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Hello everyone! Any medical technicalities which would be used in next few parts is just for entertainment. It is quiet possible that few would be contradictory to medical science to some extent. So please no one should take any offence on that part........

Santu joined the live feed and as soon as they looked at screen, it had terribly shaken them up. Karishma Singh's legs had left her side and she fell down right there, Pushpa Ji felt dizzy only to get hold by a frightened cheetah. A dark room was seen with dim light spotted on Haseena Malik's face. She was tied with her arms and legs to the chair. Black and red electrodes were attached at her head and bare arms which has burnt marks all over it, her head was tilted ahead of her with hair covering her face from all sides. "No, this can't be Haseena Madam." Mumbled Santosh Sharma as tears started streaming from her eyes. An unknown echoing sound in background could be heard laughing evilly, "SHO HASEENA MALIK!!!! Savior of this nation.......My foot....." he roared followed by muffled screams and biting lips of Haseena Malik as electric current passed through her body, her head went back, eyes rolled up but she did neither shouted nor cried instead she passed him a victorious smudge in between her hitched breadth. "MADAM SIR!!!!!" everyone shouted sitting there helplessly in control room. "I will not leave you....i will find you and beat you up till your last breath..." Karishma Singh roared with anger which soon changed into tears of helplessness when she saw a red hot iron rod approaching her arms, as she touched her Haseena closed her eyes and tightened her body to take it bravely, "you cannot break me" she said taunting her. Enraged, he pressed his nails on her burnt marks caused a sudden but controlled hitched breadth escaped her lips, "untill when???? I will mask that smirk off your face......" sound echoed "Your rage is clearly indicated that not me but you are breaking. You are torturing me from past 12 hours and still you failed to break me...." She said flashing a bruised victorious smile. "She is Haseena Malik, neither tough emotions nor brutal physical tortures none can break her." Santosh said expressing her pride on her Madam Sir which could be clearly seen in the eyes of everyone present there along with pain.

"Karishma Singh! I know I know you must be dying to kill me but madam first come and save your dear Haseena Malik. You were known of your dangerous style.....I am challenging you come and show me your famous style.......reach me if you can....." He said laughing loudly followed by yet another electric shock and her rolled up eyes, paled face and tightened lips to control herself. Haseena is unable to speak properly, she looked at camera and tried, "No! Karishma....i am fine" before she could say anything he gave her another shock making her unconscious, "We'll be right back after two hours with yet another surprise." Announced that echoing voice. Just then they saw another man suddenly entered in frame without mask. "Santosh! Take his snap shot." Karishma shouted and santu did that before live feed ended. "I will reach to you even if you will be 100 feet beneath ground." She said extremely angry hitting her fist on table. "Karishma ji! Hold your anger! Please think rationally before taking any step." Pushpa ji tried to make her understand. Karishma at once circulate that picture in her network and within an hour she found out his location. She sat on her bike when she received a call, "Hello! Karishma madam how are you? I knew you will find out about my whereabouts and you would have been dying to kill me but madam if you want your Haseena madam to be alive before you reach here then come alone. And trust me my eyes are on you only, I will find out if you are alone or not." He threatened her and hung up. Karishma who was about to call headquarters before leaving changed her mind with fresh set of tears dwelling in her eyes. "Madam Sir! I will save you even if I had to sacrifice my life." She said to herself wiping her tears and drove towards location.

Karishma Singh break open the door of that shop and enter into it with her gun. She reaches in that room and found haseena Malik unconscious looking far worse than she saw her in live feed. She at once stepped ahead to free her but in no time get surrounded by gang of goons equipped with guns. Mysterious masked man came with his evil laughter, "welcome welcome Karishma ji! Your madam sir was dying to meet you.....hahahahah" "you bustard, I will now kill you with my bare hands." Karishma roared hearing which madam sir came in consciousness, " should not here...." She completed with great difficulty only to get yet another shock, 'Aaaaammmm" she muffled her scream in desperate attempt to calm her SI but it wasn't enough. Karishma Singh with her blood red eyes said, "If you find yourself so courageous to hold two lionesses then fight me and get me." She challenged. "" Haseena mumbled weekly. 

After that a fight started between 6 well trained goons and one Karishma Singh. They had surrounded her but she overpowered them with all her might followed by her beating them black and blue. Haseena who was seeing this know too well that soon she will be knocked down by hook or crook. She gathered all her energy and started rubbing her bounding ropes when she felt a sharp nail scratched her hands, she started rubbing her ropes with its end behind her chair. Successfully freed her hands she at once remove electric wired on them. Seeing them busy in fighting, she at once removed her leg restrains using her feet and with a sudden jerk remove her head band of electrodes. For once she could get weak if it was only about her but not this time, she had no other option but to save her S.I. Other side Karishma Singh had beaten all 6 black and blue but before she could move towards mask man he shot her with gun. Just then she came in Nick of time pushing Karishma Singh away and bullet hit her shoulder, "madam sir!" She shouted and stood up to run towards her but get hit by a rod on her head and she get unconscious.

Otherwise, their team in police station do not knowwhat to do, not only haseena madam but Karishma madam had been also kidnapped.Anubhav Singh reached the Police station extremely angry and worried uponfinding that her sister and her Haseena were in danger. "what if I could not beable to save them? What if I had lost you Haseena? No, no I can't loseher.......she had already paid a great price in Mahipal's case only because of me..."his head was occupied with all the moments they spent with each other and thenhis confession and her heart break, unknown to him a tear escaped his eyes andhe wiped them off, "I can't lose her until I see her forgiveness...."he thoughtand strengthened himself for saving his sister and her madam sir. 

that's it for now......please vote, share and comments

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