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Hi everyone, as I promise, here is the bonus part.......

At exactly 8 a.m. S.H.O Haseena Malik's jeep stopped outside Police Station inside which no one was expecting her. With an already not so good mood and strict demeanor, Haseena Malik in her civilian dress stepped into the Police Station only to see cheetah sleeping on the bench on his extended night duty, Santosh listening to music sitting on her chair, and her legs on a stool placed in front of her, Pushpa ji and Karishma Ji absent. Her blood boiled seeing it though she expected a similar welcome and perhaps the main purpose of her sudden entry is the same to catch them red-handed because she is intended to give her team some hard lessons for some mysterious reasons.

Extremely angry with her team, she decided not to disturb the two until the arrival of complete staff and silently moved towards her cabin. Half an hour later, the Head constable and S.I reached to Police Station and got shocked to find madam sir's jeep outside the police station. "Pushpa ji, madam sir is on leave right, then how come her jeep is here?" Karishma pondered over the fact. "Maybe she has visited." Pushpa Ji replied casually and Karishma nodded, without even the slightest hint of what Haseena is up to. 

They stepped in to find, cheetah snoring. "Get up Cheetah??" Pushpa ji called him putting her bag in its place. "Santu, are you on duty or in your drawing room," Karishma said removing earplugs from her ears. "Madam, look how beautiful the weather is, I was enjoying the romantic songs." She complained cutely. "Has madam sir visited?" she asked. "No, why will she? She is on a week's leave." Santosh replied. "But her jeep is parked outside," Karishma told her. "Get up Cheetah, its morning." Pushpa ji had called him a third time but he did not budge. All of them were busy in their own discussion when suddenly they heard cheetah's strange shouting voice and they turned towards him only to see Madam Sir, without uniform, standing in front of him with a glass of water in her hand which she had just emptied on her constable's face. "Gr...Greetings madam sir!!" cheetah fumbled looking at her angry eyes not even able to salute her properly. At once sensing, the gravity of the situation everyone else presented themselves in a line and saluted her together. "I need you all right here in exactly five minutes from now," she ordered, her voice composed yet scary enough to suck winds out of their lungs. With this, she stormed towards the control room. "You are gone cheetah." Pushpa ji warned him who gulped down seeing the way Haseena had just disappeared. "We all are gone Pushpa ji." Karishma warned them as she has recognized her senior's changed demeanor.

Five minutes later, she returned from the control room only to find them standing with their hands at their back, head bowed. She moved towards them and asked still composed, "Who was at duty, last night? Though I know I want to hear from you." All of them know her enough to understand her expressive voice, which at the moment was scaring all of them too much. "I....I was at night duty madam sir." Cheetah responded with a shaking voice. "Let me show you, how effectively my constable Cheetah Chaturvedi was doing night duty," Haseena said and played video on her mobile in which he was found sleeping. Cheetah looked at the video and bowed his head, "Sorry madam sir!" he added. "Have you worn this uniform for saying sorry? Do you have any idea, your slightest negligence can put you and all of us in serious trouble. What if someone sneaks into Police Station and plants something in there. You know too well, how sensitive information we contain and still such negligence. Haven't I warned you earlier of not sleeping on duty?" she shouted loudly at the top of her voice. He was scared and guilty, it was not in him to answer her or even look at her. "Answer me Constable Cheetah Chaturvedi??" she shouted once again. " did." He fumbled. "Madam Sir, he is ashamed of his mistake and I am sure he will not repeat it." Karishma intervened. "Shut up Karishma Singh and wait silently for me to come to you," was perhaps the rudest response she ever got from her madam sir.

"Constable Cheetah Chaturvedi, this is criminal negligence so, I suspend you for indefinite can leave the station right now. Go home and enjoy your sweet sleep." Haseena's words shocked everyone. Out of everything they had never thought she would do such a thing, just two days ago she was praising cheetah and today. They all were looking at her baffled including Cheetah who raised his eyes to see his senior and she found nothing but disappointment in the eyes, he always saw love and pride for him, it makes him all the more guilty and tears streamed down his eyes. His tears were definitely affecting Haseena, who loves cheetah as her brother but S.H.O Haseena Malik had been a pro for a long time in suppressing that Haseena to express on the face. He saluted her and left the station.

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