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Hi everyone, Be safe and Enjoy!!!

Not proofread, ignore grammatical and typic errors

Haseena settled in her chair and resumed her work, almost an hour later Anubhav Singh entered Police Station as her sister had informed her about Haseena's activities. "Greetings Sir!" all saluted her. "Greetings, where is Haseena ji?" "In her cabin sir...." Santosh replied with a cracking voice. "Please don't worry....i will handle her." Anubhav told them "bhayya, please be gentle and careful this time, she is already not talking to me and if something goes wrong then I don't know how will we handle her." Karishma warned her. "Do you have any idea?" "Try to assure her that you are trustworthy to be opened with." Karishma suggested not sure it will work or not. "Okay, I will but you all must be at your desk doing your works." Everyone nodded at him and he moved towards Haseena's cabin.

Anubhav Singh entered in her cabin and he got surprised to see that she is sitting civilian dress about which his sister forgot to inform him. He coughed to get her attention, "Greetings sir!!" She saluted her at once. "Greetings, please have a seat." Haseena settled down and Anubhav in front of her. "How are your injuries Haseena Ji?" "They are better now." she responded looking down. "I am seeing how much better they are...I had given you a week's leave then why you get them revoked." He questioned. "Sorry sir but I don't think I need any more leave. These are minor wounds and I can resume my duties with them moreover Police Station needs and many pending cases needs my immediate attention." Haseena responded extremely profession not even giving any hint to him by her eyes or expressions about what is bothering her. "As you find it appropriate....but why you are not wearing your uniform?" he asked. "I am afraid, I can't reveal its reason but one thing is sure that under no circumstances I will wear my uniform for next few months. I had applied for exemption application and I and I am hoping that higher authority will approve it." Haseena replied and Anubhav could see a sudden stiffness in her body language. "Hmm....but you must remember that you won't be granted exemption until you mention valid reason in application." he told her and this time Haseena chose to not say anything. Anubhav questioned her once again, "Who were the goons you were trying to catch today?" "I was passing by them when I had heard them talking about some stolen money with each other so, I started following them to catch them red-handed." She responded looking at him confidently making him believe her made up story to which he nodded being convinced. Anubhav stood up and said, "Okay, S.H.O Haseena Malik I am taking your leaving but before that I want to talk to my friend Haseena, can you please call her...I assure you that I won't take more than two minutes." Hearing him, Haseena looked at her sharply and then nodded with a slight smile causing him to smile too. "Haseena, I want to take you somewhere, will you accompany me. Actually it's very important." "Hmm!!! At 6 in evening." Haseena responded. "Perfect!!" Anubhav smiled widely and left her cabin.

He was moving out of Police Station when he saw Santosh sobbing sitting on her desk, Haseena's words had hurted her terribly. Anubhav moved towards his little sister, sat in front of her, wiped her tears and said holding her hands in his, "I know, Haseena's words had hurted you a lot but maybe she just want you to be a brave, strong and competent Police Officer. I am not justifying her, I know she should not have insulted you like this...." "I am not hurt because she scolded me, she is senior in every relation she can scold me but.....she said....she a shame to her...." Santosh merely whispered between her sobs. Anubhav shaked his head sideways gesturing her not to cry, "Okay, you trust me right? Then I promise you that in a few hours I will return you your old madam sir until then you will not cry anymore and like a brave girl you will do whatever she told you to do. Right?" He asked lovingly. "Okay..." she added wiping her tears. "Good girl and one more thing, Cheetah might not be in good condition, go to his home and try to comfort him." "I will try...." Santosh added. Anubhav nodded and left the station.

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