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this is a different time zoned story i mixed something up so don't get confused .. 

enjoy !!!

Hwasa quickly finished designing the vintage cake she's been doing .

Eversince her episode in ILA making a vintage cake for her sister she has been practicing to make a better one . She even learned how to make the cake her self , so she's no more using the store bought cakes .

She's been dedicating her whole day for this surprise of hers. It's namjoon's birthday and also their third year anniversary

She asked him to go to her apartment so they can have a simple dinner , but she didn't greet him at all . His members already told her that namjoon complains about her not remembering that it's his birthday. 

But of course it's all an act .

She prepared a full on surprise for him , she even decorated her whole living room with balloons and party materials.  She cooked his favorite meal and the cake she made is his favorite flavor .

She's been saving up for this birthday gift of his that she'll be giving him later .

Last year namjoon bought her a beach side vacation house named after her . And it really took her away , namjoon brought her to the beach side on her last year's birthday , he made her check all the beach houses that's available and only told her that he's thinking on buying one so she innocently suggested the house she liked the most .

But then namjoon suddenly told the broker that he'll take the house , without even blinking an eye ! Right away they signed the contract and to her surprise namjoon named the title after her.  Before saying "happy birthday baby" and kissing her .

Now to make up for her absence these past few days due to her busy schedule , and also they didn't really have the time to spend with each other , she bought his dream sports car  a lamborghini veneno one of the most high end sports car at the time . He's been wanting to buy one but kept on stopping himself because he told her that he want to buy their house first before buying his own wants .

It touched her heart because she can see how serious namjoon is with her . He never blink an eye on anything she wanted even though she didn't asked him to buy it for her , he will hold him self back for the things he wanted but he's the complete opposite when it comes to her , everything she wants needs to be given from his perspective. 

Since hwasa has been keeping the money she's earning since last six months to buy this car of his she's really excited to give it to him .

And also a very special gift from her that she knows he'll like better

She heard her door being unlocked so she readied her self

As soon as he stepped inside the living room she sang a happy birthday song and walked towards him with the cake and a lit up  candle .

"Happy birthday love !" She smiled at him and he pulled her to his chest to kiss her head

She chuckled " make a wish first oppa !" She hit his chest and he laughed , closed his eyes and making a wish

"Wow you really put an effort for this huh ? " He said after they eat

She turned around to him while she slice the cake from the kitchen counter "of course ! It's your birthday and also our anniversary ! I should get ready " she chuckled

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