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Your immense love had compelled me to give you a bonus part........keep showering your love to my writings.......

"Uncle!!!" escaped her lips as he saw him numb and she broke down in tears falling right there on the floor. "What you did Haseena???" Ammi was angry and disappointed in her. She just left from there to her room. Mansi went to her with tears in her eyes, "api!!" he said putting her hands on her shoulders but Haseena had neither saw towards her nor responded to her. Karishma was the first one to come out of shock, "Santu! Pick her up and get her in." She nodded and together they both supported a broken Haseena from both sides into the Haveli and on Sofa nearby. Haseena's tears today had no bounds, she owes her life to him then how could she say this to him. She was thinking about him, only if she had any other options to stop him from committing any crime. "Haseena! Why you had misbehaved with him? You could have handled him in some other way?" Pushpa ji asked and Santosh and cheetah nodded agreeing with him. "No, there is no other way to stop him right now. If I had not done that he must have beaten all of the guards and that idiot villager to death. Without even considering the fact that now I am a Police officer and no matter who he is to me I would have compelled to arrest him. I so hated myself right now." Haseena shouted at all of them. "Haseena ji! Please get a hold of yourself everything will be alright." Anubhav tried to console him by putting his hand on her shoulder. "Bhayya is right madam sir, he will understand why you had done this? It is not that big a crime....such arguments are normal between children and parents." Karishma tried too. "Please!! All of you leave me alone.....even if I try, I would not be able to make you understand." She told everyone irritated as none of them know their past. 

They had no other option but to leave from there unable to understand why Mahipal gets so much angry when it's just a mild cut? Why a minute argument is such a big issue for all of them? "Mansi do you know the reason behind your dad's and your sister's highly intense reactions over such a petty issue?" Anubhav asked her and she just refused to have any information. "Ammi! Yes, she must have known about it." Karishma said and they reached to her to find answers to their questions. "I don't think I am the right person to tell you the story only two of them had the right to share this one. If you wanted to do something then pray for the safe escape of this long and dreadful night for both of them" replied her ammi

It was 12 at midnight and Haseena was outside his Uncle's room with his favorite Gulab Jaman of Haseena's hands. He took a deep breath and opened the lock with the only duplicate key of his room and only she owned it. She stepped in and seeing him numb sitting on his sofa chair for what it seems like an eternity. With slow steps, she went near him and placed the bowl at the table. She saw him in so much shock, unaware of his surroundings and everything in her broke at that very instant. With shivering hands, she bends down to touch his feet but she was taken off that right. He drew his feet away from her reach and stood up with a jerk, not looking at her he folded her hands, "Pardon me, Ms. Malik! I don't want to see any strangers at this hour." Tears streamed down her eyes once again, her legs gave up and she fell in his feet crying terribly holding them, "I am sorry!!! Please don't push me away. You are not just my father but far more......Please!!!! Uncle!!!" she pleaded him looking at his feet but Mahipal's ears were ringing with only one thing 'no you are not father to me' he freed her feet and left the room and a completely devastated and broken Haseena there only.

That night was perhaps the most painful night she had spent in Haveli. Sitting in her room inside closed doors with her legs cuddled to her chest she had just cried the whole night until her tears dried. She felt an orphan second time in her life and this time the pain is far worse than before. Her mind was numb unable to comprehend how to make him believe that she never means that. Another side, Mahipal's state was no less. He was feeling as if he had been caging a free bird in his castle for so long assuming it for its own happiness and now he suddenly came across the reality that it was all his false belief that the free bird never wanted him and his castle for its safety. Others spent the whole night turning and tossing on bed extremely frightened of upcoming events.

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