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Hi everyone, I am back with a heavy part.......

As they stepped in the godown, much to their horror there was no one, neither Haseena nor Akram. The shock was getting intensified, fear was instilling, and helplessness was soaking their energy as they were frantically searching her in a seemingly small godown, calling her name again and again. Karishma had gone till the end of the street but she could not find her. There was no trail of her. "Santosh!!! Where are her trackers, her camera's and mikes....what are they saying??" Karishma shouted desperate to get something even a small piece of straw would be enough for her to reach to her Haseena. Anubhav looked up at her holding the last string of hope but Santosh's words were enough to jolt both of them, "Madam!!! Before the blackout, she was here only and now suddenly we had lost connection with everything, trackers, cameras, mikes, everything." His legs left his side and he thudded on his knees on the hard brick floor. She was sweating terribly and her hands were shivering, "No, I can't lose" she thought when her eyes went to Akram's men and she shouted at the top of her voice flushing in anger, "Where is Akram? Where had he taken my Haseena?? Spit it out...." She said before jumping on them and started beating them black and blue. He has had it enough, until now he was silent because of the girls but now nothing can stop him from knocking all of them out until they tell him that, "Where is Haseena???" He roared and both the brother-sister duo was beating them badly.

On another side, within a few seconds, Haseena had found herself underground, slipped through steel mesh but still tied to it only while Akram was standing very close to her in a dark filthy seaming smelly room with just a thin torch beam. Akram moved back laughing evilly seeing shock, fright, and panic on her face. "now I will enjoy you to my full, this room is underground especially constructed that it has no trails on the ground floor, it is soundproof and no smart technology worked inside it......Haseena Malik you will be mine because Akram can take any girl he wants......HAHAHAHAH" Hearing his scary laughter Haseena's face gets pale. She had started getting short of breath. Akram could very well see his target breaking apart. Hitting the last button in his pack, he had played the tune!!!!! It triggered all sorts of horrific memories in Haseena's brain worsening her state, she had been frantically struggling with her restraints trying hard to hold her breaths but suddenly everything gets silent, her mind was getting numb, she had almost lost this battle. "S.H.O Haseena Malik!!! Find your strength....." His words from her training encountered her suddenly and with one deep breath she returned.

As she saw him laughing evilly, moving towards her closer and closer, her body wasn't listening to her mind, it was shivering and suffocating as if it got the brain of its own. As much as, she was trying hard to focus on her strengths but nothing seems to work. She was getting failed in gathering sufficient strength to fight back as she saw Akram standing disgustingly closer to her while his hands were just an inch away from her, "I am Haseena Malik, daughter of Shehzad Malik and I can never lose" her father's words rang in her ears. She closed her eyes and was visualizing herself sitting in his lap soaking confidence, energy, and strength from him- her first and only hero. She applied all her strengths to weaken her ropes. Still, with closed eyes, her mind crossed with frightened and bruised faces of girls and she was feeling anger flowing through her veins instead of blood. She opened her red eyes with a jerk and Akram could see sudden energy bestowed in her. He jolted back, seeing her so near to break her ropes and her ten times angry, energized and horrific figure, his legs started shaking. "AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!" She roared loudly with gritted teeth and like a lioness, she broke open her ropes. Akram at once ran back forgetting the small space with no exit, he collided with the wall behind him. Now it was his turn to feel the taste of real fright as he was finding a lion, jumping on him with his roaring mouth ready to tear him apart, in Haseena's jump towards him following her one swift summersault. She had used the steel mesh as the support to lift her body as she climbed it walking on it with two steps followed by a black flip at 360 degrees she straightened her legs towards Akram up in the air only which had hit right on his chest, his ribs broke apart and blood spitted out of his mouth. "Woman is not a piece of cloth to be claimed by you filthy worms." She had lifted him up by fisting his hair and punched him right in his belly, "AAAHHHH!!!!" Haseena had dragged him behind her through his hair to the platform roaring, "You think a woman as your property, now I will teach you what a woman can do..." With that Haseena had hit the button taking him up with her.

Anubhav and Karishma until then, were completely broken unable to get any clues about her, losing all hopes to get Haseena safely this is when they saw the floor opened and Akram coming out of it, beaten badly followed by Haseena who was standing on the platform with a whole new energy which was more than anger, hands at her hip bone. "Madam Sir!!!" escaped Karishma's lips while Anubhav takes a deep breath seeing her safe and sound. "Karishma Singh calls all the girls we had just rescued right now!!!!!!" Her roar had the power to shake the land beneath them. With wide-open eyes, she nodded and ordered a cheetah to bring back those girls.

Girls were brought back as per Haseena's orders. When they were entering the godown, she had punched Akram so hard causing him to fall right in all those girl's feet. "Look at him!!! Was he even worthy of your fright or your begging....No!!!" She roared once again, leaping towards Akram, she had held him through his back collar and dragged him behind her who was wriggling and squirming in pain, pleading with Haseena frantically for being released. With a sudden jerk, Haseena had thrown him on dozens of box which all contain empty glass bottles causing him to land directly on broken pieces and he shrieked loudly in pain. "Paining is it!!!" She mocked him before spitting at him. She flashed her angry eyes and took heavy strides towards him roaring, "A woman bears ten times more pain than this when she gives birth to disgusting rascals like you." She added once again loudly fisted his hairs and dragged her slowly and steadily waiting for each broken glass piece to be pierced in his body, allowing his painful cries to give some solace to those frightened souls. While apart from them two more souls were present there who saw her with shocked expressions. Karishma had beaten a number of goons with her too, she had seen her fighting and Anubhav had even experienced her few punches. They both thought they know her but that day at that very moment they were seeing an embodiment of something strange, different yet horrifically angry and divine sort of energy.

Haseena was dragging her while saying, "Woman is the once who nurtures you from her blood and soul....." she had thrown him once again on another side of glass boxes and shouted angrily spitting fire, "And you dared to take the very woman as your private property." She leaped on him and started beating him with her fists while Akram was moaning, squirming, and begging in pain. She kept on energizing those girls by her words, "Do you know why he was able to control you, to frighten you because you had allowed him to.....because men like him had instilled in your mind that you are weak and you need protection......" With one hard kick, she had thrown him in front of girls and shouted, "Woman is more powerful than a pen and sharper than a sword and this is the exact time you all should get this in your head once and for all.....that you will never allow a man to overtake yourself in any physical or mental way.....It is high time that you all must set an example for yourself and for the whole world that woman is not weak and she certainly has no need to be protected by a man......she was, she is and she will be powerful and capable enough to fight her own battles......Now overcome your fear and tell him who you are.....tell him that what a big crime he had committed by putting his filthy eye on you.....come on..." Haseena's words were instilling new energy in all those girls and they were moving towards Akram who was utterly and completely shivering in fear, dragging himself backward trying to escape from the inevitable. Leaving him crying and begging, at the mercy of newly revived woman power, she walked away with a bright outlook, feeling energized and victorious, after winning over her own fears and traumas. She glanced at the shocked faces of her two best friends and flashed a smile to them who at once ran towards her as the trio had taken each other in a bone-crushing hug.

Hope you all like it.......

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