closing remarks

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To everyone who have supported this random FF's , AU's and all this randomness thank you !!

Files have been so far have the greatest record amongst my other books :)) and i am so thankful for that.

If you haven't read or know what was about to happen let me repeat my self to all of my beloved readers ....

I am closing Files yo have a new start and fresh environment .

But don't you worry , files 2 will be up in no time .

A little chitchat for y'all , HANEUL will be my priority for now .


Why? As you can see , almost all of my finished/ on going stories were all in a setting of romance and daily lives . Imagines in short .

But H16THC and THE ELITES were in my next level challenges as a aspiring writer . It have it's fantasy theme that is not my forte . But dont you worry if i have my inspiration once again i will immeasurable continue those books .

As for the VERY VERRRRRRRY requested Jeju part 2 i am still at the process of finishing that short plot of mine so the short story book will be separated from Files 2 i think some of you already know thay right???

Also .... I think something new is coming ..... I think


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