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"one more time " hyejin told everyone .

"Hey , you've been practicing non stop. Even before we got here you're already dancing . Rest for a bit "

"I can't oppa , the choreo are so hard and I need to perfect it . " She said wiping up her sweat

But the truth is , she doesn't want to stop working and doing something because of her and namjoon's fight.

They fought last week before he flew for work in America (let's pretend there's no covid ㅠㅡㅠ)

They have a small fight about the viral video of namjoon that seems like flirting a western girl but he denied it , and at the time they fought namjoon is hot headed because of his members and the work he's given to do , making him raise his voice higher at hyejin and even told her that she's being unreasonable and that isn't sorted out immediately, now both of them don't want to contact each other . Both giving their pride a big chunk of meal .

Hyejin decided to work harder to distract herself .

She's been in the middle of everything right now. They're working on a group comeback that is pushed aback several times because of them too .

And then they are all discussing the re-signing of their contract . As a group and as an artist themselves if they're gonna sign again in their entertainment company.

"Alright let's do this one more time then let's rest " the older dancer told her

"Arasseo "

They run another set of practice for Marìa and when it finished she told her back up dancers to go and have lunch

"How about you aegiyah?" The female dancer asked her .

They calls her baby because she literally is their baby . Even if there's more younger ones in their company now they still see her as the maknae of the company

"I'll eat later I need to check something "

"Arasseo , you don't want us to buy you something?"

"Hmm an iced coffee would be great "

"Okay . Just wait for us . We'll be back ".
She nodded and watched as her dancers left their practice room .

She looked at her self in the mirror and started playing her song again.

She's in chorus part when she felt a tinge of pain in her back but she ignored it , thinking that it's just normal because she's been dancing nonstop

But when the latin breakdance came and she turned around as a part of a step she fall down as she felt a unbearable pain .

She can't help but scream and then the door opened

"Hyejin-ah were here to visit y----" byul left her words hanging as she saw hyejin crying in pain on the floor she rushed towards the younger one as solar immediately assisted hyejin.

They tried sitting her but she just cried in so much pain .

"Where does it hurt ? Where does it hurt?" Solar is now panicking

But hyejin can't reply

Some male back up dancers came back early and saw hyejin

"Omo , what happened " they put their things on the table immediately and rushed towards the three .

"Let's go to the hospital palli . I think Hyejin have a severe injury . Carry her please " byul said and the dancer immediately carried hyejin .

They came across the other dancers and they all heard hyejin screaming in such pain

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