tale of pinkjoon

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"babe are you serious " he asked his girlfriend that has been telling him to dye his hair pink again .

"I am oppa , you look so good in pink you know " she said giving him her rare puppy eyes that she only use when she really wants something, and he's weak for that .

"Babe.  I didn't inform bang pd hyung  about this "

"He wouldn't mind anyways , it's your comeback season so having a new hair color wouldn't be strange . Please love , I'll be dying my hair too ." She said tugging his arms as they both wait in the private room of the salon she goes to regularly.  She'll be having her hair dyed in a light color after a long time . She have been having a dark transition for her hair in the past 2 years.  Now that they'll be coming back for their 7th anniversaries she decided to bring back a lighter colored hair , well it's still in the darker side but it's definitely lighter than her jet black hair or the deep orange red hair she had from Maria ,  she do had a silver hair highlights for Travel era but that's not really her hair, it's an extension

She dragged namjoon In her usual salon and begged her boyfriend to have a pink hair again .

If she could remember it right namjoon had a baby pink hair way back 2017?? She's not so sure but they're still not dating way back then . They're in a friendship relationship back then and namjoon still didn't confirm his feelings towards the lady .

Hyejin picked her desired hair color which is ash with a mix of light brown .

It's been so long since she colored her hair in a lighter side of the pallet

Her last one is a similar one to what she's having right now but it's a light platinum blonde .

And because she have a black hair for the longest time she didn't want to force her hair and go to a much more brighter colored hair like the old days .

Namjoon on the other hand have his hair on brown at the time so he have to bleach his hair for several times first before getting it o the pastel pink hyejin wanted .

"You look extra cute with a pink hair oppa " hyejin said as they drive their way back to his house .

He chuckled . He really can't resist hyejin's request .

After arriving he sent his picture to their CEO and all bang pd can only reply is the face palming emoji then following it with a " I know how you feel with your girl so I forgive you child. Have a great break "

He chuckled the CEO is like a older brother and a father to them . He understand them so much and all of them are very much open to the CEO because of their bond . The CEO cherishes them and is very great full of what the group had give him throughout the years

Hyejin can't stop taking pictures of namjoon with his new hair .

"You look super cute with that babe "

Namjoon just chuckled

"I should've had a pink hair too"

"Then why didn't you?" He pouted

"Because I want you to be the cuter one " she laughed loudly

"Oh really ?" He then crawled towards her

"What are you doing?"

" Proving that I'm not a cute one . I am a sexy one " namjoon smirked and the rest is history

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