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Hello everyone....without any introduction I want you to enjoy the emotional ride for the next couple of parts...........

Haseena entered in Police station only to find Karishma singh and Pushpa Singh fighting over morning tea, Santosh taking selfies while Cheetah flirting with her commenting on her tied hairs. Not with a good mood she shouted, "Greetings!!!" and caught everyone's attention. They greeted her and saluted her, "Karishma Singh and Pushpa Singh, how many times I had to tell you that this is Police station not your home where you can fight over your petty issues as much as you want.....let me be very clear if I had seen you fighting with each other one more time in this police station trust me I will suspend you both. Cheetah Chaturvedi you are a police constable so be like one stop flirting with her whole day and concentrate on some work....i do not want to see you near her table for this whole you get that...Santosh Sharma, do you get salary of posting your selfies in social media......put you phone on side and focus on work..." she shouted angrily and stormed in her cabin. "What happened to her? She never lose her patience like this...." Karishma Singh said and everyone agreed to her. "Whatever it is, focus on your work otherwise any of us could be in trouble....." It was then Anubhav Singh entered in Police station and found everyone disturbed and engrossed in work. He coughed to get attention, "Greetings sir!!" everyone saluted him. "Is everything alright with you all...what happened??" he asked surprisingly. "Madam Sir!! She had just scolded all of us...." Santosh replied making a cute face. "I am sure you all must be busy in your daily banter...." He asked to which she nodded. "Then what else do you expect?? If I would be on her place I would have done this a year ago..." he replied. "But problem is that she is not like you Anu bhayya...." Karishma replied. "Sir...." he reminded her. "Anubhav sir!!! Here point is that Haseena madam is not the one who loses her cool easily and you know that.....i am afraid she is taking extra stress for Qayamt case.....It could affect her health too she is still not that strong......" Karishma Singh added. Anubhav nodded and said, "Fine, I will check..." he went inside her cabin. "Greetings Haseena ji!!!" Anubhav said to get her attention who was so immersed in file. She saluted her with a faint smile, "Greetings sir!!!" "Ms Malik is everything alright??" he asked directly. "Of course sir!! Why you had asked?" She questioned him in return. "By looking at your team outside I guessed you are not fine." he replied. "Well sir, if I am not wrong I am there senior and I think I had this much right to scold them on their mistakes..." she retorted him. He smiled lightly sat down and replied, "Well!!! If suddenly one day you will see Karishma Singh talking sweetly with criminals won't you ask her what is wrong with her?" he asked and she nodded. "I understand sir, what you are trying to's just that I was quiet stressed out due to Qayamt case." She replied him sitting on her chair too. "purpose of my visit is actually that only, why do you accompany me over a cup of tea on my favourite tea stall. It will make you relieved a bit and we will discuss the case too....only if you don't mind..." he asked. She smiled and replied, "of course sir, how can I refuse my DSP's request..." she agreed.

They reached to a tea stall 5 km away from their police station, "two cups of special tea please..." he ordered. "So, now tell me What's the problem?" he asked. "Sir, it seems I am missing an important lead or an important link of this case....something is hidden from me in this and I am unable to reach it." she told him. He gave her a cup of tea and said, "Now take its one sip and release all the stress out of your head." Haseena nodded and drank her cup of tea silently while Anubhav had enjoyed his cup of tea admiring her. He thought, "Haseena day seems never ending unless I see you once.....i guess that is what you call love....." he was thinking and admiring her. "Sir?? Sir??" she called him twice but he was lost. She waved in front of his eyes and he came out of his trance, "y...yes..." he fumbled. "Where were you lost??" she asked him. "Nothing, I was just thinking about the case only...." He covered up. "Oh!!!" she replied looking away smiling inwardly. "Haseena ji, I have full confidence on your skills and abilities and I am sure soon you will get a hand on Qayamt." he said looking directly in her eyes. They shared a beautiful eye lock, "I hope sir, it is not what I am thinking otherwise I don't know about Qayamt but Haseena would be no more...." She thought looking at him but just nodded coming out of trance. "I should leave for police station now...." Haseena added to which he nodded.

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