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in a cold dark room hyejin sat on the floor beside her bed 

she just lost her uncle , the one who believes her since the beginning  , the one whom she fought  with ,  when their whole family was against her dreams 

she cried and cried , she have been into a recent accident , a car accident with the members ,

its a minor one but they still got bruises and scratches , she didnt mention it to anyone in her family but  the news broke out and it reaches them ,

her dad called her and told her to call her uncle because he is super worried about her , so she did , 

she turned down his request of eating out together that night because she will be with her members for a practice so instead she just video called him 

but in her mind right now she regretted not going with him , she regretted that she once again turned her back against the person whom she cherish the most 

she looked at the last picture they had together where she is being kissed by her dad in the left cheek and her uncle on the right 

she cried again , heart being torn into pieces , blaming her self for not looking after her uncle whom she also calls as appa , because of the fondness she have with him ,

her uncle is a single man , and she's basically his closest niece , she was the favorite one because she literally became his own , she treats him not as an uncle but as a dad same as her father . and losing him rightnow is like loosing a part of herself

someone knocked on her bedroom door 

" jiny ??" A  soft voice called her so she wiped her tears and stands up , put a smile on her face , she haven't told her members what happened , they're in their company's building where they were given rooms to rest .

its wheein 

" hey , do you need anything ??" she asked smiling at her best friend 

but she didn't answer , wheein just stared at her 

" wae??" hyejin chucked asking her 

" nothing , lets go outside , depunim wanted to talk with us , BTS sumbaenims are here with bang pd " 

" arasseo i'll go down in a minute " she said and wheein nodded before leaving her 

after wheein go out of her room she sighed , 

she took her big black hoodie and wear the hood over her head, she also wore a mask and head out to the hallway going to the room where they are 

as she enter the room it was a normal scene whenever the two groups meet , teasings and noises everywhere , the ceo's are not there yet , its only the eleven of them

"hyejin-ah !! annyeong !!" j hope greeted her before running away with a bag of chips as jimin run after him asking for some 

she just smiled 

byul was busy braiding jin's hair as she talked with solar , namjoon suga and jungkook 

wheein is whith taehyung in a corner where the pc's are looking at a painting in the internet arguing what's better looking ,

she smiled , seeing that her friends are happy and  cheerful as ever 

as for her she sat at a chair beside namjoon and just quietly listen to them 

" are you okay??" she heard namjoon whisper to her 

she nodded , thankful that she is wearing a mask so she is not forced to fake a smile 

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