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Hi everyone!!! I am excited for your response on this part.......

Not proofread, ignore grammatical and typing errors

Veer and Sandhya left for their home while Anubhav, Karishma and Haseena moved towards their rooms to get ready. As soon as, she entered her room, she took out her small phone from her locker and typed a message to someone. A few minutes later, she got the response, "Will be done," satisfied she locked it once again in her locker and moved to changing room.

"Haseena? Let's go..." Karishma called standing at the gate, ready in her uniform. "Karishma, you need to go, I will be coming in a while, I need to visit market for some groceries." Haseena responded from the kitchen noting down details of groceries, as her mother was dictating her. "Fine, see you in Police Station," Karishma said and left from there on her bike.

Few minutes later, Haseena drove towards a grocery store, not the one she used to visit. Upon reaching at a not so large store, situated at the corner of the street, she get down of her jeep and instantly her eyes met with the shopkeeper's who was an old man with white hairs and white beard, wearing Salwar Kameez and waistcoat on it. "I want these groceries," she said, her voice stern and confident. He took the paper from her hands, read it carefully and then asked with shocked expressions, "Are you sure madam?" She gave him a smiling nod and said, "Need of the time." That old man went inside and returned a few minutes later with the groceries she had asked. Handing over two shopping bags to her he added, "Here you will get all the ingredients for whatever dish you want to make, madam." Haseena had handed him the money, taking the bags from him and went away with a smile on her face.

Few hours later, Anubhav was sitting in his office working on some files when, his own black small phone which he was using in mission Jeet, started ringing. He opened the notification and it was a message from his senior from IO, "Meet me without any tracking device, on foot, at Laxmi chowk cinema in an hour," As soon as, he read the message, his expressions changed from happy and light to extremely serious. He closed all the files and moved out of head-quarters.

Other side, in woman Police Station, today whole team was very happy as Haseena and Karishma had joined the team once again. Karishma was sitting on her desk, working on some files with a wide smile on her lips. That's when Iqbal- barber shop owner came and handing her an envelope, "Madam someone had left this on my shop, it says your name." With creased forehead, Karishma opened it. It had a paper and a picture, "You Anu bhayya is once again cheating on your madam sir, if you want to catch him then come to Laxmi chowk in an hour and don't bring any tracking device and your bike with you." "Ridiculous, it's impossible!!!" she thought to herself while taking out the picture to look at, and its contents had literally shocked her. Seeing her Anu bhayya hugging another girl, she got baffled and at once ran out of the Police Station in sheer anger saying, "Pushpa ji, told madam sir that I am going for something important, will be back shortly."

After one hour, in Laxmi chowk Anubhav was standing outside Cinema's gate, when a lady dressed in blue jeans and white shirt, who was observing him last ten minutes started moving towards him. Upon reaching closer to him, she took out a half badge with IO logo from her pocket for just a brief second for Anubhav to see it and then dig it back in her pocket before moving towards him with a wide smile on her face, "Hi Anu!!!" and hugged her tightly, Anubhav who had seen the badge in her pocket knew it's about IO, so he too reciprocated her hug warmly, "Hi, How are you?" While unknown to him, Karishma was observing them hiding behind a car and she fumed in anger. Not able to take his brother's deed anymore, she started moving towards them with angry eyes and heavy feet. It was then that lady had held Anubhav's hand and started dragging him away from the crowd, knowing full well that Karishma is following them.

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