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Hyejin is in namjoon's condo , she's staying there for the night because she don't have any schedules tomorrow .

But even though she's free for the next day she's busy about composing and making a melody for a song for her and her group for their upcoming single .

Namjoon is playing with his ps4 console , he loved it a lot , the idea of hyejin giving him the freedom to enjoy and play by himself. But he started to be bored of just talking with suga and jungkook through the mic while playing their games

He looked at hyejin over his bed  and is  busy with her laptop earphones plugged and writting on her own . Her forehead wrinkled because of her seriousness .

"Hey man I'mma cut the game . I need to do something " namjoon informed the two

"Sure hyung " jungkook answered before he cut his line

He dived in the bed beside her , he snuggled close to her burrying his head to the crook of her neck

She hummed at him letting him cuddle her as she work

"Babeee look at me " namjoon says touching her cheeks

"Wait a second baby , I just need to finish this "

"But it's your day off "

"Yes I know , but just wait for a sec okay . I'll be done in no time she said leaning down to kiss his forehead before getting back to her work

He frowned . When he's the one in her position she doesn't really get his attention and just wait for him to finish his work . In short she's just very free and understanding . But when she's like this not really paying attention to him he hated it . He hates it so much because he wants her attention all to him and him only .

He thought of a naughty idea to get her attention .

She's humming some melodies while writing down some stuffs

He slid his hands under her night dress and she didn't really mind because it's his normal habit

When he started to caress her torso and crawl his hands up to her under boob she whined

"Baby , just wait for me for a sec okay ? I'll be done in a sec "

"No . I want you all to me . "

"I am yours.  I just need to finish this okay ? Please "

"Nope " he said popping the p  as he say it

He started kissing her on her neck and shoulders as he massaged her left boob making her moan a bit

After hearing the noise she made he knows that he won . He won over her work and that made him smirk

He sat up moving all her things aside and pulling her between his widespread legs . He lower down her nightgown straps until it slide down her lower body displaying her well molded breast to his eyes

He knows that she already surrendered and he can do whatever he wanted to do with her now

"Your mine " he whispered smirking

Shortest oneshot ever ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

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