trip to Japan

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"are you excited ?" Namjoon asked her as she pack her clothes

She got her phone to let namjoon see what she packed

"Of course I am , this will be our first trip to Japan together " she rotates her camera to the back to let him see the things she packed

"I Packed some swim suits , is this okay?" She showed him the two pieces and one pieces she packed

"Hmm of course , everything looks good on you babe " he smiled

She then rotates the camera to show her face. She gave him a cringed face making both of them laugh.

"That's too cringey oppa " she laughed

"What would I do , you got me smitten for you "

She squealed still cringing whenever namjoon says things like this to her . She loves that he's vocal but sometimes she gets shy whenever he's too vocal about his love for her like now

"How will we see each other then ?"

She asked him , they'll not be flying with each other . Namjoon is in Thailand right now and he'll be going to Japan to be with hyejin . Their CEO gave them a 2 weeks rest after all the schedule the seven of them had this month before they prepare for their next album . While hyejin just had a go signal from her CEO as well after their group had a comeback with ggbb and her single twit .

They're also scheduled to have a comeback before the year end with a full album so their CEO told the four of them to rest for a long time , they didn't gave them a definite time on when they'll be needed to record , they just gave them the will to enjoy themselves .

"I'll be there first right? " Namjoon asked her

"Yep ,as what I assumed . "

"Then I'll pick you up in the airport "

"Okay " she said as she zipped up her luggage . They plan to travel from Japan to to maldives before they go back to korea that's why she have lots of clothes with her . She didn't tell him that she packed some clothes for him too because she's sure that he'll reason out that he can just repeat his shirt after washing but ofcourse as a girl she wants to take pictures to save memories . He do take pictures but it's different if there's a theme for every picture they'll be taking .

She smiled "sleep well love . " She said sweetly

"You too babe . Sleep well and see you tomorrow " he smiled showing his deep dimples .

She gave him a virtual kiss and he do too . She even screenshot them both to have a picture.

She loves taking pictures for everything but she barely post it online . She just want to keep everything by her self . She do post some but there's tons of other image and videos inside her phone , and cameras .

She was heavily influenced by her moonbyul unnie and wheein who's into photography , the three of them even have collections of cameras leaving yong with her vlogging cam . Yongsun is the one who loves videography or just filming everything . While the three of them or the "loser crew" as to what they call themselves are enchanted by photography alone .

Hwasa became a hot headline the next day as she sport a sexy neutral colored outfit to the airport . Specially that she is traveling alone and their manager and some bodyguards just assisted her till she entered the gates

"Hi love " she greeted namjoon

"Hi are you boarding now?"

"Yep , we'll be flying in thirty minutes were just waiting for everyone to arrive "she informed him.

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