Red days

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Hyejin is having her  worst time of the month .

Her dysmenorrhea are worst than you think . She can't even get up on her feet because of it . She's lying all day crying in pain .

She can't just call her boyfriend because he's an idol too and she knows he's working .

But her bestfriend can't stand her calling every minute whining about her pain Who can't attend to her as of the moment because she's with their unnies solar and byul promoting their song windflower.

She's watching the three of her members in the idol radio live episode .

She felt bad not being there , if only she could come and ignore the abdominal pain she's feeling

And just like her body is on que , another strike of pain struck her lower abdomen .

She curled her self up into a blanket and cried silently.

She fell asleep after dealing with it .

Taehyung called Namjoon after their dance practice

"Hyung !"

"Yeah ?"

"Wheeinie just texted me "


"She told me to tell you pack you ass up and go to your girlfriend . I think she's sick , she also can't join her group with their activities today because of it "

Namjoon is filled with worry again . He took his bag and bid his goodbye first

While driving he looked around to see if he can buy anything for his girlfriend .

And he just settled with seafood boil he knows that this will help her eat if she's out of appetite.  Also the separated soup is good for her .

He arrived at hyejin's apartment building and he came in avoiding to cause commotion .

He punch in the code and keycard of the door and he is welcomed by silence . Unusual with his girlfriend because she always play music when she's home .

"Chinnie ?" He called her but no one answers

He looked in her bedroom and there she is rolled up to her blanket with pillows under her back hugging the body pillow that is bigger than her own body size

He looked at his phone calendar and saw that it's that time of the month

"Baby " he called her sweetly as he caress her hair softly

She whined still feeling the constant pain she's experiencing .

"Are you okay ? " He asked her

"Nooo" she whined

Making him chuckle on how cute the girl is .

"What are you laughing . Its not funny " she told him in a tiny voice

"You're just so cute baby.  Don't worry I'll help you , come on let's get up so you can eat I bought some seafood boil ."

"Carry " she open up her arms up to him .

He get what she says and carried her in his arms as she sneaked her hands around him

"You look like a koala, babe "  he chuckled

She pinched his nape making him laugh

"Let's eat then you need to drink your meds" he said preparing her food .

While he's doing all the work hyejin stared at him

She sees why his fans swoon over joonie even though they don't really know who he is inside the house . He's funny , caring , loving and sometimes a little naughty . But he always takes his work seriously . From the way she watch him when their on stage or in public she always idolize the fact that her boyfriend can be the most capable bachelor she have ever met .

The way he always make effort for their relationship makes her hear full. He never missed a special occasion ever since they started liking each other not even when they're dating , he became more affectionate towards her when they started their relationship .

His members often tease him because they never saw him the way he moves when she's around .

Sometimes he'll act like a baby and ask her to take care of him .

Not knowing that she's already tearing up she continued appreciating her man

When namjoon turned to her he panicked when he saw tears on her eyes . He immediately drop everything he's doing and hugged her

"Why? Why ? What's wrong ? Is it that painful?" He worriedly asked

"Nothing's wrong " she sobbed

"Then why is my love crying ?" He cupped her face wiping the tears

"I just realized how thankful I am for having you . I'm so lucky to have a man like you oppa " she said

His whole system was fluttered because of what she said . He leaned down and kissed her in the lips

"I think I am luckier because I have a ad strong, lovable , forgiving and understanding woman . Man up there gave me a perfect match baby and that's you " he said

They stayed in their position for a while before namjoon said they should eat .

After eating namjoon made her drink her meds. 

He tucked her in the bed and goes to the kitchen to get her hot pack .

He put it on her lower back then massaged her abdomen lightly .

She held his face while he's doing these while also talking with hobi and jin  about their schedule

"Just send me the details for your new rap verse hoseok-ah . I will also call yoongi-hyung  we shouldn't have the same line so we need to check "
He looked at hyejin whose lying beside him while her arms are across his torso hugging him tightly burying her face on his chest

He caressed her hair and stopped massaging her abdomen

"Yah moon byul yi ! Get deabakie he's gonna escape!" She heard jin saying over the other line

"Don't yah me Kim seokjin ! You're the one who's support to be looking after daebak ! I'm washing geonggang and haewonnie so stand up and get him you idiot "

They heard byulie scolding her boyfriend

"Aish , yah joonie hang on for a sec "

Hyejin peeked into the screen giggling

"Jinnie oppa mongcheongi ya ya twit twit twit twit " she sang making namjoon and hoseok laugh

"Hi there ms. Shining bright!" Hoseok greeted her

She waved her hands and smiled "she's not really feeling well " namjoon said

"Aish . Jin hyung , you tae and jimin already have a girlfriend . Kookie is on his way on pursuing Jieun noona , me and yoongi hyung should work on ours too "

"As you should brother . Were not getting any younger " he chuckled . He noticed the steady breathing of hyejin , he peeked on her and saw that she's already sleeping soundly on his chest

"She fell asleep?" Hoseok asked

"Yeah , she took some meds for her abdominal pain and the side effect of it is drowsiness " he chuckled

"That's fine we have little more to discuss and you're free to be with your baby girl " hoseok teased him making him laugh .

Jin finally came back and the three of them discussed everything quickly before saying goodbye .

He placed his laptop on the nightstand before lifting hyejin a little to fix her sleeping position

"I love you " he whispered

And hyejin replied while sleeping a tiny "I wuv you too " with a contented smile on her face

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