Role model

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Hyejin is busy early in the morning. She's making her son's favorite breakfast and it's fruit pancakes and crispy bacons .

She and namjoon have been married for five years now. After he finished his military service they got married and they both agreed to continue their idol life .

Jungkook is the only one in the military now and next year he will finally discharge .

That said they have two beautiful angels , one of them is their eldest Kim Dae-shim , his name means Greatest mind and you guess it right namjoon is the one who suggested the name given that he himself is a smart person he wanted to name his first born as one .

And his given name fits his personality , Dae-shim is one Genius kid, he excels among his peers most of the time he have the passion for music as well like his parents . He takes after namjoon a lot but his distinct eyes came from his mom and he have her kindest personality

Their second born an their maknae is Kim Ha-neul her name means sky , she was born with an angelic face after her mom . She is a complete replica of hyejin . Her name have a lot of meaning behind it , she's their gift from above, she was born last year on spring time four years after Dae-shim

They were often left with their grandparents , when hyejin and namjoon goes for work they have no choice but to leave their kids behind but they make sure that their kids will always feel loved by them and they always fulfill their wishes and bonds with them whenever they have free time.

Because mamamoo and bts just grew bigger and bigger their groups received lots of attention world wide , they all thought that if they were already married their fans will be reduced but they've been proven wrong , in fact lots of fans idolized them more because they managed to balance their personal life with their idol life .

Hyejin was the last one to get married and the last one to have a child in her group. It's actually funny on how the four of them married and have a child in order from eldest to youngest . Hence the reason why their kids are all in two to four year difference .

Namjoon came quietly behind hyejin hugging her and giving her a good morning kiss on her shoulders

"Morning love " he said

"Good morning love " she quickly turned to him and gave him a kiss

"Can you check on Shimmy ? He needs to get ready he have school today " she said while flipping the pancake

"Sure . I'll get him ready , do you want me to bring Ha-neul down here first? I think she's already awake " he said

"Yes sure and love Dae-shim's outfits are on the left side of his closet . I already choose it last night they have a school fare later " she said

"Sure sure , wait a sec I'll just get little Ha-neul "

He run upstairs and opened their daughter's room , they both agreed to separate their kid's bedroom from them , they wanted to make them independent in early age so they chooses the western style of parenting

Ha-neul is quietly sitting in her crip playing with some toys around her , she is not a huge cry-er and just stays quiet almost all the time , like what namjoon describes her she's like hyejin , she's a calm baby like her mom who is the calmest almost every time in any situation.

She's turning one in two months but she's already two in korean age . They plan to have a great first birthday for her to celebrate her birth

"Hi little princess " he greeted her and she raised her hands squealing excited to see her father

"Omo my baby angel is excited to see daddy huh ?" He lift her up and carried her in his arms

"Did you miss daddy ?" He asked her and she just babbles alot of things adorably making him chuckle

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