don't walk against RM

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Namjoon is gritting his teeth to suppress his anger but it can't be helped.

It's all over the news on how all four girls of mamamoo was sexually harassed and dragged at the backstage of inkigayo.  The said director who happened to be a new one on the set but not on the job together with his own staffs tried to get and touch the girls.

They forced an entry at the girl's dressing room while their staffs , managers and assistants are gone Because they're eating lunch while the girls it their packed lunch given by their fans .

He's more angry and livid because hyejin his own girlfriend was the one who's affected the most .

He was informed that hyejin and byul tried the most to protect yongsun and wheein. 

That's why when they refused to the malicious act the director and his staffs wanted to do they hurt the girls physically and byul and hwasa was the one to receive the bigger blow

They heard the news while they're in the states , they just guested in a late show here when taehyung suddenly  get up and told their manager to get him the earliest flight and that's when they all knew what happened .

Ofcourse he need to go too , but it's not easy for him.  Since he's the leader and the only one who speaks pure english their manager needs to hold them more .

They were all asked to stay untill the awardings they're supposed to attend to that's why it's already the next day when they get onto a plane

Namjoon is livid all the way . They're all quiet in the plane. 

When they arrived at the airport they're immediately crowded by he media because jin is the only one who's publicly dating moonbyul.  And because of the recent issues they want jin's insight.

But the older one rejected all of the interviews and Excused their group from them kindly .

He on the other hand showed the media that he's serious and didn't want to be talked to .

He's sick worried about his girlfriend , he also knows that she's been feeling unwell for the past few days but he can't do anything about it cause he's far away .

They're dropped at the hospital the girls are staying and ofcourse as expected media are pooling outside the hospital . Since the news about Mamamoo is big . Given that they really don't have any issue in the korean public ,they kept their record clean and media are thirsty for the girls , weather the news are good or bad .

Since both group are known to be close with each other even before the fame they're receiving right now and especially one of their member are in a relationship with a member of the girl group it's not surprising at all to see them in the hospital .

Again media wanted to get their statements bit they've all blocked it .

The seven of them entered the VVIP room that the four girls are all staying . The girl's manager said the their leader , solar refused to take different room for byul and hyejin because both wheein and her wants to look after both of  their members .

It's convenient for them since they'll not transfer from one room to another just to see and check the girls , and since the VVIP room are enormous it can actually fit fine more beds and you'll still have a big space for visitors.

"They're now stable . Hyejin mostly got the hit by those damn morons and byul lost conciousness after getting hit  hard by the mirror " solar sighed .

Thankfully her and wheein didn't get anything thanks to hyejin and byul who stood up for the four of them . Unfortunately hyejin was the only one who took the most hit because byulie lost her conciousness half way , and before the director can Slap her again the security team entered and at that point after checking if solar and wheein are alright she followed byul to lost conciousness.

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