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"hyung take it slow . You're burning since earlier " taehyung said worriedly.

Namjoon have been sick for the past hours but he kept on insisting to join their dance practice .

"I told you to stay still and just rest ! You're not even listening and now look you're burning " jin scolded him

"we have a performance in a week hyung I can't slack off" he reasoned

"Fans will also worry if something happen worst than this namjoon . If you don't want to go to your apartment go up to our stay in rooms . Sleep and rest.  Were gonna continue this while you rest " yoongi said throwing him a bottle of water to drink

He nodded finally giving in to his friends and body

He ride the elevator towards their stay in dormitory rooms in their entertainment building .

He throw himself down in the middle of the bed wrapping himself in his comforters before he knock out

He woke up with someone wiping his arms with a wet towel . He thought it might be one of his members so he didn't mind opening his eyes . But when he felt a slight scratch from a long nails on his wrist he opened his eyes only to see his friend.

"Hey when did you get here?" He asked her

"Just a little while ago . Taehyung told me your sick and we just finished practicing . You should've listen to them when they said you should rest what if something worst happens and you got sick for a long time . Take care of your health and priorities it over anything " she scolded him her eyebrows furrowing .

"I'm fine this is just a little cold.  "

"It's a fever.  You're burning oppa." She rolled her eyes

"Araseo araseo , don't be mad. I'll do as you say " he told her with his sweet voice

He don't know why but when it's her , he's so soft. When it's her he don't mind being unmasked , he can be himself .

In a 10 year long run of being friends from being both a trainee that trained together sometimes because of their CEOs they're here . Both successful and soaring high in the industry that once did them dirty by dragging and stepping on their confidence .

But both of them did it . Both of them fight through the cruel side of being an idol .

Namjoon admires hyejin for that , because he can admit that she got it worst . The thing is even now she get it , but she never really let it affect her .

"Get up and take a cold bath to cool your body down and then go downstairs I'll cook  some crab stew ." She said

She's very much comfortable around him , she's in and out of his two storey house because she knows the pin . Even in his condo in the city and in his studio, both in their company and in his personal studio near the PWS logo studio owned by her friend and also a producer park woo sang .

She even have some clothes in both his house . This two storey home he have is in the city  suburbs where you can only find the next house in an approximately 10 meters away . It's a private place where no one can enter unless you have a pass or you're an owner .

She's a very paranoid at sometimes that's why she tends to run around her friends asking them if she can sleep over . But after her members had their own partners she avoid being a third wheel that's why she ended up running to his place everything she feels scared. 

He's thankful about this tho , he wouldn't worry about her , overthinking everything and will end up breaking down .

She's often seen as a strong figure but the truth is , she break down easily . Cries over little things , being happy over little things too , and being a softy is what she is .

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