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Hi everyone, hope you are doing well.....enjoy the update below...

Later on in the evening, everyone was sitting at the dinner table with multiple dishes including masala rice, shahi paneer, Pasta and Palak paneer, presented before them. Veer was sitting on the head chair of the dining table, on his left was his wife Sandhya while on his right was Pushpa ji. Besides Sandhya, Haseena was seated followed by Shorya while beside Pushpa ji, Anubhav was seated opposite Haseena, and Karishma was seated beside him and opposite Shorya. Food was served to everyone by house staff and young couples were stealing glances at each other. 

Shorya had held Karishma's right feet through both feet and was teasing her by rubbing his toes on the lower side of her feet while she was glaring at him who gave her a mischievous grin as his toes started approaching his wife's right feet caressing her lower calf muscles followed by thighs under her one-piece gown, giving her wife Goosebumps who was turning crimson red and was biting her lips pleading her to stop his sweet tortures who had shaken his head sideways negatively

While Anubhav moved his feet under the table in search of Haseena's giving her romantic glances but to his bad luck instead of colliding with Haseena's his feet touched Sandhya's who at once snapped him, "Anu! What are you doing can't you control your feet?" Hearing her Anubhav at once took them back while Karishma coughed badly and Shorya had at once stopped his sweet feet torture while Haseena had looked at three of them and realizing she gave Anubhav a pity look who bowed his head while Haseena smiled, "Karishma you are looking gorgeous as the pink color of your dress is reflecting on your cheeks....." she said and winked at her and she looked away embarrassed not before giving Shorya a death glare who gulped down getting scared while Haseena laughed seeing them.

"Haseena beta! Share something about yourself, who are in your family? What is your background?" Veer asked her taking her attention. Haseena smiled and added with a nod, "My Abu was a constable and Delhi is my birth palace. I was 12 when my father died in a Police encounter. After that, we moved to my maternal village there my Ammi's foster brother and owner of the village had adopted me legally as my guardian at the age of 15. I was inspired by my father to join forces so I worked hard and joined the Police force about eight years ago. Recently, I am working as S.H.O of Woman Police Station Lukhnow and Karishma Singh is my S.I. I am living here in Lukhnow with my mother." Veer nodded and replied, "So you are that famous senior of my Karishma about she used to complain of having ideological differences." Haseena chuckled at him and added, "Absolutely uncle, I am that only...." "What does your mother do?" he asked. "She was a housewife uncle!" she replied taking another bite. "So, how does she had completed your brought up?" he asked. Hearing his statement, Haseena gets a bit stiffened as she does not like her Ammi being questioned by him. Anubhav was about to say something but she added before him, "I used to work as a gardener earlier in the village only, and later on my scholarship was enough to cover both of ours expenses." She told him. "And your Ammi's foster brother and your guardian???" he asked. 

Karishma and Anubhav both knew that Haseena is getting offended by his questions. Anubhav was losing his cool and before he burst Karishma stopped him by putting her hand on his and added, "you won't believe it Dad, Haseena is not less than a royal princess there in the village. They call her Choti Sarkar- a title which could only belong to the next heir of the village. Dozens of guards used to guard her day and night and you know what is most interesting, that she is the royalty whom no villagers especially male villagers were allowed to look at. They used to be bowed in front of her ready to do anything on her one command. What's say Anu Bhayya, we have been to her village recently and we ourselves were awestruck seeing such a luxurious and royal life she holds." Karishma was telling this to her dad but her and Anubhav's eyes were glued to Haseena who was intentionally looking at the plate down there as she hated being judged by the massive property and luxuries she was compelled to owe. Karishma looked at her added as if telling her, "But you know what all those luxuries and properties were nothing in front of pious soul and the enchanting aura she carries with herself." "Absolutely, Haseena's honesty and loving nature had no comparison with any material wealth of this world," Anubhav added as both the brother-sister duo were looking at her with wet eyes filled with love and gratitude in them when Haseena raised her eye lashes and looked at theirs with an emotional yet smiling nod. Veer was literally left speechless seeing immense love for Haseena in eyes of all those present there, which irked him to some extent but he controlled himself.

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