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hello everyone, I had a small accident so need your prayers......just a small part for today!!!

"Pushpa ji!!!" escaped her lips and she did not wait for her sentence to finish, stormed into the room only to find her unconscious and her body burning. "Oh, My GOD!! Pushpa ji???" she tried wakening her up but she is not responding. Haseena at once ran out of room, "Shamila!!!!!! Hurry up bring cold water and a muslin cloth in a bowl to Pushpa ji's room." She shouted and ran to her room. Calling her doctor she picked her medicines and went back still talking. "About her history??? Wait doc I'll get you in touch with her daughter-in-law." Handing over the phone to her, "tell him what he is asking about her...." Karishma took it until now everyone had come there too. She replied to his question and then hand it back to her, "yes!!! Okay!! Please hurry up..." she hung up. She sprinkled water on her getting her to consciousness a little. "Pushpa ji! Have this medicine..." Haseena and Karishma, both were teary eyes seeing her like this. She fed her and lied her down. Setting by her side on the bed she picked up one piece of cloth and started doing cold water strips on her forehead while tears were flowing whom she was wiping again and again. Karishma also settled at stool beside Pushpa ji and started putting strips on her arms and legs and she too was crying. Others were just looking at them silently. Ammi went to Haseena and placed her hand on her head, she looked up, "she will be alright!!!" Haseena nodded and wiped away her tears. Otherside Anubhav consoled her sister. The doctor arrived and injected her, "Don't worry! Nothing is serious now. She will be alright by tomorrow. I think it is because of stress." He stated and Haseena knows too well, the reason for her stress she closed her eyes mentally smacking herself for taking her anger too far with her. Mahipal took the doctor away and Ammi, "Anubhav, cheetah, Santosh! You people also go to your room and rest." They nodded and left leaving behind Haseena and Karishma only.

Karishma Singh was feeling awkward in Haseena's presence being completely silent so she gets up, "I am outside only...." And was about to leave. "Stay here only, she will be relaxed," Haseena replied without looking at her hearing, she smiled a little and then settled back. The whole night both of them were by her side checking temperature and bringing it to normal doing cold water strips and all they could do. They were working in complete coordination but without talking to each other, though Karishma wanted it so badly she know better than to do this.

The next morning, Pushpa ji opened her eyes and felt someone's hands on her forehead and legs. A beautiful smiled appeared on her lips seeing both of them by her side sleeping uncomfortably indicating they had been here the whole night. The movement caused both of them to wake up. "Amma!!! How are you now?" Karishma at once hugged her and she patted her smilingly, "I am good now." "Let me see......" she replied and checked her temperature with a thermometer. "Thank God, it's normal." Haseena sighed relieved which was noticed by two others in the room. "Thank God you are now alright. I'll go and sent your breakfast here only." She replied and was about to go but Pushpa ji held her hand and tears streamed down her eyes. "I think I will go and sent breakfast..." karishma said seeing them and left the room. Pushpa ji was teary eyes and had held Haseena's hand while her back was facing her. Haseena knew what was coming and her own eyes get wet. "You should rest Pushpa ji! You are still not well." She tried to avoid the topic. "With your anger, I would never be able to....." she replied. "I am not angry......" she replied. "Ya ....not angry but hurt....." she said and this time she received silence. "Look at me!!" Pushpa ji said and she refused by shaking her head like a kid but she forcefully turned her face towards herself and it was full of tears. "Hurt....but still you love me...." she wiped her tears by her own hands. They had an eye lock and Pushpa ji opened her arms for her in which she snuggled instantly with silent tears flowing from them while Pushpa ji gets much-needed solace, outside Karishma was smiling seeing their reunion. "This is wrong you can't blackmail me by falling ill........ I....." she is saying and sobbing in between, " .....Still hurt........" Haseena put her head in Pushpa ji's lap and said sobbing, " said.....i am your can understand everything seeing my eyes then .......then why you were not there when I needed you the know how lonely I got........." Haseena said and started crying more snuggling more into her complaining perhaps baselessly to her as a child would to his mother. Pushpa ji was smiling and crying both at the same time listening to her cute complaints and patting her head. Karishma Singh witnessed everything and returned to her room wiping her tears when Anubhav saw her he followed her, "Madam what happened? Why are you crying?" Santoash asked. "Santu! When I had a chance to console her I never tried to do it and now when I want to I had lost that right," she said and put her head in her palms feeling guilty. "Behna! Don't blame yourself....she is Haseena Malik she will surely understand our situation." Anubhav tried to console her. At that time Haseena was passing by their room and she stopped to listen to their conversation unaware of them. Karishma shouted back loudly at her brother, "But I don't want her to understand our situation. I wish for once she does not understand our point of view. But once again she understood, she understood why and what we do, you and always...." She said and fell back dejectedly. "What do you want to say exactly?" He asked unable to understand her meaning. "You claim to love her but in reality, you had not even tried to understand her, what I am saying to you......I myself had never tried. We had always expected her to understand us but in return, we had never even tried to understand her point of view, thoughts behind her decisions. Whenever she tried I had shouted at her vented my anger, frustration, and everything on her like she is a punching bag. I wish I had allowed her to vent her own feelings, frustrations, anger, hurt on me too perhaps she would not be feeling this much alone and empty as she is right now." Karishma Singh said and broke down in her brother's arms, "You are right we had taken her for granted........" and they both were crying while Haseena who had listened to them had not allowed her feelings to reflect her eyes or expressions.

Like a robot, she walked away which was observed by Santosh who was shaken up to her core. Shocked she fell on the sofa and her face become pale. Just then cheetah entered and when he saw Santosh's shivering body he at once tended to her, "Santu ji? What happened to you? Why you are shivering like this?" his voice get other's attention too and they too asked her worried. Karishma poured her a glass of water which she gulped down. "Take deep breathes!!!!" Anubhav tried to make her relaxed. She looked at all of them and said, "We are fighting a lost battle.......she had gone too far.....madam sir she had gone....." she mumbled. "Santu! What nonsense are you talking about and why? Come on say it clearly..." Karishma asked angrily. "Just now, madam sir was right outside this room not only hearing your words but seeing both of your breakdowns too......" A stunned Karishma and Anubhav looked outside and then at each other. "No, I mean I am not understanding.....what does that mean....." Cheetah asked. "Cheetah THERE WAS NOT A SINGLE EXPRESSION OF ANY KIND ON HASEENA MADAM'S FACE.........even after seeing a tough fire-brand Karishma madam and a hard, strong tough trained agent Anubhav Singh breaking down in tears that too in remorse........she walked away know what exactly it means........." Santosh said. "no, no.......I can't let this happen.........." Karishma freaked out while cheetah was stunned and Santosh was unable to comprehend that fact. Anubhav was himself in tears but trying hard to control her sister whom he loves a lot. 

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