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Hi everyone, first of all, thank you all for your immense love for this story and my writing style as we have reached 50 chapters, I had never thought that I was going to take it so far but it's all because of your lovely comments. Keep on showering your love through your comments. Enjoy!!! 

Suddenly breaking news started flashing with a piece of alarming music getting everyone's attention."Anu, increase the volume...." Sandhya told him

"Right now we are getting a piece of saddening news from Mumbai Airport that flight no XY2134 which was a direct flight from Mumbai to Lukhnow has been crashed. According to reports, there is no report of anyone being alive." A reporter was repeating this news again and again.

"A...Anu....Anu Bhayya....." Karishma could not ask more than that. "She had sent me her flight details yesterday, let me check," Anubhav said standing up while looking into his mobile. "Let me call Haseena??" Karishma dialed her number with a pale face, her hands on her mouth as she was pacing here and there extremely restless. With shivering hands, Anubhav opened her message inbox only to see flight no XY2134. Mobile dropped from his hand and he fell back down, "It's the same flight...." He mumbled as tears dropped from his eyes. Karishma was numb, as the phone on her ear saying, "powered off" dropped from her hands too and she fell down on the floor right there. Tears started streaming down from Sandhya's eyes too while Veer was shockingly looking at them and the news.

The first time when he collided with her in the market and lost his favorite Gol-Gappa he was mesmerized by the beauty in uniform followed by a series of fun-filled loving moments he had spent with her, then his breaking her heart and regardless of which she had never disrespected him; how his efforts were giving him the fruit of her precious friendship, her blissful smiles, and touches of laughter were flashing in front of him. As he realized, he had perhaps lost her forever before even starting his life with her, his life which perhaps would be meaningless without her. His shock changed into grief and his tears changed into loud horrific cries, "Haseenaaaa!!!!" he shouted her name loudly.

The first-day Haseena entered the woman Police station, then their ideological differences, their union at every step to solve the case, their love for each other, their friendship, Haseena's anger on her, her wooing her, Haseena's laughter, their ice cream dates; all these moments were flashed in her head one after another and the news that no survivors are possible had created a chaos in her mind, her heart refused to accept the truth, her brain failed to take the burden. Karishma Singh failed to even imagine her best friend, her soul sister is no more, "HASEEENAAAAAAA!!!!!" she shouted at the top of her lungs, her head spun, vision blurred and she went unconscious unable to bear the shock.

"Karishma!!" all three shouted together seeing her falling unconscious. "Behna!! Wake up!! Behna Please!!!" Anubhav was shaking her vigorously. "Behna!! Please, I can't lose you....." Anubhav was crying and pleading to her to open her eyes. "Karishma!!! My dear child.....wake up!!! Karishma!!" Sandhya was also shouting and shaking her devastated. "Anu!! Anubhav!!!" Veer had shaken him up to bring him to senses, "Take her to room, I am calling doctor....hurry up!!!" Anubhav nodded and at once engulfed his sister in his arms while Veer went away to call the doctor.

Fifteen minutes later, Doctor was examining and unconscious Karishma, checking her blood pressure, he gave her an injection, "She has got a major shock, something which she was unable to accept.....don't worry she will be back in senses in a few hours." The doctor told them to hear him they sighed in relief. "Maa!! You should tell Shorya and her mother-in-law about it until then I am going to the airport.....maybe....I could get a piece of good news.....Please pray for her safety Maa.....Please tell god that he can't be so cruel to take my Haseena from me.....I won't be able to live without her..." he said with tears streaming down from his eyes which went on Karishma and he corrected himself, "Your both children won't be able to live without her.....she is our lifeline...." He finished looking into Sandhya's wet eyes. "Enough Anu!! You are a strong man.....it is not right for you to break like this and that too for a woman......" Veer tried to pacify him putting his hand on his shoulder. Anubhav jerked his hand away, "She is not a woman Dad.....you know nothing.....she is everything to me....do you understand that.....everything...." he roared loudly at Veer much to his shock.

"Anubhav???" there came a familiar voice which brought a pleasant surprise on everyone's face. "Haseena!!!" he mumbled unable to believe his ears and he at once ran to the source of the voice. He reached to lounge, there she was standing in front of him, he was afraid to touch her. Tears were flowing from his eyes and he was taking cautious baby steps towards her forwarding her shivering hand towards her, "please....don't disappear......a...are...you here or.....it is yet another illusion of mine....." Anubhav reached to her and tried to touch her but her hand refused to move forward, "No...what if you went away....No, no..." he was talking to himself out loudly unknown to him. Tears streamed down from Haseena's eyes seeing his strong man's condition, unable to see him this much broken and frightened of losing her, she had at once went to him and hugged him. Anubhav was shocked and trying hard to process that all this was not a dream, reality sank in and he tightened his grip around her and started crying bitterly with hiccups, "I...... I.....thank god....you are safe.....I thought....i....lost you....you are safe....Haseena is safe....." Unable to breathe in his tight hold, Haseena was trying to calm him down by patting his backing continuously while her own tears had blurred her vision. Sandhya was thanking god multiple times for saving his children's lifeline while Veer had never ever in his whole life seen Anubhav and Karishma so much attached to anyone besides him. He was very much intrigued to know about this person who if not more than even not less significant than him in his son and daughter's life.

"Anubhav....I can't breathe....please....." Haseena finally told him and he at once left her, "sorry, where were you? Are you alright? Have you got any injuries? How come you reached here?" Anubhav bombarded numerous questions on her while checking frantically her arms, legs, and head. "Anubhav!! Anubhav!!! Relax!!" Haseena shouted a bit loudly to get him to process her words which did its work and he mellowed down, "I can't even tell you how much scared I was.....you know Haseena I can't imagine losing you...." he said and once again tears streamed down from his eyes. "Hey!!! Shh!! It's okay...look I am absolutely fine..." She wiped his tears and added, "I haven't boarded that flight in the first place, I get free earlier than time and when I reached the airport I had asked them for an earlier flight which luckily I got but it was too early that I could not even get time to inform you or anyone. And when I landed at Lukhnow Airport, I heard the news, I first informed Ammi about my safety and was about to inform you next but my phone battery ended so I thought that it would be better if I gave you a visit myself....I am sorry Anubhav because of me you had to go through a lot." Haseena informed him and apologized to him. Anubhav shook his head and added, "No, It wasn't your fault......" "Karishma? Where is she?" Haseena asked fearing for his answer.

"She could not bear the shock of your death and fell unconscious...." They heard Sandhya's voice which alerted them of their presence. Haseena moved towards Sandhya, "Good evening Aunty ji!!" She added and bowed to touch her feet, "have a long life," Sandhya kissed her forehead lovingly. She looked at the man standing beside her and bend to touch his feet too, "Good evening Uncle!! I am Haseena Malik S.H.O of the woman Police station, Lukhnow, and a very good friend of your son and daughter." Veer just nodded with a smile, "Always be happy beta!" he forced the words out of his mouth looking at Anubhav. 

"I am sorry Dad, I shouted at you....I wasn't in my senses..." Anubhav moved towards Veer and apologized to him. "It's okay buddy! I can see she has a strong effect on you both that you started losing your senses...." He said hugging his son while his statement pinched Haseena slightly but she shook it off. "Aunty Karishma??" Haseena asked her. "She is in her room, go and sit beside her....." Sandhya added and Haseena went away nodding. 

Waiting for your votes and comments!!! 

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