoon who's her very close friend .

Eversince trainee days they hang out with each other but since debut they lessen the interaction in public but continues to hangout in private just like now .

She's free to go to his apartment everytime she wanted to because he gave her his door code , she often chill inside his apartment whenever she's bored . She's also the one who feeds his dog whenever he's out of the country

She put down her things on the sofa and walked towards his room . She already saw his shoes on the doorsteps so she knows he's home .

And she saw him sleeping on his bed , she flipped her body next to him and put her legs over him , he moved a little and just put an arm over her legs that's resting on his torso .

She took out her phone and snapped a picture of the scene . She posted it on the fancafe

Ever Since they debuted they didn't really have a strict rule so she's free to post anything , share anything and even date someone . But she's not dating RM so she doesn't really think too much about it .

She's been teased alot by her members and even their fans because she's the last one that doesn't have any boyfriend at all . They often tease her at embodying the "IT girl" title too much , making her laugh .

Namjoon woke up a few minutes later with both hyejin's legs resting on his torso .

He chuckled , the girl is comfortable around him . Too comfortable actually , she doesn't get shy around him that made him feel proud that the timid hyejin around almost every man she's meeting is this open to him .

She's now napping her phone on her hand while playing a soft mellow  music

He slowly propped his arms and carefully placed hyejin beside him properly  and let her sleep more .

Now that he's energized again he walked out of the room and called his dog Rapmon

Hyejin is actually the one who named his dog , and the reason why he changed his stage name to only RM because he gets confused whenever someone calls his dog .

He took out some treats and played and teaches rapmon some tricks , after playing with the dog he decided to clean his apartment so he started to  vaccume the living room and kitchen only .

Then he wiped the floor with a mop

After those he washed the dishes and walked back to his room where hyejin is sleeping .

He flopped down beside her and took her hand holding it while he placed both their hands on his chest while he scrolls down through his phone .

Hyejin woke up and looked up to namjoon whose now reading a book beside her .

She looked at her fingers that interlocks with his as it rests on his chest

"Why are you awake already ?" She asked him , she knows that's he's also as tired as she is from work

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