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hello readers!! I hope you all are enjoying this story? Here goes part 15 for all of you........

Next day was the day of result announcement. I.G of Police department with DSP of Lukhnow (Anubhav Singh) and all SHO's including important staffs of all Police stations of Lukhnow were gathered in an auditorium to announce winners. Karishma Singh and Santosh Sharma was there from Woman Police station Janpat Lukhnow in place of Haseena as she is still admitted in hospital. I.G. went on dice and proudly announce winner from one of the four main Police stations of the city. Along with that he also announced a closure for Woman Police Station Janpat because of it being least on performance graph i.e. highest number of F.I.Rs and I.G. announced it as a burden on budget of Police department. Karishma, Santosh and even Anubhav Singh was too depressed and worried about it. Anubhav even tried to put their point of view but I.G was determined on his decision. He was about to leave stage amidst loud applauses. At that time Haseena walked in the auditorium from the front and shouted, "Wait Sir!!" with that she walked to the stage with shocked and surprised faces of her team mates, colleagues and seniors who were assuming it as end of her career to speak against I.G decision but nothing had stopped Haseena, with her eyes on her goal and eyes spitting fire she stepped on stage and started on mike, "With due respect sir! I want you to see this before and then you have to answer a few questions by the way if you don't know me. I am Haseena Malik-S.H.O of the very woman Police station you just called a burden on department and now ladies and gentlemen please put your hands together for this amazing performance of our so called main stream police stations who did excellent job to keep their crime graph low." With that she switched on the recording, gasped everyone when they clearly witnessed how they had stopped taking all complaints to show their crime graph low. She then showed cases list since the date of announcement of competition of woman police station Janpat and Main stream Police stations. Clearly stating that no case has been filed after the date in their police stations in contrast to woman police station. Video ended and every honest officer was feeling proud of her and they were praising for her bravery. Taking it as a perfect opportunity Anubhav seconded it, "It is right sir, Ms Malik had told this about it to me earlier also but we did not have any evidence about it." he told this to I.G sir who was angry on other police stations for doing this.

"My purpose for showing this video is to enlighten our respected officials of department who had made such stupid rules of the competition. With due respect sir, crime will be part of the society till its end. It can be controlled but not eliminated so there is no question of no complaints in Police stations. You are awarding them for not serving the people of country, for not serving this nation for which we all took oath??? You had just rewarded our Woman Police stations for doing its job honestly. Really commendable Sir. Yesterday only I had ended Qayamt with my own hands but I ask you Sir. If Police would not do its lawful job of solving people's problems and controlling criminal activities then why there should be no Qayamt? Why people should not take law in their own hands???" she asked everyone slapping many commanding authorities right there. "Ms Malik I thank you for enlightening us with this. We did not know this has been going on in our department. Right now I order Woman Police station to be permanent. I will increase their budgets and increments. And in addition I would like to cancel earlier winner announcement. I suspend all these S.H.O's who had done such criminal activities with immediate effect. Last but not least I would like to announce rightful winner of this competition and it's name is "Woman Police station Janpat Lukhnow" Everyone clapped for her and most happy souls were Karishma, Santosh and Anubhav Singh. Trophy had been given to Haseena Malik and I.G. himself thanked her. Karishma Singh was crying with tears of guilt and proud both while Anubhav Singh was feeling head over heels in love with her. This time Haseena had neither glanced at them nor had taken Karishma's name in her winning speech. She just thanked God and expressed her love for her nation and left stage. Karishma ran behind her to talk to her but she just vanished somewhere.

Karishma Singh and Anubhav Singh was sitting in car trying to process what just happened. "Anu Bhayya! Madam Sir had clean bold all the respected officials of the department as well as many of her competitors. They had never ever imagined something like this could happen to them and even I.G sir he seems quite impressed with her." "You are right sister her victory is not less than snatching morsel from a lion's teeth." Anubhav replied. "Indeed she is a lioness, she can do it.....but when she did all this, none of us knew anything about it........" She wondered. "Perhaps we all had lost her trust............." escaped Anubhav's lips. Realizing they both looked at each other, "her empty eyes.........broken trust. What if .......? No, no......Bhayya come on drive fast we need to reach to her....." Karishma at once shouted. "No, please Behna, don't think like this.....i had just realized my love for her ......she can't do this to me...." Anubhav said as his eyes get wet. Karishma put her hand on his shoulder, "We need to talk to her." Anubhav nodded and drove towards hospital. In the way she thought, "She had saved me and cleared my name from Qayamt's fiasco that means she gets to know everything about it......" she thought and the reality sunk in, mere thought of how much hurt she would be for this made her shiver. Her face become pale and she started praying for one chance to seek her forgiveness. Other side Anubhav Singh, all the flashes of his moments with her were running in his mind, when he first listened to her idea of solving Anarkali case sneakily over her fitness band he instantly got impressed from her but he ignored his feeling. He did not stop there, when he heard her thought over English- Hindi battle, he started getting in love with her personality then only but every time he stopped himself from confessing his feelings to even himself. After drugs case, he told her how much proud he is on her as DSP but assured himself that it's only because of his mission. He continued playing her emotions under the cover of mission and duty until she finally find out the truth. He wanted to feel free of the burden of this fake love but instead he started feeling guilty seeing her teary eyes hiding numerous emotions behind them. How much broken she was. Even after all this she had been by his side against her Uncle but then again he had find it better to just say that I am proud of you at the end. He again proved wrong in accusing her beloved Uncle, he hurted her to an extreme extent by returning her gift but still she never accuse him in return. Anubhav's eyes was full of tears, pain of guilt when he applied breaks at the hospital parking.

Both brother sister Duo was running towards her room to see her, to meet her, to talk to her, to apologize to her hoping that perhaps they still have time to rectify their mistakes. All their hopes crashed down when they saw empty room. "Madam Sir!!" Karishma called her loudly. "Haseena ji!! Anubhav called her too with fading hope. "She has been discharged in morning only." A nurse told them. They both looked at each other with endless tears and then ran towards car frantically still holding a thin ray of hope they drove towards her house. Other side, in Police station trophy had reached and Cheetah and Santosh were busy doing their photo-shoot with it but Pushpa ji was feeling extremely restless. In front of her, every channel was playing video of her remarkable speech but Pushpa ji could see through her half, week smile and empty eyes saying a lot. She had seen her eyes and mother in her could tell her that something inside her had been changed. She was trying her number again and again but to no avail it is unreachable increasing her restlessness. "Pushpa ji! What happened? Why are you sweating?" Santosh asked. "Santu, something bad had happened." "What? Why you are saying so?" Cheetah asked. "You won't understand. Look at her eyes, pain behind her smile....I don't know what but something very bad is going to happen." Pushpa ji replied sitting down holding her head causing Santosh and Cheetah to ponder over it too. Other side, Anubhav and Karishma reached her house and their last string of hope broke down terribly when they saw her house locked. They were sitting in car numb for infinite time knowing they had lost everything. Santosh received a parcel on the name of Karishma Singh and Anubhav Singh. She called them and informed them. "We are coming...." Karishma replied and told Anubhav they need to go to Police station.

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