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Namjoon is in his studio/private room in the company . He was tasked to do a vlive for his fans .

As the live started he read and chatted with the fans

He read some comments "oppa , do you have any girlfriend right now?"

"Honestly army , I want to ask you a question . And I want you all to answer me honestly too"

He stopped and looked at the comments to see how they'll respond

Neeeee oppa !!

Omg why am I nervous

OMO omo omooooo !! Maybe joonie oppa will admit that he have a girlfriend

Sorry guys it's me . I'm his girlfriend

What is it oppa ??

Spill it hyung !!

He laughed at the funny comments he saw "well here's the question . We all know that the seven of us will not stay single forever right? I just wanna know if you will still support us even if we have our own relationship . You can answer honestly , I will not be mad "

For me yes. ... I will support all of you forever !!!

Damn yes oppa ! I will even wait for your children because I will pair them up to mine so we'll have a good genes

Of course oppa but we can't say that for all of the army's

It's a yes for me

You have your own life namjoon! You are free to have your own life

We will support you but we can't promise not to envy the lucky girl

He smiled , touched by the warm response armys gave him

"I'm so proud of all of you army.  We can proudly say that all, well most  of our fans are matured enough to accept their idols relationship... Claps for my army's " he clapped for them and the comments were field with ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ and emojis

"I'll sing a song for you before we end this live okay ??have a good night army's "

He sang fly me to the moon for all of them . Then he ended the live

He didn't took his phone off of the stand and let it stay there

Someone knocked at his door "ne? Come in " he said as he turned his swivel chair towards where the door is. 

Then a familiar figure wearing a pair of hoodie that is three times bigger for her , a training pants  a bucket hat and a mask peeked inside. 

He smiled then get up from his seat .

He hugged the figure tightly , he towers over her small figure .

Namjoon took the mask off of her mouth and gave her a sweet kiss before going back to snuggling her neck giving her small kisses

She giggled "you're too clingy today babe "

"Of course . I didn't see you for three days because of your MAMA performance practice " he whined making her laugh

"Aigoo my big baby is whining now huh? There there , I bought you some meat " she showed him the big plastic bag of meat in her hands

He laughed hearty  because she bought his favorite food also her favorite food.  They get along very well when it comes to food. 

He took it off of her hands and placed it in the coffee table . He swoop her off of her feed and carried her

She giggled and hugged him on his neck while snuggling her face closer to him .

When he turned around she faced the desk where he left his phone and her eyes widen

"OH MY GOSH !!" She gasped

"Was ?" He asked

"Y-you left your phone on the desk o-oppa "

"Yeah I did why? Something wrong ??" She slowly tapped him mentioning him to put her down and he did.  She tipped toe and whispered

"I think you left your phone on live baby "

His eyes grow wide turning back quickly , ears getting redder and redder heat crawling up to his face

And she's right he left.... His phone .... On live

And when he checked it the  comments section are going crazy

Oh my gosh !!!!!

Isn't that Hwasa ?!?!?!

Omg is that why oppa asked if it's okay to a have a gf???

I have butterflies on my stomach skskskks

I think oppa didn't know he left his live

They look so cute

Wait are u guys sure that it's hwasa unnie ?!?!?!


The two of you are PERFECT



omg I think I just fainted

Good lord thank you for your blessing

They all heard hyejin's loud genuine laugh before the live ends

"Damn , I guess we're out " namjoon said scratching the back of his neck and hwasa just laughed at him

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