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"love! " She jumped on him as soon as he entered his apartment. 

She's been waiting for the whole week for him to come back to korea. 

He chuckled , he missed hyejin so much . To the point where he binge watch her videos online whenever he have free time on his day schedule . Even though they talk at night he still miss her .

"I miss you !" She muffled while her head is buried on his neck

"I miss you too my love " he said rubbing her back as they hug .

"I bought you takoyaki on my way here " he lifts the bag of takoyaki on his right hand and she clapped her hands. 

She loves japanese food and takoyaki is one of the staple one .

"Love can we go out today? Are you super tired ? Or should we do it tomorrow? I want to go out , please " she told him pouting

He knows he can't say no when she do that she just look so adorable .

He chuckled " I'm not that tired. But let's ask my driver to drive us around I can't drive right now and I don't want you to drive all the way . And besides if we have my driver we can just chill at the back " he said lifting his chopsticks with the last takoyaki ball and giving it to her .

She ate it and nodded "okay then let's bring your driver " she said smiling

They get ready . As usual whenever they go out in public they have to disguise for a little. 

Hyejin wears a boyfriend jeans and a white crop top

And namjoon wear a ripped jeans and a white long sleeve

"Where will we be going sir?" His driver asked namjoon when they both settled in the backseat .

"Where do you want to go?" Namjoon asked hwasa

"Let's go to an amusement park" she excitedly says

"Are you sure? Isn't that too risky?" He asked

"Hmm it's weekday and I guess it's not a common time to go to an amusement park right now?" She looked at her wrist watch and it's one in the afternoon. 

"Mm amusement park it is " he smiled and hold her hand "let's go to everland hyung " he told his driver and the driver nodded. 

"Wah ! Look babe there's some head bands !let's buy some " she giddily pulled him to the stand near the entrance where you can rent an umbrella and buy some animal ear headband

Hwasa picked the pig ear headband for herself and a dog ear for namjoon.

"There let's wear this , you're a year of the dog and I'm a year of the pig " she giggled

He just let her because he knows that she loves these little dress ups and accessories. 

He looked around and she's right there's no people around except some family with kids .

"Where do you want to ride ?" Namjoon asked while he place his hands over her waist

"Hmm let's try the roller coaster first " she said and he agreed

After a few more extreme rides  hyejin told him that they should rent a camping car so they can rest for a while so they did .

"I have so much fun " she giggled .

"Come here " he tapped his lap when he sat on the camping car's bed

She obeyed and sat on his lap "thank you for today oppa , I know you're tired but you still agreed to go out with me " she kissed his cheeks

"Anything for my baby " he said smiling showing her his dimples .

"Yah ! You shouldn't cheat ! " Hyejin whined as they play the balloon popping game .

Namjoon laughed "I'm not cheating baby "

She pouts in the end namjoon won the game so she treats him with the smoothie he wants .

"Let's go there " he pointed at the tower drop ride .

And she nodded while waiting in line they saw a height requirement

"Hyejin-ah you can't enter " namjoon joked

"Yah !" He laughed seeing her annoyed at him picking at her height . She's in an  average height for girls actually . But she's smaller compared to him.

"Guenchana , you're my baby anyway . "

I am keeping everything light here in "files" because tranquility will be a heavy one .

Just saying , you might want to hold your faith in tranquility namjoon ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

And that's a spoiler . Lol

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