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Hi everyone, Be safe and enjoy!!!

"Bhayya!!! Go outside, let me get her change." Karishma added as she saw the three of them had gained their composure a little. Anubhav nodded and left the washroom not before giving his lady love a quick peck on her head to which she smiled faintly, fully drained. Karishma had helped Haseena changing into dried clothes and then supported her out of the washroom holding her through her shoulder and arms, carefully lying her down on the bed, she saw her still panting heavily and looking pale. "Anu bhayya!! She needs medical attention...." Karishma said sitting beside her and rubbing her palms. "Yes.....I will go and call the doctor!!!" he said and was about to move towards the exit door but realized, "Wait!!! But where we are? Is there any doctor here?" He asked turning back towards them. "Oh yes, I forgot....that actually we have been abducted." She taunted looking at Haseena who smiled faintly and gestured towards a keypad beside her bed attached on the wall. Anubhav looked there and found a number of keys, for instance, medical facility, cleaning facility, kitchen facility, etc. With a creased forehead, he looked at Karishma and pressed the medical facility key. He waited for two seconds, "now what?" he asked as nothing happened. Haseena gestured to him to be patient through her palms.

Two minutes later, they heard a knock on their door, Anubhav moved to open it, "Stop!!" she added suddenly realizing something. "Why? What happened?" Karishma asked who had been sitting by her side. She gestured towards her mask placed on the table in front of her, "Mask??" she nodded and they handed it over to her though they are extremely puzzled. Karishma had put that same blue mask on Haseena's face and Anubhav had opened the gate. As soon as he opened doctor barged into the door, "What happened to mam?" she was so panicked that she did not bother who was present beside her just ran towards her and started examining her. "What had happened?" she asked. Haseena gestured to Anubhav to tell her to which he obliged. "Hmm......I was expecting this......the way she was behaving from past one week.......anyways, I am giving you an injection, there is no need to get worried, it's good that you have vented most of the things......soon you will regain your energy," the doctor said and injected a needle in her arms while Karishma asked, "What do you mean by, 'the way she was behaving from past one week'....." she asked the doctor. "Like a robot, devoid of all sorts of emotions, just yesterday I had taken a bullet from her arm without anesthesia and she did not even hissed, as if nothing happened." The doctor responded only to get a glare from her and she instantly apologized, "I am sorry!!! So sorry!! I will take your leave.....press the button if you need me again." Karishma was staring at Haseena who turned her gaze away from her, doctor was about to exit the room when Anubhav called her from behind, "wait, at least tell me, where are we?" "Only she can answer this question??" the doctor responded and left the room.

Anubhav looked at her who responded, "Relax, you are safe.....open that wardrobe and changed yourself first.....both of you......Karishma presses the kitchen facility.....they will send breakfast by then......" "But Haseena, we want answers.....no more hiding please...." Karishma added sternly. Haseena nodded and added, "I promise.....no more hiding.....but first we three need to eat something to get the much-needed energy to say and listen to the truth.....please...trust me..." "Okay!!" she responded and they both did as told by her.

Taking the food trolley from the kitchen staff, Karishma had first supported Haseena to sit upon the bed, then placed the meal on the bed. It was then Anubhav returned from the washroom after changing and the three of them settled together to share their meal after what it felt like an eternity. "Come on open the lid, Karishma," Haseena added smiling. "Dosas!!!" Karishma exclaimed in joy, Haseena chuckled at her cute innocent response, she was yearning to see. "Anu, pick up that one...." She gestured towards the pot. "Aloo paratha! Wow!!" Anubhav rubbed his hands with relishing mouth. They both were serving themselves their favorites with wide smiles, while Haseena was looking at them smiling through her tears. "Haseena ji!!" "What happened Haseena?" they both instantly tended towards her tears getting serious. Haseena first took, Karishma's hands and kissed them both; she did the same with Anubhav's hands while a tear dropped at Anubhav's hand through her eyes. Both the brother sister's eyes got wet too, He wiped her tears through his thumb and shook his head in negative. Haseena nodded, placed her both hands on their cheeks, and added, "You had been through so much, because of me.....today I will feed you both with me own hands." Tearing a morsel from Karishma's plate she forwarded it to her who opened her mouth for her, ready to feel the bliss.....as the morsel touched her taste buds, a tear dropped her eyes- tear of happiness and peace. She then took a bite from his plate and forwarded to his mouth who take in the morsel from her hands and closed his eyes, feeling a sense of peace, that moment had eradicated all his pains and longings. Next Karishma and Anubhav both fed Haseena one bite from their plate, turn by turn, giving her the same blissful feeling they had just experienced. With wet eyes, and wide smiles, in complete silence, enjoying each other's presence, the three of them had their breakfast to their heart's fill, feeding each other after almost half a month.

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