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NAMJOON is with the boys inside the mini bus they rented to go together to the mountain viewed and beach side resort in a very hidden place made just for the celebrities like them to enjoy the privacy

"Are the girls going to?" Hobi asked

"Yep , byul just texted me that theyre already on their way , they just finished their guesting " jin answered

They are going with a good friend group of theirs - mamamoo

They have three couples and another one on the making , for yoongi surely have his eyes for yongsun

After arriving at the Wonderful resort they are in

Namjoon secured one of the finest villa for him and his girlfriend -hyejin

While waiting for the girls to arrive they all decided to just lounge around the area walk and explore

Namjoon stayed with taehyung and jin in the restaurant to wait for their girlfriends yoongi stayed too .... For yongsun of course

"Oppa " someone taps his shoulders and when he turned around he saw hyejin in her long bohemian styled tube top and long wide legged pants

"Hey " he pulled her closer to him and gave her a kiss on her forehead

"How have you ben ? " He asked
"Great..... But i missed you " she said pouting and encircling her arms around his waist

Because of the great amount of height difference between the two of them hyejin needs to look up for them to meet each other's eyes

"Let's eat , then let's rest in our villa. Where's everyone though ?" He asked looking around , he just saw jin taehyung and yoongi earlier but then he can't see them now

"Oh they told me tht they're gonna check the beach first , i already told them that we'll eat first and yong unnie said yes "

"Alright , lets go babe " he guided her to their table outside and she already love it

Namjoon leaned back on the sofa chair they're sitting watching her roam her eyes around

Because she just came from a shoot she still have her light makeup and she have her hair some strands that are braided making it match her outfit perfectly

He placed his hands on her exposed waist pulling her softly to him after she took pictures of the scenery they are seeing RightNow

She gave in and scooted over him as what he wanted

"I missed you , it's been months since we last have each other by our selves like this " she said looking at his eyes

"That's a fact , I've been in that boarder line of kidnapping you from your schedules " he chuckled

"Maam , sir , this is the house special seafood platter and seafood pasta . This one is the steak that is made of the all organic beef " the waiter continued explaining the food they have infront of them and after that they ate in joy

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